Jobs list of Industrial & Research & Development
NEWJob number: JN -072024-12713 Posted: 2025-02-14
Senior Embedded Software Engineer/ Global lunar payload deliver startup/ Hybrid
-6 - 11 million yen Tokyo Industrial Research & Development
- Company overview
- We are a company that develops and implements space exploration technologies. It develops and operates innovative robots and systems for the exploration and exploitation of the Moon and other space resources. It has established a leading position in the international space exploration race and aims to play a significant role in space exploration in the future. Based on our technological capabilities and creativity, we promote sustainable activities in space and contribute to the advancement of mankind in space.
- Responsibilities
- This company is a leading company in the international space exploration race, developing and operating innovative robots and systems for the sustainable exploration and exploitation of the Moon and other space resources, aiming to significantly contribute to the advancement of mankind in space. They are seeking a Senior Embedded Software Engineer with experience in designing highly reliable embedded software. The role offers the exciting opportunity to work on all phases of development, from upstream to downstream, typical of a startup environment. Are you ready to embark on a new challenge alongside passionate team members from around the world who are committed to advancing the space industry?
Key Qualifications:
Develop embedded software system for spacecraft, including lander and other transportation system elements. Be responsible for the development of boards and other components by hardware engineering, test tools for integrations of all other components and setting up the environment for development.
Lead the identification of the software requirement from system level requirement, and break down them to software design, architecture and implementation to satisfy the requirements.
Collaborate with other sub system engineers such as avionics, ground segment, system engineers to identify software architecture design, some component or technology selection, including make or buy decisions, and on avionics and propulsion with other design and analysis team members appropriately.
Design the software architecture with DSP/Microprocessor selection, and develop BSP ( Board Support Package ) and evaluate the feasibility of new design to meet the requirement
Manage schedules, costs and quality on each function assigned to meet requirements. Also break down functions of components to tasks and track status and issues. Report all of them to the lead or manager.
Lead the software engineers by any appropriate modern methods of development to construct the high reliability, quality and save resources.
Design, coding, review, integration, test, support and enhance software solutions for assigned spacecraft such as attitude or motion control, command, communication, power and data management and fault protection. Also describe the documentations and keep updating them at all phases.
Identify the payload customer requirement and lead the technical software discussion with customer.
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
NEWJob number: JN -022025-183984 Posted: 2025-02-12
パワーエレクトロニクスシステム アプリケーション エキスパート/太陽光発電および車載インバータ
ユニークな福利厚生/グローバル人材が集まる企業8 - 20 million yen - Industrial Research & Development
- Company overview
- We are a leading ICT solution provider offering a wide range of ICT products and services. We provide services ranging from telecommunications equipment, computer networks, and cloud services for general consumers to solutions for telecommunications operators and enterprises.
- Responsibilities
技術力と革新性:ICT業界のリーディングカンパニーとして、 5G、クラウド、AIなどの分野において世界をリードする技術とソリューションを提供しています。売上高の約20%を研究開発に投資し、技術革新を追求しており、12万件以上の特許を保有し、この数は世界でもトップクラスを誇ります。
Rampo Higuchi
Automotive -
Job number: JN -022025-184120 Posted: 2025-02-07
モータースポーツ業界での実務経験が活かせます。6 - 8 million yen Saitama Industrial Research & Development
- Company overview
- -
- Responsibilities
- エンジン開発・評価
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -122024-181716 Posted: 2025-02-04
産業ロポットの品質評価、テスト、または製造ライン構築の実務経験が活かせます。7 - 11 million yen Chiba Industrial Research & Development
- Company overview
- World leading robotics company. We are introducing the next generation of robotics with a focus on a friendly and accessible presentation coupled with cutting edge hardware and software.
