Jobs list of Construction & Equipment Construction Management
Job number: JN -022025-183906 Posted: 2025-02-05
通訳・翻訳の業務経験をお持ちの方必見です5 - 6 million yen Tokyo Construction Equipment Construction Management
- Company overview
- Our client is a prominent player in the global outsourcing and staffing services industry, with a substantial international presence. Headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, it operates as a subsidiary of a larger organization that specializes in human capital services, IT consulting, and outsourcing.
Our client provides comprehensive staffing solutions and technical services across various industries. It benefits from the extensive network of its parent company, which spans Europe, Asia, Oceania, and the Americas. With over 126,000 employees worldwide, the organization leverages its global reach to offer versatile and reliable outsourcing services tailored to diverse client needs.
In Japan, our client is a crucial part of the parent company’s operations, significantly contributing to the overall growth strategy by delivering high-quality outsourcing services. - Responsibilities
- メーカー企業に常駐し、メーカー技術社員と同社社員と協力して業務致します。【職務詳細】大手車両開発メーカーで大型クレーンの設計メンバーとして、英語力を活かした業務をお任せ致します。翻訳や通訳業務からスタートし、車両設計技術や知識も身につき、市場価値を高めやすい人気プロジェクトでございます。若手メンバーも在籍していて、快活な社風で成長していきたい志のある方を募集します。<新規設計>大型クレーンの設計業務中国製のアンローダー設備の設計や設計補助業務
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -102024-178160 Posted: 2024-12-19
子育て世代へのサポートも拡充6 - 10 million yen Tokyo Construction Equipment Construction Management
- Company overview
- Our client is an integrated engineering consulting firm.
- Responsibilities
- ~英語を活かして働ける・国籍不問!/リモートワーク可/年間休日126日・土日祝休み/海外事業専門の開発コンサルタント/日本で5本の指に入るオリコングループの中核企業~
短時間勤務制度、フレックスタイムのコアタイム免除 等
Kazuya Sakata
Energy/Construction -
Job number: JN -112024-180014 Posted: 2024-12-19
宇宙システムプロジェクトに3年以上の経験をお持ちの方必見です。5 - 9 million yen Tokyo Construction Equipment Construction Management
- Company overview
- Our client is a venture company that is actively addressing the planet\'s space debris problem by making serious strides in removing space debris from the planet\'s orbit. They also collaborate with other companies, organizations, and government agencies in a joint effort to formulate guidelines and laws for responsible space exploration and use.
- Responsibilities
- 要求定義を含む、宇宙機のミッションおよびシステム設計を実施する。
ミッション要求からCONOPS (Concept of Operation) を導出し、定義する。
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -112024-180650 Posted: 2024-11-29
業務内容を問わず、技術者として航空機のプロジェクトに関わった経験、または航空業界での勤務経験及び知見をお持ちの方必見です5 - 6.5 million yen Tochigi Construction Equipment Construction Management
- Company overview
- Our client is engaged in the sale of machinery, equipment, and parts.
- Responsibilities
- 当社での生産工程は、主として製品の(1)変更設計、(2)組立、(3)検査及び(4)整備となります。
Laurent Sauvageau
Electronics -
Job number: JN -072024-167604 Posted: 2024-09-25
熱、構造、流体の基礎知識をお持ちの方必見です。5 - 8 million yen Aichi Construction Equipment Construction Management
- Company overview
- We are a company that provides a wide range of engineering services in Japan and abroad. Focusing mainly on the manufacturing industry, we provide a full range of services from design and development to maintenance to assist our clients with their technical challenges. We continue to propose innovative solutions by leveraging our advanced technological capabilities and extensive experience, and have established ourselves as a leading company in the industrial world. We also aim to contribute to a sustainable society, not forgetting our concern for the global environment.
- Responsibilities
- 宇宙関連の輸送機、探査機などの開発設計業務をお任せします。
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -072024-38214 Posted: 2024-09-11
3DCADを使用しての設計実務経験をお持ちの方必見です。5 - 7.5 million yen Tokyo Construction Equipment Construction Management
- Company overview
- Our client is a member of a major group that provides a wide range of human resource services domestically and internationally. In 2023, multiple affiliated companies within our group merged, and we were reorganized as a new entity. Our main business activities focus on outsourcing for technical and IT-related positions, as well as design and development support. We are involved in projects across various fields, including automotive, aerospace, consumer electronics, and robotics. Through a wealth of projects and comprehensive career support systems, we provide an environment where engineers can find growth opportunities that align with their career aspirations.
- Responsibilities
- 航空機用エンジンに使用されている油圧制御機器の維持設計および設計開発に携わって頂く業務です。
Yuya Migita