Jobs list
NEWJob number: JN -072024-2374 Posted: 2025-03-28
今までにない”創り上げるコンサルティング”がここに。5 - 16 million yen Tokyo Consulting Strategy Consultant
- Company overview
- We are a business consulting firm wholly owned by a major Japanese manufacturing company and are the core company of the group\'s worldwide operations. Our primary services include strategy development, management support, and business process improvement, and we support a wide variety of industries including social infrastructure, public sector, manufacturing, distribution, services, IT, finance, and smart cities. We are expanding in Japan and the rest of Asia, and is also active in the US and European markets through local subsidiaries. While belonging to a group, we emphasize independence and neutrality, providing comprehensive solutions that leverage the knowledge and technology of the group. Our personnel come from diverse backgrounds and are mainly experienced consultants from foreign consulting firms, major SIers, vendors, and manufacturers, and this culture is one of the company\'s strengths.
- Responsibilities
・Fail Fast, Learn Quickがモットー。心理的安全性を持ち何にでも主体的にチャレンジ可能です
Yuhi Samejima
Consulting -
NEWJob number: JN -032025-185730 Posted: 2025-03-28
【Full Remote is Optional】Scrum Master/スクラム・マスターfor Enterprise SaaS Product
Utilize your English in the international environment!7 - 10 million yen Tokyo Information Technology Programmer / Software Engineer
- Company overview
- Our client is a leading provider of HR solutions.
- Responsibilities
- \We welcome you as a Scrum Master/If you are interested in……・Working with a diverse development team that is bilingual in Japanese and English・Projects with large/well-known companies in Japan・An environment that allows for remote work... then this position is worth considering!
Kento Hartman
IT Online -
NEWJob number: JN -012025-183192 Posted: 2025-03-28
分析機器のプリセールス経験が活かせます。9.6 - 12.6 million yen Tokyo Industrial Sales Engineer
- Company overview
- We are one of the world\'s largest manufacturers, providing development for life science research equipment, laboratory analytical instruments, in vitro diagnostic pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and reagents. We have a product development base in Japan, where highly specialized professionals conduct product development, sales, and support.
Our primary markets include "Food," "Pharmaceuticals," "Environment and Forensics," "Diagnostics," "Chemical and Energy," and "Research." We support the discovery of new clinical trials and the achievement of goals in various fields.
We value diversity and emphasize teamwork while maintaining a strong sense of professional responsibility. By collaborating with our global product development centers, we provide the latest technologies to customers both domestically and internationally. - Responsibilities
- 【世界最高水準の製品力で、顧客の課題解決に挑む醍醐味】同社は、ライフサイエンス研究、分析、診断、医療機器、試薬など幅広い分野において、世界トップクラスの製品とサービスを提供するグローバルリーダーです。この度、日本における更なる事業拡大に向けて、HPLC製品他のプリセールスを担当する熱意ある方を募集します。営業チームと連携し、お客様のニーズに最適なソリューションを提案、技術的な側面から販売活動を支援します。多様性とチームワークを重視し、社員一人ひとりがプロフェッショナルとしての責任感をもって業務に取り組める環境を提供する同社は、社員クチコミサイトで上位1%に該当する評価を獲得しています。働きがいあるグローバルな環境を次の活躍の場に選びませんか?
Mai Inoue
Electronics -
NEWJob number: JN -032025-185999 Posted: 2025-03-28
【Life Science×Marketing×Strategy】Operation Lead
医療業界でのマネジメント経験をお持ちの方必見です11 - 17 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- 総合診断事業の中核として発展しています。
- Responsibilities
- This “Product-marketing-related role” is open ONLY for bilingual professionals who work Life Science company with managerial experience.Why don’t you dive into a global company and utilize your expertise to enhance the business?
