Jobs list of Medical Device
Job number: JN -072024-148152 Posted: 2024-09-11
海外取引比率約60%・世界約90ヶ所の国や地域との取引実績あり/大手G中核企業10.2 - 13 million yen Tokyo Medical Device Quality Assurance / Quality Control
- Company overview
- Our client is an organic chemicals business company.
- Responsibilities
- ■業務概要:
Job number: JN -072024-38045 Posted: 2024-09-11
品質保証部 国内品質システムチーム(業態チーム)
日本を代表する医療機器メーカーの品質のHQ6 - 8.5 million yen Tokyo Medical Device Quality Assurance / Quality Control
- Company overview
- We are a leading Japanese manufacturer and distributor of medical devices and related products. We have a particularly strong reputation in the field of medical devices, such as catheters and artificial heart-lung machines, and we are expanding our business widely both domestically and internationally. We are also expanding into the fields of pharmaceuticals and blood systems, providing comprehensive medical solutions. We focus on innovation and quality control, and develop our products with patient safety and healthcare professionals\' convenience in mind. We aim to contribute to the development of healthcare from a global perspective and are actively involved in the realization of a sustainable society.
- Responsibilities
- 当社製品における「均質」を達成するため、日本における製造販売業者である本社品質マネジメントシステムの維持改善を担当するアソシエイトを募集します。
Job number: JN -072024-39181 Posted: 2024-09-11
Quality Assurance (Eye Care Products) | 品質保証(アイケア関連製品)
医療機器業界での品質経験が活かせます7 - 11 million yen Tokyo Medical Device Quality Assurance / Quality Control
- Company overview
- The company is a Japanese optical equipment manufacturer. It engages in the development, manufacturing, and sales of precision measurement equipment. Operating in various fields such as construction, agriculture, and healthcare, it provides surveying equipment and location-based technology. Particularly in the construction industry, it offers automatic control technology for construction machinery and surveying/geospatial information systems to support efficient construction operations. In the agricultural sector, it provides equipment for automatic control of agricultural machinery and devices for precision agriculture, contributing to increased productivity and environmentally conscious farming practices. Furthermore, it develops and provides medical equipment and technology, contributing to the realization of advanced healthcare.
- Responsibilities
- 当社アイケア製品の品質保証に関する業務全般をお任せします。※将来的には、本人の希望も勘案し海外駐在も可能。
Job number: JN -072024-151306 Posted: 2024-09-11
Application Specialist | アプリケーションスペシャリスト
感染症のエキスパート・製造元である本社とメールや会議などのやり取りが多く発生する業務7 - 9.3 million yen Tokyo Medical Device Clinical Specialist
- Company overview
- Our client is a multinational biotechnology company that designs, develops, and produces a wide range of diagnosis systems to hospitals and industrial companies.
- Responsibilities
- 業務内容:
顧客先においてサードパーティITベンダーの担当者、医療機関IT担当者と協業し、当社システムと医療機関システムの接続環境 の技術仕様について協議し、システム接続を推進
Job number: JN -072024-149544 Posted: 2024-09-11
HE / Market Access | HE・マーケットアクセス
ニーズの高まっている新しい職種・海外とのネットワーク構築が可能・今後のキャリア形成へプラスに働く9 - 13 million yen Tokyo Medical Device Market Access / HEOR / Reimbursement
- Company overview
- We are a global medical devices and pharmaceutical company providing healthcare-related products. We offer a wide range of products including pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and consumer goods to support healthy living. Particularly, through investments in medical technology and research and development, we provide advanced medical solutions, enhancing the quality and efficiency of healthcare. Additionally, we contribute to raising awareness of health in society through education and outreach activities, aiming for a better future.
