Jobs list
NEWJob number: JN -012025-182889 Posted: 2025-03-28
ヘルスケアのリーディングカンパニー7 - 1.1 million yen - Information Technology Business / Systems Analyst
- Company overview
- Our client is a driving force in health care industry, specializing in technologies and a wide portfolio of related products and services.
- Responsibilities
- 業務内容:
Minato Kinoshita
Inhouse IT -
NEWJob number: JN -122024-181847 Posted: 2025-03-28
資金調達のご経験が活かせます0 - 20 million yen Tokyo Accounting & Finance CFO
- Company overview
- Our client is developing cloud services that digitally solve problems in the retail and service industries.
- Responsibilities
- 【フルリモート可◎労働人口減少の先を見るSaaSスタートアップで、資金政策をリードしていただける初CFOを募集しています!】
Emi Iida
Accounting & Finance -
NEWJob number: JN -022025-184494 Posted: 2025-03-28
リモート勤務可/フレックス導入予定7 - 10 million yen Tokyo Consulting M&A Advisory / Strategy
- Company overview
- Our client is a comprehensive PR firm with a wide variety of PR services.
- Responsibilities
- ■業務内容:主に外資系クライアントに対するコンサルティング、マーケティングコミュニケーション、ブランディング、その他PR活動支援をお任せします。
Ami Hayashi
Office Support -
NEWJob number: JN -022025-183836 Posted: 2025-03-28
成果だけでなく個々の成長も大切にする会社5.32 - 8.14 million yen Tokyo Chemical Sales Chemical
- Company overview
- Our client is a trading company that mainly deals in chemical products and physics and chemistry equipment.
- Responsibilities
- 同社は創業70年を超える技術専門商社です。戦後経済の激動の中、ケミカルから自動車産業、エレクトロニクスまで、変化する時代のニーズを常に読み、ソリューションを提供してきました。アジアにグループ7社を有し、それぞれの地域の市場の特性を活かした価値提供を行っています。グループ全体での売上高は約170億円、自己資本比率は6割超と、業績も堅調です。また、経営計画の一部に社員のエンゲージ指標を取り入れるなど、社員を尊重する社風があります。同社において、欧米やアジアの多彩なメーカーの先端技術に基づく、機能化学品の営業担当を募集します。
Airi Mochizuki
Chemical -
NEWJob number: JN -022025-183692 Posted: 2025-03-28
Head of demand planning/Global leading tire manufacturer/Up to 14M/Hybrid work
Drive Demand Planning process Excellence!9 - 14 million yen Tokyo Supply Chain Management Demand / Supply Planning
- Company overview
- This company is a global manufacturer of tires. The Company\'s business is the development, manufacture, distribution and sale of tires and related products and services across the world.
- Responsibilities
- Join a leading global tire manufacturer as the Head of Demand Planning and drive innovative strategies for high-performance products that empower top automotive brands! Shape the future of our supply chain while enhancing consumer access to their industry-leading tire solutions.
What you will do
Own the demand planning process for Consumer& Commercial at a cluster level. Lead in the process of demand management plans for all NGY to support S&OE (rolling 12 weeks), S&OP (18-24 month) and regional RvsCC (5-year) processes for said PBUs. Drive efficient forecasting supported by multiple views and standardized meaningful processes and aids, aligning with regional standards. Implement a robust demand planning process / solution in the PBUs. Lead cross-functional coordination among Demand Planning, PBU counterparts, Supply Chain functions, and countries Key account planning, to effectively link demand planning with the business and achieve sales forecast accuracy and sales plan stability objectives. Drive a collaborative consensus-based demand planning process, using ML Baseline and enrichment based on assumptions and guide business teams on a 50-50 demand plan, robust R&Os and gap closure discussions. Drive S&OP Process Excellence across the market and improve overall health and effectiveness to successfully execute business strategy. Work towards building a Demand Planning organization to support the scale and complexity that comes with Business Growth. Provide data based strategic insights to guide the business on Portfolio Choices, New Product Launch Plans, Effectiveness of Assumptions and Gap Closure Plans , Robust S&OP choices to positively impact P&L.