Followings are what you will be accountable for:・ミクロの個別アカウントレベル(エンドユーザーレベル)とマクロレベル(市場動向、シェアなど)のビジネスの実績と予測に関する深い分析・事業戦略と実行モデルの改善機会の特定。PDCA、HPS(Healthineers Performance System)、SWOT。・データを分析するだけでなく、LSリーダーシップチームと解決策を議論し、ビジネス上の意思決定に参加し、チームをリードする。・MTA、MBR、製品転換、販売予測などのプランニング。・製品コンバージョン、CRMエクセレンス、S&OP、Hoshin Kanri、セールスインセンティブ、セールスプログラムなど、卓越した業務の改善に貢献する。・マーケティングチームと密接に協力し、マーケットマップ、セグメンテーション、ポジショニングなどの主要なマーケティングフレームワークを開発する。・分析に基づいたビジネスプランを実行し、目標を達成する。・営業組織と連携して商業KPIを推進し、深いアカウントレベルの分析に基づいて目標を達成する。・DX/LS全体のイニシアチブとDX/LS戦略プロジェクトをリードし、成功に導く。・部門横断的(DX、Japan Healthineers、LS HQ、Global Biz excellence team等)と緊密に連携し、協働する。・目標の達成と対策の実行を確実にし、LSを最も魅力的で無駄のない効果的な組織へと進化させる。――――――――――#primejob1
Samantha Labrador
Human Resources -
NEWJob number: JN -012025-183032 Posted: 2025-03-28
法人営業経験者必見です!6 - 10.5 million yen Tokyo Industrial Sales
- Company overview
- Our client is a global leader in vacuum valve technology, renowned for its cutting-edge solutions in semiconductor, industrial, and scientific applications. Headquartered in Switzerland, the company has a significant presence in Japan, with a key branch in Yokohama.
This branch employs around 200 professionals and plays a vital role in supporting growth in the Asia-Pacific region. Worldwide, our client employs over 3,000 people and operates numerous production facilities and R&D centers across Europe, North America, and Asia. Their commitment to technology and quality positions them at the forefront of the vacuum valve industry. - Responsibilities
- アカウントセールスとして、顧客と販売業務の間の連絡役として活躍して頂きます。
購買契約書や秘密保持契約書を含む契約書のサポート 等
Duy Pham
Electronics -
NEWJob number: JN -112024-179227 Posted: 2025-03-28
製造業での営業経験もしくは機電系エンジニアの経験をお持ちの方必見です。5 - 7.2 million yen Kanagawa Industrial Product Development
- Company overview
- Our client is a product manufacturer.
- Responsibilities
- 同社の製品の中から、顧客のニーズに合った製品を選択或いは開発し、受注することがゴールとなります。営業と一緒に同行し要件定義等から対応頂く為、モノ作りの上流から入り込む事が可能です。顧客と海外拠点の間に立ち仕様の調整
Duy Pham
Electronics -
NEWJob number: JN -012025-183031 Posted: 2025-03-28
FAE(フィールドアプリケーションエンジニア) ※真空バルブメーカー
完全週休二日制(土日祝)/在宅勤務可/平均残業25h/有給消化率8割以上6.3 - 8.8 million yen Tokyo Industrial Sales
- Company overview
- Our client is a global leader in vacuum valve technology, renowned for its cutting-edge solutions in semiconductor, industrial, and scientific applications. Headquartered in Switzerland, the company has a significant presence in Japan, with a key branch in Yokohama.
This branch employs around 200 professionals and plays a vital role in supporting growth in the Asia-Pacific region. Worldwide, our client employs over 3,000 people and operates numerous production facilities and R&D centers across Europe, North America, and Asia. Their commitment to technology and quality positions them at the forefront of the vacuum valve industry. - Responsibilities
- ■担当業務:顧客である半導体装置メーカーに対して、技術的なインターフェイス、および客先の装置、アプリケーション、プロセスの専門家として、営業と同行して技術面のサポートを頂きます。
技術ロードマップの特定 など
Duy Pham
Electronics -
NEWJob number: JN -032025-185371 Posted: 2025-03-28
消耗資材の法人営業をご経験の方必見です6.5 - 9 million yen Hyogo Chemical Sales Chemical
- Company overview
- Our client is an import trading company for industrial products.
- Responsibilities
- 段ボール製造会社への各種生産用資材の販売(西日本の新規営業中心)
Shizuka Tsunashima
Chemical -
NEWJob number: JN -032025-185122 Posted: 2025-03-28
Bi4グループ◤エグゼクティブアシスタント/Executive Assistant◢英語力活かせます!
役員秘書・Executive Assistantの業務のご経験をお持ちの方必見です4.3 - 5.7 million yen Tokyo Support & Administration Executive Assistant / Personal Assistant
- Company overview
- We are an international professional services firm offering accounting, auditing, consulting, tax, and advisory services. As one of the leading global accounting firms, we support the growth, improvement, and compliance of companies and organizations in Japan. We are part of the Big 4 accounting firms worldwide.