- Responsibilities
- 産業ロポットの品質評価・検査、製品品質や性能を向上させる活動のリード(機能試験、性能評価、酎久試験、安全性評価など)
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -122024-181116 Posted: 2025-02-04
Memory Evaluation Engineer (New Memory Development)
キャリア形成を支援/充実した福利厚生5 - 11.6 million yen Kanagawa Industrial Research & Development
- Company overview
- We are one of the world\'s leading flash memory manufacturers. The flash memory we have invented is a non-volatile semiconductor memory that does not lose data even when the power is turned off, enabling large-capacity data storage. It is widely used in smartphones for storing photos and videos, electronic devices, and data centers, etc. In order to cope with increasing data due to the spread of IoT, AI, and 5G, large-capacity, high-performance storage and high-speed data processing systems are essential. As a leading flash memory and SSD company, we are developing products and services that provide new value. Our engineers with diverse expertise pursue next-generation recording technologies, and we also promote open innovation in cooperation with companies and organizations. We have one of the world\'s largest flash memory factories, and our AI-based smart factory achieves high productivity and efficiency to meet the increasing demand for memory.
- Responsibilities
- 新規メモリ開発におけるメモリ評価
Duy Pham
Electronics -
Job number: JN -082024-171760 Posted: 2025-01-22
先端AI技術を用いた外界環境認識技術の研究開発エンジニア ※在宅可
国内トップクラスの売上を誇る半導体事業/絶好調のイメージセンサー6 - 11.5 million yen Tokyo Industrial Research & Development
- Company overview
- We are a company specializing in the design, manufacture and sale of semiconductors. We provide high-performance image sensors and semiconductor devices, which are used in diverse fields such as cameras, smartphones, automobiles, and industrial equipment. We also focus on developing products that meet the needs of our customers by pursuing technological innovation and quality improvement. We aim to maintain our competitiveness in the global marketplace and realize a sustainable society. Our reliable technology and expertise have earned us a solid reputation in many industries.
- Responsibilities
- カメラを中心とした複数センシングデバイス(Camera,LiDAR, RADAR)の情報を利用した,周囲環境を認識する技術(3次元構造,3次元物体検出,走路理解)をAIアプローチで行う研究開発エンジニアを募集します。
自動運転・先進運転支援システムに必要なマルチセンサー(Camera, LiDAR, RADAR等)を用いたAIベースの外界センシング技術に取り組んでいただきます。高精度でロバストかつ軽量なモデル開発,自己学習などの学習技術,データのバリエーション評価や自動アノテーション等のデータ開発が主な内容です。また,海外の研究所や大学との協業を通して、最先端技術の開発、およびその製品応用にも取り組んでいただきます。
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -012025-182614 Posted: 2025-01-14
メーカーや大学時代の研究において機械/化学/電気等の実験/評価のご経験がある方必見です。6 - 8.2 million yen Kanagawa Industrial Research & Development
- Company overview
- Our client is a manufacturer of hard disk drives.
- Responsibilities
- HDDの製品開発を行います。厳しい信頼性が求められるHDDの記録システムの開発の中でも、特に、磁気/記録ヘッドと磁気/記録媒体であるディスクとのインターフェイスの機械特性評価を主とした開発業務に従事頂きます。新製品に搭載予定のヘッド/ディスクの機械的特性評価/設計/信頼性の検証
Duy Pham
Electronics -
Job number: JN -012025-182251 Posted: 2025-01-06
Linux環境での開発経験者必見です!6.2 - 12 million yen Kanagawa Industrial Research & Development
- Company overview
- Our client a Japanese electronics manufacturer offering telecommunications systems, information processing systems, and electronic devices, along with related services. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and blockchain, we support the digital transformation of businesses and organizations. Our team of experts with advanced technical skills and extensive experience excels in developing and providing computer systems, network equipment, software, and services. As a global leader in information and communication technology, we deliver customized solutions tailored to meet our customers\' business needs, contributing to the creation of a sustainable society.
- Responsibilities
- イノベーティブコンピューティングプロジェクトは、コンピューティングとAIを活用して材料、ゲノム医療/創薬、合成生物学の各ドメイン領域でのイノベーション創出を目指しています。
Yongjun Cho
Tech Services -
Job number: JN -122024-182165 Posted: 2024-12-26
技術職として電気電子機器の開発経験をお持ちの方必見です。5 - 10 million yen Hyogo Industrial Research & Development
- Company overview
- We are one of Japan\'s leading general electronics manufacturers, operating in a wide range of fields including electric power equipment, telecommunications equipment, and automotive equipment. Since our establishment, we have built a solid position in both domestic and international markets by pursuing technological innovation and providing advanced products and services. In particular, our focus on environmental technology and energy efficiency has contributed to the realization of a sustainable society. In addition, our products boast a high degree of reliability and durability and are widely used in various industries and in everyday life. Through these efforts, we aim to achieve long-term growth while fulfilling our social responsibilities.