About company
This company is a global leader in the tire industry, known for its innovation and commitment to quality. With a long and rich history dating back to the late 19th century, it has become synonymous with reliable and durable tires.The company's portfolio includes a wide range of tires designed for a variety of vehicles, including passenger cars, trucks and SUVs. They are known for their superior performance in a variety of driving conditions, from city streets to rugged off-road terrain.Beyond its core tire business, the company also invests heavily in research and development, constantly pushing the boundaries of technology to create advanced tire solutions that meet the evolving needs of consumers. Its commitment to sustainability is also evident in its efforts to minimize its environmental footprint and develop environmentally friendly tire materials.Their dedication to excellence has earned it a reputation as a trusted and respected brand worldwide.
Maki Hayashimoto
Supply Chain Management -
NEWJob number: JN -072024-36286 Posted: 2025-03-28
Top trading company in Japan4 - 7.5 million yen Tokyo Industrial Sales
- Company overview
- Our client is a global leader in technology distribution and solutions, specializing in semiconductors, electronics, and IT services. Headquartered in Yokohama, Japan, the company operates an extensive international network with branches across Asia, Europe, and North America.
In Japan, it plays a key role in delivering advanced technology solutions tailored to local needs, including semiconductor components and IT infrastructure. The firm is renowned for its commitment to technological excellence and customer satisfaction, establishing itself as a trusted partner in the global technology sector. - Responsibilities
- 仕入先担当営業やエンジニアと協力し、お客さまへ新しいテクノロジー(産業機器/通信インフラ/民生機器/自動車/コンピュータ等に搭載する半導体など)を紹介し、課題解決を図るソリューションの提案及び、提案採用後の販売・納入サポートを行います。
Misato Aiba
Electronics -
NEWJob number: JN -022025-184743 Posted: 2025-03-28
表面処理、めっき処理知識をお持ちの方必見!8.5 - 10 million yen Kanagawa Chemical Sales Chemical
- Company overview
- We are a global company specializing in manufacturing and selling consumer goods. We value the founder\'s philosophy of improving people\'s lives through the application of chemistry, establishing ourselves as leaders in applied chemistry worldwide. Currently, we deal with a range of products including chemicals, adhesives, surface treatments, and professional hair care products, experiencing steady growth. We prioritize the contributions of our employees, emphasizing leadership and creativity, and provide support to ensure they can fully utilize their capabilities.
- Responsibilities
- 同社は接着剤、シーリング材、機能性コーティング剤において世界トップクラスシェアをもつメーカーの日本法人です。長年培ってきたブランドへの信頼と、常に進化を続けるテクノロジー。その両輪でお客様の課題を解決する仕事です。画期的なソリューションを提供し、スキルを磨き、キャリアを切り拓きませんか。
戦略的優先順位に沿って営業戦略を実行し、担当エリアのアクションプランを策定する。 顧客ロードマップを実行し、CRM(ACEなど)プロジェクトを確実に完了させる。
営業エリアにおける売上および販売目標(KP OSGおよびPC%、GP%目標)の達成、営業チームメンバーの指導、コーチング、メンター、および各メンバーの教育・育成の徹底。
Airi Mochizuki
Chemical -
NEWJob number: JN -012025-183353 Posted: 2025-03-28
[Remote Optional] IT Project Manager for Digital Transformation (DX)
革新的で信頼性の高いワールドクラスの車。卓越したサポートと持続可能性を備えています。7.5 - 8 million yen Kanagawa Information Technology IT Management
- Company overview
- We primarily engage in the development, design, manufacturing, sale, export, import, and other transactions of trucks, buses, and industrial engines. With our foundation in advanced technology and quality control, we strive to enhance the latest engine technologies and safety performance with environmental considerations. We also provide reliable services in domestic and international markets, with a robust after-sales support system. Aiming to offer sustainable transportation solutions, we focus on the development of electrification and autonomous driving technologies. With our extensive experience and innovation, we have established our position as a leader in the commercial vehicle industry.