- Responsibilities
近年、Consulting部門の成長に伴い、毎月2-4名程度の外部登用パートナー/アソシエイトパートナーが恒常的に入社しています。それに伴い、エグゼクティブ層を専門的にサポートいただくプロである、Executive Assistant(EA)の増員が必要となりました!
Consulting部門の役員(パートナー/アソシエイトパートナー)のExecutive Assistant業務および、パートナーがリードまたは所属するユニット(部署)の経営サポートに従事いただきます。
(1)Executive Assistant業務:
・Executive Assistant業務 :47名(ユニットサポート業務兼任含む)
・Engagement Support Team(受嘱プロセスサポート): 6名
Nao Yoshida
Office Support -
NEWJob number: JN -032025-185068 Posted: 2025-03-28
ビジネスレベルで日本語と中国語を、日常会話レベルで英語が使える方必見です。5 - 6 million yen Shiga Industrial Sales
- Company overview
- Our client develops, manufactures, and sells electronic/electrical components and materials.
- Responsibilities
- 同社の温度ヒューズ(TF)を主に中国へ拡販いただくポジションをお任せします!中国の代理店とのやり取り(ルート)がメインですが、お客様の中で新しい製品のニーズがあった際には直接の働きかけもございます。
Di Fei
Energy/Construction -
NEWJob number: JN -122024-181149 Posted: 2025-03-28
今注目のグローバル大学です4.5 - 8 million yen Tokyo Support & Administration Other Assistant
- Company overview
- Our client operates a university, an affiliated Japanese language school, and a preparatory school.
- Responsibilities
Nao Yoshida
Office Support -
NEWJob number: JN -032025-185592 Posted: 2025-03-28
Oveseas sales Asia Market / Opportunity to use English or Chinese skills
大手造船会社の中国法人への既存営業をお任せします。6 - 8 million yen Hyogo Industrial Sales
- Company overview
- Our client is a trading company specializing in marine equipment.
- Responsibilities
- 同社は創業100年以上の歴史をもつ老舗企業です。船舶用塗料、機器・設備などを取り扱い、国内外を舞台に成長を遂げています。本ポジションでは、船舶用工業製品(各種バルブ・プロペラ・船舶用推進器・プレート式熱交換機・ポンプなど)の海外向け営業をご担当頂きます。単にモノを買って売るというのではなく、顧客の課題の解決法を提案し、win-winの関係を築いていくのが同社の営業スタイルです。営業先は主に中国の方になりますので、中国語や英語での折衝スキルを活かしながら、ご活躍いただけます。商材の特長から男性社会のイメージがあるかもしれませんが、同社は女性の管理職登用もしており、全ての社員にとって働きやすい環境の提供につとめています。
営業先: 日本大手造船会社の中国法人(主に中国人の方)
仕入先: 主に日本のメーカー
具体的な業務内容: 仕様折衝・値段交渉/購買・設計/品証・現場との関係づくり/不具合対応/情報収集・新規開拓
営業リソース: 既存顧客への営業
Di Fei
Energy/Construction -
NEWJob number: JN -032025-185899 Posted: 2025-03-28
【Hybrid work option is available】Network Engineer※Only for experienced
We have what you need to improve your skills and career!6 - 1100 million yen - Information Technology Network Engineer
- Company overview
- Our client is a leading provider of IT infrastructure services, renowned for its innovative solutions and support. Operating from its headquarters in Tokyo, the Japanese branch employs around 1,000 professionals, delivering comprehensive IT services, including cloud management, data center operations, and security solutions.