- Responsibilities
- 近年、医療費財政の逼迫を背景に、マーケットアクセス環境が急速に変化しています。医療機器のユーザーである医師の医学的見地からの知見のみでなく、その他の医療者、患者、家族、保険組合や国など医療費を支払う関係者など、様々な意思決定者の意見や意向がますます重要視されるようになっていきます。このような環境の中でマーケットアクセスのスペシャリストは数が少ないため、ニーズの高まっている職種です。
Job number: JN -072024-149456 Posted: 2024-09-11
Regulatory Affairs Senior Specialist | 薬事シニアスペシャリスト
Class IV RAにご興味ある方が対象です7 - 9 million yen Tokyo Medical Device Regulatory Affairs (RA)
- Company overview
- We are a global medical devices and pharmaceutical company providing healthcare-related products. We offer a wide range of products including pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and consumer goods to support healthy living. Particularly, through investments in medical technology and research and development, we provide advanced medical solutions, enhancing the quality and efficiency of healthcare. Additionally, we contribute to raising awareness of health in society through education and outreach activities, aiming for a better future.
- Responsibilities
- 日本国内で心臓アブレーション治療や脳血管治療関連の製品を展開しています。その薬事担当としてクラスIV機器の新製品導入・適応拡大といったチャレンジングな薬事申請及び既存製品の維持活動を主たる業務とするポジションです。
CSS RA Headにレポートします
Job number: JN -072024-147084 Posted: 2024-09-11
冠動脈治療用バルーンは国内シェアトップクラス8.5 - 11 million yen Tokyo Medical Device Product Engineering
- Company overview
- Our client is a global medical device manufacturer.
- Responsibilities
- 医療機器治験(クリニカル)に関するプロジェクト全般のデータ管理
- CROと協力して担当施設の症例進捗管理業務、Annual Report の作成
- CRO と共にGCPを遵守するための手順書作成及び監督官庁への報告書作成
- 冠動脈ステント治験に関する各種データ及び文書管理
- 海外との連携により治験に関連する薬事対応・問題解決・進捗等のサポー・ト業務
Job number: JN -072024-150058 Posted: 2024-09-11
Global Quality Assurance | グローバル品質保証
日系安定成長企業・医療機器の品質保証・顧客視点に立って継続的に品質の改善を進めています8 - 12 million yen Tokyo Medical Device Quality Assurance / Quality Control
- Company overview
- The company is a Japanese optical equipment manufacturer. It engages in the development, manufacturing, and sales of precision measurement equipment. Operating in various fields such as construction, agriculture, and healthcare, it provides surveying equipment and location-based technology. Particularly in the construction industry, it offers automatic control technology for construction machinery and surveying/geospatial information systems to support efficient construction operations. In the agricultural sector, it provides equipment for automatic control of agricultural machinery and devices for precision agriculture, contributing to increased productivity and environmentally conscious farming practices. Furthermore, it develops and provides medical equipment and technology, contributing to the realization of advanced healthcare.
- Responsibilities
- 当社アイケア製品の品質保証に関する業務全般をお任せします。
Job number: JN -072024-151573 Posted: 2024-09-11
Marketing Specialist (Kryptor) | マーケティングスペシャリスト (Kryptor)
新製品の上市準備、上市後の製品価値の最大化及び市場創造に向け製品啓発を含むプロダクトマネジメント業務7 - 10 million yen Tokyo Medical Device Marketing
- Company overview
- We are a leading scientific services provider, offering import/export, sales, and maintenance services for analytical and other equipment. Through products like reagents and software, we support researchers and contributes to scientific advancement. Particularly addressing needs in fields like scientific research, healthcare, and pharmaceuticals, we enhance research and medical practices. With a diverse product lineup, we meet customer needs while providing innovative solutions. Additionally, we offer customer support such as technical assistance and training programs, fostering long-term partnerships.