- Responsibilities
The company develops and manufactures trucks, buses, and industrial engines as part of one of the world's largest commercial vehicle groups.
The company is a leader in vehicle technology and evolution, delivering fuel-efficient, safe, and reliable trucks and buses of solid quality to customers in more than 170 countries around the world.
We have been making history for 90 years.
The company will continue to lead the commercial industry's innovative movement toward vehicle electrification, connectivity, and digitalization, creating great products and a work environment that can't be experienced anywhere else.
We are looking for an exceptional IT Project Manager like you to lead and execute high-impact DX initiatives
Your leadership will be instrumental in shaping the future of business through cutting-edge innovation.
Join us as we drive the future of digital transformation.
Are you ready to take on the challenge?
■Job Description:
In this position, you will be required to have experience in IT-related project management to promote and implement DX projects planned in each business unit, as well as ensure stable operation after GoLive.
・Promote digital transformation (DX) together with business departments, plan and develop projects, and promote systemization projects
・Management of project teams including development suppliers and external consultants
・Promotion of strategy planning for IT systems and platform modernization, etc. Promoting digital transformation projects, especially in the business area related to domestic sales
・Expectation management for business partner (operational department) strategies and measures and IT services
・Budget and time management for projects and system operations. Support for smooth handover from project to operations team
・IT supplier management (vendor management)
・Implementation of operational plans, such as post-implementation operational support, troubleshooting, and incident handling
Jonathan Holloway
Inhouse IT -
NEWJob number: JN -112024-179167 Posted: 2025-03-28
世界シェアトップクラス5 - 7 million yen Saitama Industrial Sales
- Company overview
- We specialize in the manufacture, import and export of vacuum deposition systems and other equipment, as well as the development and manufacture of optical thin film deposition systems. We provide advanced vacuum optical technology for fields such as optical communications, digital consumer electronics, solar cells, and LEDs. Utilizing proprietary technologies, we optimize deposition equipment for a wide range of applications from optics to semiconductors and electronic devices to meet the diverse needs of our customers. Our pursuit of sustainable technological innovation enhances our competitiveness in the global marketplace.
- Responsibilities
- 業務内容:
Misato Aiba
Electronics -
NEWJob number: JN -102024-178314 Posted: 2025-03-28
◤日英通訳・翻訳 × コミュニケーションサポーター◢世界的なゲームスタジオでクリエイターをサポート/残業少ない!WLB◎!
誰もが働きやすく、個性を発揮できる環境/フリードリンクを含む充実した福利厚生4 - 7 million yen Tokyo Support & Administration Translator / Interpreter
- Company overview
- -
- Responsibilities
- 【世界中で人気のあのゲームを手掛けるクリエイティブカンパニー】
彼らは言葉の壁を越え、 ”魅力的なゲームを生み出す” という熱い想いで繋がっていますが、ここから更にパフォーマンスを高めていくためにも、彼らのバーバルコミュニケーションや、日本へのリロケーション後の生活開設サポート、また海外企業との会議通訳など、多岐に渡るコミュニケーションサポートをお任せできる方を探しています!
完全週休2日制(土日祝) × 残業少なくWLB取りやすい◎
Ami Hayashi
Office Support -
NEWJob number: JN -022025-184507 Posted: 2025-03-28
欧州地域への海外出張あり!翻訳業務のご経験をお持ちの方必見です。4.5 - 6.5 million yen Tokyo Support & Administration Translator / Interpreter
- Company overview
- Our client is engaged in construction machinery and other businesses.