Globally, the company spans over 60 countries with a workforce of more than 90,000 employees. Its expansive network and dedication to excellence enable it to drive digital transformation and support businesses worldwide in optimizing their IT infrastructure. - Responsibilities
- \Our focus projects are shifting to the next stage/You will be experiencing “network design based on virtualization technology” rather than traditional data center network design if you join us.It’s time to advance your career with a global company specialized in “IT infrastructure”! ▼Featured points――――――――――・A globally technology services company expanding to approximately 60 countries.・Japan Office is the second largest by revenue among other countries in which this company operates.・Awarded by various aspects, including “Great Place to Work”.・Serving clients in a wide range of industries throughout Japan.*Details will be disclosed to only those who apply to the position and have a suitable exoerience. \経験者に開かれたチャンス/従来のデータセンターネットワーク設計・構築から、仮想化技術を軸としたネットワーク設計・構築にシフトしてきており、経験者を求めております!最先端のネットワーク技術力をもってお客様のデジタルトランスフォーメーションをご支援することのできる機会が豊富にあります。ぜひお力を貸していただけますと幸いです!※クライアントやプロジェクトの詳細ご応募いただいた方のうち、ご経験が合う方に限らせていただきます。 ▼特徴――――――――――・約60か国に展開するITテクノロジーカンパニー・日本はグローバルの中でも売上第2位。(それくらい重要マーケットです)・「働きがいのある会社」の認定など、様々な観点からの認められています・日本国内のあらゆる産業(官公庁~民間)にITインフラ技術を提供しています。――――――――――#primejob1
Iori Ohara
Tech Services -
NEWJob number: JN -082024-173313 Posted: 2025-03-28
Senior Sales of FA Cameras
AIおよびIoTサービスの急成長中スタートアップで1人目プロダクトマネージャーとしてご活躍!7 - 10 million yen Okinawa Industrial Sales
- Company overview
- Our client is a notable tech startup that combines AI and IoT technologies to provide innovative solutions for complex challenges in various fields such as construction and agriculture. One of their primary services is a cloud-based service that enables users to remotely manage/monitor offsite devices.
- Responsibilities
- 業務内容:
Kosuke Kanazawa
Electronics -
NEWJob number: JN -032025-185636 Posted: 2025-03-28
IT Strategist・IT Lead/IT企画・推進部
週4日リモート可能+コアタイム無しのフレックスタイム制で働きやすい環境5.2 - 13 million yen Tokyo Information Technology IT Management
- Company overview
- Our client is part of a world leading Financial Services group.
- Responsibilities
- ~保険大国・日本。だから面白い!~とてもユニークな商品で注目を浴びた日系生命保険会社の経歴がありつつ、今は外資系グループ傘下となったこの生命保険会社。アジア8ヶ国で事業を展開する中で、保険大国・日本での事業をITの面から支えてくださる方を募集しています。 語学力があるほど、活躍の場も広がります。グローバルカンパニーの保険事業部門という強靭な“後ろ盾”と意思決定スピードの速さがある環境で、ご自身の経験値を高めていきませんか? ちなみに、就業環境は……・ドレスコード不問!・フレックスタイム制(コアタイムなし!)・リモートワークベース!(週4在宅勤務OK!)*入社後しばらくは業務に慣れるために出社していただくことがあります。 【業務内容】●システム化計画の具体化に伴う関連業務・各ビジネス部門やIT関連部門 (Group Office含む)と協業し適切なソリューション選定(見積もり、スケジューリング、ソリューションの検討等)・導入計画の策定、経営層への提案・IT部門改善関連施策の推進●IT部門横断のProjectの企画・推進業務・新商品システム計画の策定、経営層への提案・IT部門横断が必要な大規模システム計画の策定、経営層への提案・商品並びにIT関連プロジェクト管理及び伴う報告(進捗管理、課題管理、リスク管理、予算管理、スコープ・ユーザ調整等プロジェクトマネジメント関連全般)――――――――――#primejob1
Minato Kinoshita
Inhouse IT -
NEWJob number: JN -012025-183178 Posted: 2025-03-28
Sales Manager (Mining Equipment) | セールスマネージャ(鉱山機器)
世界トップクラスの工具メーカーグループ8 - 11 million yen Kanagawa Construction Sales
- Company overview
- Our client, a distinguished industrial equipment manufacturer, specializes in advanced machinery for quarrying and tunnel construction. Beyond machinery sales, they prioritize seamless operations through timely supply of parts, consumables, and expert repair and maintenance services. As a leading player in the civil engineering and mining machinery industry, they strive for mutual growth and prosperity with their valued business partners.
- Responsibilities
- Apply and use the knowledge of sales process and equipment to support front line sales representatives in promoting and selling the organization's products and services to achieve significant sales targets.Main responsibilities:
Responsible for achievement of budgeted revenue.
Responsible for price quality in line with company processes and rules.
Develop sales opportunities for product lines in Japan and/or set of customers.
Develop a Sales plan in Japan and/or set of customers, as well as pipeline opportunities.
Ensure the Customer complies with company terms and conditions of sale.
Liaise between Customers and company to ensure all issues are settled in a timely manner.
Provide the Company with regular status reports on business activities, opportunity development and overall satisfaction of the Customers base (CRM).
Work as part of the account management team for local or global accounts to identify customer sales opportunities.
Ensure CRM/ sales Tools are up to date with valid cases and customer visit reports.