- Responsibilities
- 特殊診断事業グループ(Specialty Diagnostics Group)で、主として臨床診断事業製品の新製品の上市準備、上市後の製品価値の最大化及び市場創造に向け製品啓発を含むプロダクトマネジメント業務をご担当いただきます。製造元、アジアパシフィックマーケティング担当者、そして国内マーケティングチームメンバーと協力し、日本の顧客ニーズに合ったマーケティング戦略の立案と実行を通じて、臨床診断事業の成長と製品ブランド認知向上に貢献いただきます。
市場環境・競合等の分析に基づく販売予測・KPI 設定
最新の医学・医科学情報をもとにKOL とディスカッションをおこない、担当製品領域における
Unmet medical needs・インサイトの収集と分析、臨床研究サポート
Job number: JN -072024-149797 Posted: 2024-09-11
Upstream Product Marketing | 上流プロダクトマネジメント
大手アイケアメーカー・企画、提案力にさらに磨きをかけたい方必見です!5 - 12 million yen Tokyo Medical Device Marketing
- Company overview
- The company is a Japanese optical equipment manufacturer. It engages in the development, manufacturing, and sales of precision measurement equipment. Operating in various fields such as construction, agriculture, and healthcare, it provides surveying equipment and location-based technology. Particularly in the construction industry, it offers automatic control technology for construction machinery and surveying/geospatial information systems to support efficient construction operations. In the agricultural sector, it provides equipment for automatic control of agricultural machinery and devices for precision agriculture, contributing to increased productivity and environmentally conscious farming practices. Furthermore, it develops and provides medical equipment and technology, contributing to the realization of advanced healthcare.
- Responsibilities
- アイケア事業におけるアップストリームプロダクトマネジメントをお任せします。
Job number: JN -072024-149798 Posted: 2024-09-11
Clinical Development | 臨床開発担当
再生医療の臨床開発 ・立ち上げフェーズ・医療機器5 - 9 million yen Tokyo Medical Device Clinical Trials / Clinical Development
- Company overview
- Our client is selling, importing and exporting pharmaceuticals and other products.
- Responsibilities
- 医療機器(バイオマテリアル製品)の開発モニタリング業務を担っていただきます。
Job number: JN -072024-150696 Posted: 2024-09-11
Regulatory Affairs Senior Specialist | 薬事シニアスペシャリスト
大手医療機器メーカーの薬事ポジション7 - 11 million yen Tokyo Medical Device Regulatory Affairs (RA)
- Company overview
- Our client is a world leading medical device manufacturer.
- Responsibilities
- 必須要件:
Job number: JN -072024-149794 Posted: 2024-09-11
Postmarketing Surveillance | 市販後調査
品質保証のスペシャリストとしてご活躍いただきます!5 - 8 million yen Tokyo Medical Device Quality Assurance / Quality Control
- Company overview
- Our client is a medical device manufacturer.
- Responsibilities
- 医療機器の市販後監視活動(PMS)安全管理業務(GVP)をお任せいたします。
Job number: JN -072024-149795 Posted: 2024-09-11
Complaint Handler | 苦情処理推進担当
大手アイケアメーカー・品質保証での新たな取り組みをリードいただける方を募集いたします!5 - 9 million yen Tokyo Medical Device Quality Assurance / Quality Control
- Company overview
- The company is a Japanese optical equipment manufacturer. It engages in the development, manufacturing, and sales of precision measurement equipment. Operating in various fields such as construction, agriculture, and healthcare, it provides surveying equipment and location-based technology. Particularly in the construction industry, it offers automatic control technology for construction machinery and surveying/geospatial information systems to support efficient construction operations. In the agricultural sector, it provides equipment for automatic control of agricultural machinery and devices for precision agriculture, contributing to increased productivity and environmentally conscious farming practices. Furthermore, it develops and provides medical equipment and technology, contributing to the realization of advanced healthcare.