- Responsibilities
・海外メーカーの来日/視察のアテンド (国内・海外出張の機会があります。)
Ami Hayashi
Office Support -
NEWJob number: JN -122024-181457 Posted: 2025-03-28
海外出張対応可能な方へ!3 - 6 million yen Tokyo Support & Administration Translator / Interpreter
- Company overview
- -
- Responsibilities
- 客先常駐をメインとし、プロジェクト内の英語サポートを中心に業務を行っていただきます。海外の方と英語を使用してコミュニケーションをとっていただく他にも、資料作成など日本語での対応もございます。
海外出張あり(現地調査 兼 通訳)数週間の海外出張をお任せする可能性があります。
Ami Hayashi
Office Support -
NEWJob number: JN -032025-185893 Posted: 2025-03-28
半導体材料開発の経験をお持ちの方必見です6.59 - 12.93 million yen Mie Chemical R&D / Application Development
- Company overview
- 合成ゴムや電子材料を扱うトータルマテリアルサプライヤーです。デジタルソリューション事業、ライフサイエンス事業、合成樹脂事業をグローバルに展開し、海外売り上げ比率は60%を超えています。新たな価値を生み出す先進技術の開発に挑み、高い品質意識に基づく優れた製品を社会に提供し続けることで、社会課題の解決に貢献しています。
- Responsibilities
- 【海外売上6割超の日系グローバル企業/素材とソリューションを提供する最先端テクノロジー/世界トップクラスシェア製品を多数保有】
Airi Mochizuki
Chemical -
NEWJob number: JN -032025-186031 Posted: 2025-03-28
【Tokyo/丸の内】【Hybrid work is optional】Deal Desk Specialist) @Global IT Vender
Utilize your English6 - 8.8 million yen Tokyo Information Technology IT Sales / Business Development
- Company overview
- Our client is an enterprise infromation management software company.
- Responsibilities
- \Hybrid Work Option is Available for Bilingual Professionals/If you are bilingual professional and looking for a place where you will work with the global network, This IT vendor company founded in North America about 25 years ago with strengths in information management technology may provide you ideal opportunities!-Office locates in Marunouchi, the center of Tokyo.-Work-from-home: 3-2 days/week is available-This role is to collaborate with sales to finalize contracts.
【Responsibilities *excerpts】To collaborate with sales to finalize contracts.・Creating and advising alternative/innovative pricing strategies and structures based on specific product set being sold (i.e. Cloud (SaaS), services and on-prem) and that fulfil the customer’s requirements, whilst maximizing profitability and revenue.・Understanding products, pricing, and contracting・Drawing insights from pricing and deal structure trends across the region, revenue streams and product sets and advising senior decision makers・Working closely with the Sales team and other teams that support the deal cycle such as Legal, Professional Services, Security, Sales Operations, Product, as well as Support to enhance value and consistency across all geographic regions.――――――――――#primejob1
Dejiddolgor Suuri
Tech Services -
NEWJob number: JN -032025-186008 Posted: 2025-03-28
【Tokyo/丸の内】Workplace Coordinator @a Global Advisory Firm Specializing in M&A
Utilize your multi-task skill, English and hospitality!4 - 6 million yen - Support & Administration General Affairs
- Company overview
- Our client is an independent M&A advisory firm.
- Responsibilities
- \Make the office environment more “comfortable” and “professional”/*This is a position that is not available on the company website As a global advisory firm specializing in M&A, we want Workplace Coordinator to help our professional employees work efficiently and customers who come here for business meetings to have a first-class time.We expect you to improve the overall office environment while fulfilling a back-office (general affairs- related tasks)role. M&Aに特化したグローバルアドバイザリーファームですので、社員には最高のパフォーマンスが発揮できるような環境を、お客様には最高の時間を過ごしていただけるような環境づくりをWorkplace Coordinatorとともに行ってまいりたいと考えています。バックオフィスの役割を果たしながら、オフィス環境全般をより良くしてください。 Followings are what you will be accountable for:
Service Focus
· Meet and greet all visitors and take them to their assigned desk or office.· To assist with daily reception duties as and when required.· Set up meeting rooms with hospitality and catering.· Ensure AV systems are set up and working.· Clear down meeting rooms after use.· Assist the OM with new joiners’ induction and first day orientation. · Offer a concierge type service - be a first point of contact for visitors and employees. o Prepare suitable workstations for upcoming visitors, liaising with necessary colleagues to allocate desks and place welcome packs. · Print and bind documentation for client meetings and any in-house requirements. · Organise couriers and post, as and when required.· Ensure stationery, pantry/catering and cleaning products are fully stocked.