Create Sales Tools Case and updating Sales Tools to won / loss status.
Identifying and profiling key target customers, markets, and sectors especially in Tunneling, Surface Drill, Ground Support, Digitalization and Automation.
Handling customer questions, inquiries, application studies, quotes/proposals, and complaints.
Setting sales goals and developing sales strategies to penetrate the new market & established customers.
Using Salesforce, provide weekly and monthly reports on sales numbers, achievement, and sales visit activity.
Working with all product BLMs (Business Line Managers) to achieve the targets.
Ensure attainment of assigned geography’s budgeted sales value, volume and/or profitability.
Ultimate responsibility is to meet established sales goals and ensure they are effectively cascaded in sales goals of sales team.
Provide regular business performance metric reports to management.
Liaise and work with senior management to set forecasts, budgets and targets.
Ensure that end-user and customer relations are effectively managed.
Review and monitor sales performance periodically and refine sales strategy as required by management.
Manage the First Line Sales Managers’ performance and results.
Managerial responsibility for multiple team/departments across location.
Ensure strong financial discipline within assigned geographical territory, balancing sales results and managing Administrative and Sales (A&S) expense.
Kosuke Kanazawa
Electronics -
NEWJob number: JN -082024-173992 Posted: 2025-03-28
Technical Sales
Be a part of cutting-edge go-to-market team8 - 12 million yen Tokyo Information Technology IT Sales / Business Development
- Company overview
- Our client is a leading provider of IT infrastructure services, renowned for its innovative solutions and support. Operating from its headquarters in Tokyo, the Japanese branch employs around 1,000 professionals, delivering comprehensive IT services, including cloud management, data center operations, and security solutions.
Globally, the company spans over 60 countries with a workforce of more than 90,000 employees. Its expansive network and dedication to excellence enable it to drive digital transformation and support businesses worldwide in optimizing their IT infrastructure. - Responsibilities
- Main responsibilities:
You will consult with partners and provide cutting-edge technology solutions.
You will support Consulting, Advisory, and Architecture activities across Sales, Pre-Sales & Delivery, leveraging your technical expertise to develop profitable deals and exceed customer expectations.
Customer InteractionYou will use engaging demos and compelling presentations to showcase our business capabilities, establishing credibility and leaving a lasting impression on potential customers.
Technical ExpertiseYour extensive technical knowledge and external certifications will make you a trusted authority, enabling you to deliver value-driven solutions tailored to unique customer needs.
Strategic ThinkingYou will identify intricate business and technical requirements, develop cross-practice solutions, and deliver compelling demonstrations and prototypes to highlight the value of our sevice offerings.
Pre-Sales CoordinationYou will lead the pre-sales process, ensuring quality and compliance, and collaborate with internal and external stakeholders to create optimal technical solutions.
Dejiddolgor Suuri
Tech Services -
NEWJob number: JN -102024-177326 Posted: 2025-03-28
【昭島】品質保証(光源製品)|東証プライム上場 精密機器のグローバルメーカー
日本を代表する医療・精密機器メーカーであり、海外売上比率72%のグローバル企業6 - 9 million yen Tokyo Chemical Quality Assurance / Quality Control
- Company overview
- Our client is a global manufacturer specializing in optical technology and healthcare, offering a wide range of products and services. Our main business areas include precision optical instruments, medical devices, and consumer products. We possess advanced technical capabilities, particularly in eyewear lenses, contact lenses, and endoscopes, and we are dedicated to developing innovative products. Additionally, we utilize cutting-edge technology in fields such as semiconductor manufacturing equipment and optical components to enhance our competitiveness in the global market. Through advanced research and development and rigorous quality control, we meet customer needs and deliver high reliability and performance.
- Responsibilities
- 同社は世界に約160の拠点、子会社を有し、約36,000人の社員を擁するグローバル企業です。主な事業領域には、精密光学機器、医療機器、そしてコンシューマー向けヘルスケア製品が含まれます。世界トップクラスシェア製品を多数有しています。海外の売上比率は70%超、従業員の約91%が外国人と、グローバルな視点で企業運営をしています。
Airi Mochizuki
Chemical -
NEWJob number: JN -032025-186005 Posted: 2025-03-28
【滋賀工場】SHE MANAGER|世界大手接着剤メーカー・年収~1000万円
ドイツ本社の大手接着剤メーカーの滋賀工場SHEマネージャー募集!8 - 10 million yen Shiga Chemical EHS
- Company overview
- We are a global company specializing in manufacturing and selling consumer goods. We value the founder\'s philosophy of improving people\'s lives through the application of chemistry, establishing ourselves as leaders in applied chemistry worldwide. Currently, we deal with a range of products including chemicals, adhesives, surface treatments, and professional hair care products, experiencing steady growth. We prioritize the contributions of our employees, emphasizing leadership and creativity, and provide support to ensure they can fully utilize their capabilities.