- Responsibilities
- アイケア品質保証課の苦情処理推進担当(またはエキスパート)として以下の業務を担っていただきます。
Job number: JN -072024-150483 Posted: 2024-09-11
Upstream Product Management | アップストリームプロダクトマネジメント
日系安定成長企業・医療機器の商品企画に携われます8 - 12 million yen Tokyo Medical Device Marketing
- Company overview
- The company is a Japanese optical equipment manufacturer. It engages in the development, manufacturing, and sales of precision measurement equipment. Operating in various fields such as construction, agriculture, and healthcare, it provides surveying equipment and location-based technology. Particularly in the construction industry, it offers automatic control technology for construction machinery and surveying/geospatial information systems to support efficient construction operations. In the agricultural sector, it provides equipment for automatic control of agricultural machinery and devices for precision agriculture, contributing to increased productivity and environmentally conscious farming practices. Furthermore, it develops and provides medical equipment and technology, contributing to the realization of advanced healthcare.
- Responsibilities
- アイケア事業におけるアップストリームプロダクトマネジメントをお任せします。
Job number: JN -072024-150375 Posted: 2024-09-11
Professional Affairs Manager | プロフェッショナルアフェアーズマネージャー
A do-all position at global contact lens manufacturer9 - 13 million yen Tokyo Medical Device Clinical Specialist
- Company overview
- We are engaged in the manufacture and sale of vision correction products. In particular, we provide contact lenses and related eye care products to support consumers\' visual health. Through high-quality product development and technological innovation, we provide comfortable and safe vision correction. To ensure the safety and effectiveness of our products as medical devices, we adhere to strict quality control and regulatory compliance. We also strive to provide sustainable vision care by expanding our product line to meet consumer needs and enhancing customer support. With an emphasis on community relations, we also contribute to society through support for the visually impaired and educational outreach activities.
- Responsibilities
- Professional Affairs Manager is an important clinical leading role of the 2nd largest market in the world provides the strong and proactive contribution to various Professional Affairs projects to support PA Senior Manager and Marketing Director of Japan and continuously achieve the business goal of the Japan business collaborating with Marketing and sales team. Main responsibilities:
Internal and External Education / Training / clinical study design and implementation (claims) to strongly partner with marketing & Sales team to attain corporate Goal/Mission.
Develop and implement educational program or workshop content to train internal sales and strenghten their clinical & product knowledge
Conduct internal education program such as MDIR(Medical Device Information Representative) training to train new sales reps to ensure efficient communication with ECPs
As a clinical & product expert, provide evidence based advice and address enquires from cross functional teams
Provide technical insights to MKTG and sales team for development of materials such as sales-aids, sales promotional materials, product guides and Q&A.
Lead and develop evidence based scientific content for ECP engagement
Lead and implement ECPs facing marketing survey to gather relevant ECP insights
Provide medical writing and articles to trade journals such as JCLS journal and Ringan journals to support the company's products scientifically
Partner with Misight team and Regulatory affairs to cultivate and develop Myopia management category in Japan
Lead and educate fitting process of specialty lenses such as toric lens and multi-focal lens by working with KOLs and aligning with global stakeholders while taking local needs into consideration
Conduct KOL engagement and Advisory board meeting to get advice and insights on toric and multifocal category development
Lead and execute seminars/webinars, sales training/WS materials, brochures, and tools to promote the company’s specialty lenses as the first lens of choice at independent clinics and KA customers
Develop and implement ECP educational programs to provide Contact Lens education for public orthoptist schools
Develop and implement workshops related to the company's products and CL education based on KA customers’ needs
Organize and implement seminars to deliver the businesss' key messages to ECPs at major CL and Ophthalmology academy conference
Support Sr. Manager and Director in developing the professional contents, including management of speakers, during ophthalmology educational seminar
Implement KOL strategy and build KOL relationship aligning with the company's professional strategy to promote the company's products
Develop and continue to build relationship with next generation of KOLs in Japan market
Organize and manage round table discussion and advisory Board Meeting
Communicate closely with global and APAC counterparts to obtain essential information for the company's Professional strategy & product promotion
Plan and conduct clinical study and in-market assessment (IMA) to create supportive data for products, and develop product claims working with global and APAC counterpart
Plan and conduct in-vitro study to create supportive data for the company's products, and create sales training materials
*Travel: Travel for CL or ophthalmology academic meeting (mainly domestic and international if needed), customer workshop/training and sales area meeting. The travel time consists of about 5% of all working days.