· Condecoo Responsible for overseeing meeting room bookings and hot desk requests, and the correct logging of all visitor information onto the system and capturing all hospitality requirements.o First point of contact for any issues with the Condeco system.· Logging and liaising with IT and Condeco for any issues that cannot be resolved in-house. · Provide first line assistance with meeting room AV kit.
· Be a physical presence in the office throughout the day.o Conduct regular walk rounds of the floors.o Assist employees with general office enquiries/issues. o Ensure hot desk bookings and visitors (on Condeco) match with who is in the office and where they are actually seated and report any anomalies to the OM. · Ensure the office is clean and tidy and the lounge/kitchen areas are always looking fresh and are sufficiently stocked. · Ensure a thorough understanding of HL measures and processes (which will change regularly). · Assist the OM with management and compliance with fire and safety regulations.· Assist the OM with day-to-day liaison with building management including coordination of facilities maintenance programs throughout the year.· Assist the OM with procurement and maintenance of office furniture, equipment and asset management.
· Prepare and review invoices for approval; check for accuracy and verify across the business lines, including assigning relevant cost/project codes.· Liaise with the Finance & Accounting team to report any issues in a timely manner.
· Help the OM drive engagement and wellbeing activities for employees.· Help drive the HL sustainability agenda in Tokyo. Others
· Assist the OM with vendor management and negotiations, including that for library and records.· Assist the OM with events as well as ad-hoc projects.――――――――――#primejob1
Nao Yoshida
Office Support -
NEWJob number: JN -032025-185642 Posted: 2025-03-28
日本ならではの商品開発に携われます5.5 - 7.6 million yen Tokyo Chemical R&D / Application Development
- Company overview
- We are the Japanese subsidiary of an American food manufacturer. In the cereal category, we offer healthy, delicious, and high-quality products, and we tailor our product planning to meet the needs of Japanese consumers. We are engaged in the manufacturing, sales, and importation of food products, with a particular strength in cereal products.
- Responsibilities
- 【100年以上続く食品メーカーの日本法人/健康的な朝食で人々の元気な毎日を支える/外資系ながら日本国内で開発製造を担う】
Airi Mochizuki
Chemical -
NEWJob number: JN -022025-184798 Posted: 2025-03-28
総務およびファシリティマネジメント領域での業務経験が活かせます。6.5 - 10 million yen Tokyo Support & Administration General Affairs
- Company overview
- Our client a leading Japanese internet services and e-commerce company, engaging in a wide range of business areas including online shopping malls. We deploy advanced technology and customer-centric services, utilized by users in Japan and abroad. We operate diverse businesses such as e-commerce, finance, and digital content, offering various services including online shopping platforms, cloud services, and internet banking. We also provide point programs and media content to enhance customer engagement. Additionally, we actively expand our business both domestically and internationally, strengthening our competitiveness in the global market.
- Responsibilities
- ビジネスの成長を支えるオフィス戦略の策定
Kazuhiro Kitagawa
Business Planning -
NEWJob number: JN -012025-182943 Posted: 2025-03-28
Sr Business Development Manager/A globally popular service loved by millions.
Global EC company12 - 20 million yen Tokyo Information Technology IT Sales / Business Development
- Company overview
- Our client is a major force in e-commerce and technology, offering services ranging from online retail to cloud computing and digital streaming. The Tokyo branch, with over 10,000 employees, is central to managing e-commerce operations and expanding services in Japan.