- Responsibilities
- セキュリティ技術やソリューションの動向調査(自身で調査実施または研究所/社外に依頼)
Takuya Kobayashi
Chemical -
Job number: JN -122024-181822 Posted: 2024-12-20
品質評価、検証に関する基礎知識をお持ちの方必見です。5 - 8 million yen Osaka Industrial Research & Development
- Company overview
- Our client is a Japanese electronics manufacturer.
- Responsibilities
- 同該事業部で取り扱う製品、サービスの品質保証業務をお任せいたします。顧客視点での、品質仕様、品質規格の作成
Misato Aiba
Electronics -
Job number: JN -112024-180420 Posted: 2024-11-27
アカデミアや企業研究での理論・実装研究の経験が活かせます。6 - 12.5 million yen Tokyo Industrial Research & Development
- Company overview
- Our client a global manufacturer of automotive parts working to supply the needs of the world\'s automobile manufacturers
- Responsibilities
- 国内外アカデミアとの共創活動や、基礎原理に立ち返った議論を通して、有望なアルゴリズムの方針を選定し、工場や物流をはじめとするモビリティ社会で発揮するアルゴリズムを探求し、チームメンバと一緒になって提案していただきます。
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -112024-180413 Posted: 2024-11-27
アカデミアや企業研究での理論・実装研究の経験:3年以上お持ちの方必見です。6 - 12.5 million yen Aichi Industrial Research & Development
- Company overview
- Our client a global manufacturer of automotive parts working to supply the needs of the world\'s automobile manufacturers
- Responsibilities
- GPGPUを始めとするサーバー級HPCを想定し、生成AI等のデータ駆動型の最新技術と最適化アルゴリズムを融合させて、次世代の最適化の可能性を探っていただきます。
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -082024-170965 Posted: 2024-11-26
開発の川上~川下まで関われる/世の中に貢献できるチャンス4.5 - 10 million yen Tochigi Industrial Research & Development
- Company overview
- Our client is engaged in the research of Cooperative Intelligence and Intelligent Devices.
- Responsibilities
- 今回は10年後も20年後もその先も、より多くの人々に「喜び」を提供するために、需要拡大と技術革新が期待されるパワー半導体領域、光・量子技術で、世の中にない高付加価値の製品を生み出す仲間の募集です。 ※ご経験/スキル/志向に合わせ詳細業務を決定します。
Misato Aiba
Electronics -
Job number: JN -112024-180224 Posted: 2024-11-25
プロジェクトリーダー経験および車載開蓮経験をお持ちの方必見です。7.5 - 11.5 million yen Tokyo Industrial Research & Development
- Company overview
- We are a company specializing in the design, manufacture and sale of semiconductors. We provide high-performance image sensors and semiconductor devices, which are used in diverse fields such as cameras, smartphones, automobiles, and industrial equipment. We also focus on developing products that meet the needs of our customers by pursuing technological innovation and quality improvement. We aim to maintain our competitiveness in the global marketplace and realize a sustainable society. Our reliable technology and expertise have earned us a solid reputation in many industries.
- Responsibilities
- ADASや自動運転、駐車視線システムの高機能化、高度化に寄与するセンシング機能、環境認識機能を実現するための、車載センシングソフトウェア開発プロジェクト(要素技術開発・量産開発)の推進に関連する業務です。計画立案や開発遂行から、顧客へのリリースまで、チームで進めて頂きます。顧客の実現したいことを捉え、システム要件の立案から機能詳細設計、センサーフュージョンをベースとした認識アルゴリズムの開発など、車載認識ソフトウェア開発/信号処理開発全体に携わります。
顧客折衝 / ビジネス開拓における技術支援
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -112024-179237 Posted: 2024-11-07
国際標準化団体で議論できる英語力※目安:TOEIC(R)テスト600点以上をお持ちの方必見です。6 - 11.5 million yen Aichi Industrial Research & Development
- Company overview
- Our client a global manufacturer of automotive parts working to supply the needs of the world\'s automobile manufacturers
- Responsibilities
- 標準化団体からの情報収集、各ステークホルダーとの渉外活動
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -112024-179210 Posted: 2024-11-07
C言語、C++言語の知識お持ちの方歓迎6 - 11.5 million yen Tokyo Industrial Research & Development
- Company overview
- Our client a global manufacturer of automotive parts working to supply the needs of the world\'s automobile manufacturers
- Responsibilities
- ■業務内容:AUTOSAR、JASPARなどの標準化団体への参加を通じて、新規標準規格・仕様の策定をご担当いただきます。日系自動車産業のソフトウェア技術を国際標準にする活動に参加しませんか?