Job number: JN -072024-150484 Posted: 2024-09-11
Downstream Product Management | ダウンストリームプロダクトマネジメント
光学技術が魅力の会社・商品企画業務をお任せします6 - 9 million yen Tokyo Medical Device Marketing
- Company overview
- The company is a Japanese optical equipment manufacturer. It engages in the development, manufacturing, and sales of precision measurement equipment. Operating in various fields such as construction, agriculture, and healthcare, it provides surveying equipment and location-based technology. Particularly in the construction industry, it offers automatic control technology for construction machinery and surveying/geospatial information systems to support efficient construction operations. In the agricultural sector, it provides equipment for automatic control of agricultural machinery and devices for precision agriculture, contributing to increased productivity and environmentally conscious farming practices. Furthermore, it develops and provides medical equipment and technology, contributing to the realization of advanced healthcare.
- Responsibilities
- アイケア事業における本社およびアジアにおけるマーケティング業務、及びダウンストリームプロダクトマネジメント業務をお任せします。
Job number: JN -072024-150564 Posted: 2024-09-11
Diabetes Division Global Business Planning | 糖尿病事業部 グローバル事業企画
海外展開の高い事業部・全社中期戦略の中心事業、PJTを担っていただきます6 - 8 million yen Tokyo Medical Device Commercial Excellence / Sales Operations / SFE
- Company overview
- We are a leading Japanese manufacturer and distributor of medical devices and related products. We have a particularly strong reputation in the field of medical devices, such as catheters and artificial heart-lung machines, and we are expanding our business widely both domestically and internationally. We are also expanding into the fields of pharmaceuticals and blood systems, providing comprehensive medical solutions. We focus on innovation and quality control, and develop our products with patient safety and healthcare professionals\' convenience in mind. We aim to contribute to the development of healthcare from a global perspective and are actively involved in the realization of a sustainable society.
- Responsibilities
- 業務内容:
Job number: JN -072024-148334 Posted: 2024-09-11
グローバルQA部門 DX,DTx企画推進
語学力を活かしてグローバルに活躍6 - 12 million yen Tokyo Medical Device Quality Assurance / Quality Control
- Company overview
- Our client a major Japanese pharmaceutical company engaged in the research, development, manufacturing, and sales of pharmaceuticals. Our group promotes four business areas—new drugs, generics, vaccines, and OTC products—to meet diverse medical needs. By expanding our operations globally, we aim to provide innovative treatments to a wide range of patients. Additionally, we possess advanced technological capabilities and well-equipped facilities to support our research and development. We actively conduct clinical trials both domestically and internationally, striving to demonstrate leadership in the pharmaceutical industry while emphasizing our commitment to contributing to society as a whole.
- Responsibilities
- グローバルQA組織におけるDX戦略策定(関連部所との調整を含む)及びプロジェクトリード ・デジタルヘルス(デジタルセラピューティクス等)を見据えたQA体制の構築及びプロジェクトリード
Job number: JN -072024-151590 Posted: 2024-09-11
Senior Mktg Specialist (Neuro Modulation) | シニア マーケ スペシャリスト (ニューロ モジュレーション)
新製品上市が近づく医療機器のプロダクトマーケティング6 - 11 million yen Tokyo Medical Device Marketing
- Company overview
- Our client is a world leading medical device manufacturer.
- Responsibilities
- 今回募集するSr Marketing Specialistは、KOLマネジメント、新製品上市を含む製品のPhase in/out、マーケティング戦略の立案・実行、営業活動支援のため各種資材の作成及びデジタルコンテンツの作成・管理・運営を各種関係者と連携して行うことにより、適切な方法でより早く多くの患者さんに治療を提供する環境整備を促進する役割を担っています。
Main Responsibilities:
新製品上市を含む製品のPhase in/out