Globally, the company operates in over 20 countries with more than 1.5 million employees, including key markets such as the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, and China. This extensive network ensures innovative solutions and exceptional service worldwide. - Responsibilities
- This company is a global leader in e-commerce and digital innovation, transforming the way people shop and businesses grow.
With a customer-first approach, it provides a dynamic, fast-paced environment where innovation drives impact at scale.
As part of its team, you will work with industry-leading tools and data-driven strategies to shape the future of online retail. You will manage high-value partnerships, analyze key performance drivers, and develop scalable solutions that redefine digital commerce.
If you thrive in a data-driven, customer-centric environment and are eager to make a meaningful impact in one of the world’s most influential tech-driven companies, this is where your next challenge begins.
Are you ready to elevate your career?
■Job Description
• Use knowledge of the service to create tailored proposals for vendors.
• Hit or exceed conversion and growth targets for vendors.
• Achieve vendor experience objectives and goals.
• Own all facets of the sales cycle including account management process for medium to large accounts.
• Develop strategic relationships with key points of contact including C suite executives.
• Support the evolution of the service in partnership with product managers to iterate based on vendor feedback and requirements.
• Advocate for vendors internally and work cross functionally within the group to drive vendor success.
• Educate vendors on performance metrics, campaign trends/approaches and consumer insights using the service.
• Analyse and interpret vendor performance on the service to identify improvement areas, recommendations and opportunities to cross-sell or renew vendor contracts on the service
Kim Chen
IT Online -
NEWJob number: JN -012025-183062 Posted: 2025-03-28
品質保証(テープソリューション部門) |世界的大手化学素材メーカー
世界トップクラスシェア製品多数/ハイブリッドワーク・フレックスタイム制あり4 - 6 million yen Nagano Chemical Quality Assurance / Quality Control
- Company overview
- We are the Japanese subsidiary of a global company active in the fields of construction and industry. Known as a leader in the global glass manufacturing industry, we operate in sectors such as architecture, automotive, glass ceramics, glass fibers, ceramics, plastics, and abrasives, providing cutting-edge products and services. We supply high-quality building and industrial materials, offering a wide range of products and solutions to diverse markets. Our products play crucial roles in building construction and industrial processes, with a focus on technological innovation and quality. Additionally, we are committed to promoting sustainable development and implementing initiatives that consider societal and environmental concerns.
- Responsibilities
- 同社は1600年代から創られたガラス製造会社を起源としており、歴史的建築物への素材提供でも知られるリーディングカンパニーです。建築、自動車、ガラスセラミック、ガラス繊維、セラミックス、プラスチック、研磨材事業に取り組み、最先端の製品とサービスを提供しています。最先端技術の研究開発に力を入れており、8年連続で「世界で最も革新的な100社」にもランクインしています。私たちの住まいや日常生活のあらゆる所に使われている同社製品の品質に貢献する一翼となりませんか?
その他関連業務ISO9001: 部門内の品質文書管理、システム変更や状況の変更に伴う部門文書の改定や廃止、見直しのグループ内のとりまとめを行う。
Airi Mochizuki
Chemical -
NEWJob number: JN -072024-38403 Posted: 2025-03-28
◤【ServiceNow】エンジニア→コンサル へ!◢世界的IT企業で【グローバル】に活躍!
Drive ServiceNow success, global SaaS expertise.5 - 10 million yen Tokyo Information Technology Package Development / ERP
- Company overview
- We are a major IT services company operating in over 70 countries worldwide. Our consulting and digital solution services for enterprises can support the global IT challenges faced by large-scale clients. We are active in various sectors, including finance, insurance, healthcare, manufacturing, travel, energy, retail, telecommunications, aerospace, and the public sector. With 50 years of experience, we are one of the world\'s largest independent IT services companies dedicated to serving government agencies at all levels.
- Responsibilities
- 【グローバル】×【ServiceNow】×【コンサルタント】!
ServiceNow consultantとして、以下の業務に従事いただきます。
Yo Yasuike