- Responsibilities
- This company, a world-class manufacturer of adhesives, sealants and coatings, is looking for a talented HSE Manager to lead its occupational health and safety efforts at its Shiga plant in Japan.You will play a key role in creating a safe and healthy workplace for their employees and subcontractors.
Main Responsibilities:
To manage the occupational health and safety of the business units and affiliated subcontractors in accordance with national laws and regulations and company's corporate standards, and to promote accident prevention and employee health management.
Comply with laws and regulations related to health and safety management (management of notifications, qualifications and licenses)
Formulate safety strategies and promote activities based on them
Hold safety and health committee meetings
Conduct safety-related training (PTW, LOTOTO)
Conduct occupational health and safety risk assessments (WRA, JSA,)
Conduct risk assessments for investments and system changes (PRA, MOC)
Management of chemical substances
Planning and execution of emergency response
Reporting of accidents, investigation of causes (5why, ABS), and implementation of corrective actions
Promotion of actions for internal audits
Conduct internal audits and audits of partner companies
Based on the environmental management system and energy management system
Promote company's energy, water and waste reductions using 6 sigma and A3 Project development, planning and monitoring
Airi Mochizuki
Chemical -
NEWJob number: JN -022025-183872 Posted: 2025-03-28
◤Data Analyst・Business Analyst◢bridging between Development team and Cliant
語学力を活かせる・WLB重視の方必見7 - 10 million yen Tokyo Information Technology BI / Data Warehouse
- Company overview
- We are a provider of mobile phone insurance services, headquartered in the United States and operating globally as part of a larger group. We offer insurance services for mobile devices and have established a significant presence in the Japanese market. To ensure users are not inconvenienced in case of trouble, carriers provide compensation services such as delivering an equivalent device to the user\'s specified location within two days. We work closely with our group companies to provide insurance services to major telecommunications carriers in Japan, supporting the peace of mind in digital life for numerous consumers.
- Responsibilities
Are you ready to excel as a bridging the gap between own development team and the client!
at a company that offers all-in-one solutions for every aspect of technology?
As a technology care company, this company helps their customers solve their day-to-day technology problems and enrich their digital lives.
Operating in 18 countries around the world, they help nearly 300 million customers enjoy a comfortable digital life.
The company is dedicated to making people's lives easier by connecting people with the latest technology.
In Japan, the company offers a unique compensation program and customer service to cell phone users, and can smoothly resolve simple to highly specialized issues, such as next-day phone replacement and data transfer, with a single phone call or click on the screen, regardless of the handset model.
The company is now looking for a Data Analyst
who can be entrusted to control and optimize the management of information for the business owner's Hopes and Requests within the business group and plant.
Are you ready to leverage your expertise in BI tools for business and data analysis, along with your exceptional proficiency in both English and Japanese, to excel on a unique and unparalleled stage?
■Job Description:
・You will gather the client's hopes and requests, and provide improvement requests and advice to our development team.
・In order to provide better results to our clients, as a data analyst, we identify factors and events that need to be improved, and provide information and suggestions for improvement to the development team.
■Specific examples of work:
1. Serve as business owner for governing and optimization of information management within business group and the repair factory in Kakegawa.
2. Serve as POC for the site where the client's products are developed reporting requirements including the customer reports, such as Weekly KPI reports, daily flat-file maintenance, New product launch reporting setups in cooperation with IT team.
3. Serve as business owner to build short to long term strategy and goals for BI and the ERP/SFC continuous improvements and IT related roadmap.
4. Coordinate with IT team to conduct necessary UAT and arrangement, QA testing and final acceptance for all release cycles.
5.Work as project leader in automating the customer reports, coordinating with on=site contractor and offshore team to improve the IT systems.
6.Support Communication between the Global ERP team and the development site or factory to ensure smooth communication and understanding is maintained in both Japanese and English
■Way of orking
・Hybrid work x Flextime system x 7.5 hours of actual operating time
Minato Kinoshita
Inhouse IT