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -102024-178278 Posted: 2024-10-28
半導体デバイス開発経験者必見です!5.3 - 8 million yen Kanagawa Industrial Research & Development
- Company overview
- Our Client is a market-leading designer and manufacturer of innovative optical and photonic products enabling optical networking and laser applications worldwide.
- Responsibilities
- 光半導体デバイス製造工程の品質管理全般
ORT(On-going Reliability Test)の管理(試験、データ分析、不良解析)
Duy Pham
Electronics -
Job number: JN -072024-32294 Posted: 2024-10-21
Process Development Manager
Top share semicon equipment company10 - 13 million yen Tokyo Industrial Research & Development
- Company overview
- We design, manufacture, sell and service semiconductor manufacturing equipment. In particular, the company is a world leader in thin-film deposition technology. The company supports the production of semiconductor devices used in smartphones, electric vehicles, and medical devices, providing its customers with advanced technologies. We are also committed to sustainable development and eco-design, and are working to combat climate change. The company has a global presence and a diverse workforce with diverse cultural backgrounds.
- Responsibilities
- Main responsibilities:
Participate hands on work with company products in R&D Lab to research, develop new film, optimize processes for next generation semiconductor device.
Create, manage and execute engineering project plans.
Designs and conducts experiments, measurements, data science and performs the interpretation of complex experimental output.
Solve a variety of complex process problems, perform Root Cause Analysis, make action plan and resolve a variety of product issues
Work with other global company's and customers R&D teams to understand and define requirements in order to successfully execute projects and demonstrations
Ensures successful product transfer to customer base by performing demonstrations, knowledge transfer, and traveling when needed to support other offices or customer sites
Delivers creative solutions, creates inventions and develops intellectual property
Misato Aiba
Electronics -
Job number: JN -072024-6642 Posted: 2024-10-17
Technology Development Group Manager
Position at International Company!8 - 10 million yen Tokyo Industrial Research & Development
- Company overview
- We are a company that develops and implements space exploration technologies. It develops and operates innovative robots and systems for the exploration and exploitation of the Moon and other space resources. It has established a leading position in the international space exploration race and aims to play a significant role in space exploration in the future. Based on our technological capabilities and creativity, we promote sustainable activities in space and contribute to the advancement of mankind in space.
- Responsibilities
- Creation and operation of technology development roadmap
Mid-long term planning and operation
Management of human resource and budget
Management of advanced technology development
Sensor technology mainly for lunar resource exploration
Mobility technology related to resource exploration and transportation on the moon
Lunar resources and energy extraction technology
Data acquisition technology on/around the moon, and data processing technology
Management of technology development for services
Utilization of image and sensing information acquired on/around the moon.
Integration of data on/around the moon and its visualization.
Development of original payload in response to customer requests
Integration of developed payload onto spacecrafts
Alignment of technology with overseas organizations.
Management and operation of external joint R&D
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -072024-168962 Posted: 2024-10-17
100年に一度のMobility革命を牽引する/次世代空モビリティ6 - 12 million yen Aichi Industrial Research & Development
- Company overview
- We specialize in the development and sale of flying cars, without mentioning our company name. Our business includes the development, design, manufacturing, and sales of these vehicles. We offer two distinctive features: first, we provide the world\'s smallest "flying car" capable of door-to-door transportation, and second, we offer cargo drones for transporting heavy goods, with models capable of carrying payloads exceeding 30 kilograms. We recently initiated manned flight tests, marking a significant milestone in the development of flying cars in Japan and contributing to the creation of a new era of mobility.
- Responsibilities
- ■業務概要:
Takuya Kobayashi