Jobs list of Energy / Environment / EPC (Oil & Gas) & EHS
Job number: JN -032025-185464 Posted: 2025-03-14
甲種危険物取扱者の資格をお持ちの方必見です!6 - 11 million yen Chiba Energy / Environment / EPC (Oil & Gas) EHS
- Company overview
- We are a leading comprehensive glass manufacturer in Japan. Our business extends beyond glass to include electronics, chemicals, and ceramics, resulting in a well-balanced revenue composition that makes us resilient even in economic downturns. We develop and manufacture innovative materials and products across a wide range of fields, leveraging our high technological expertise and research and development achievements. We supply products to various industries such as construction, automotive, electronics, and medical equipment. Furthermore, we are committed to environmental conservation and the development of sustainable technologies, earning us recognition as a socially responsible company.
- Responsibilities
- 国内外生産拠点の安全・環境・保安に関わる事故やトラブルの原因解析、対策の推進。
石油コンビナートに係る保安4法 (消防、高圧ガス保安法、労働安全衛生法、石油コンビナート等災害防止法)に関わる法令順守や、工場の維持・向上のための活動推進。
Takuya Kobayashi
Chemical -
Job number: JN -032025-185386 Posted: 2025-03-12
装置メーカーでの勤務経験をお持ちの方必見です8.6 - 9.4 million yen Kyoto Energy / Environment / EPC (Oil & Gas) EHS
- Company overview
- We are an industrial equipment manufacturer. Through our high-performance products, we contribute to the development of the electronic device and IT industries. We also emphasize environmental friendliness and promote sustainable manufacturing processes. Furthermore, we have offices around the world and utilize our global network to meet the needs of our customers. We maintain our competitive edge in the industry by constantly providing new solutions through technological innovation and quality improvement.
- Responsibilities
- 同社グループの製品EHSの戦略企画・推進を担う重要な役割をお任せします。■具体的には:製品のライフサイクルアセスメント(LCA)に関する戦略企画・推進
Takuya Kobayashi
Chemical -
Job number: JN -032025-185378 Posted: 2025-03-12
環境法規制に関する知識と対応経験をお持ちの方必見です8.6 - 9.4 million yen Kyoto Energy / Environment / EPC (Oil & Gas) EHS
- Company overview
- We are an industrial equipment manufacturer. Through our high-performance products, we contribute to the development of the electronic device and IT industries. We also emphasize environmental friendliness and promote sustainable manufacturing processes. Furthermore, we have offices around the world and utilize our global network to meet the needs of our customers. We maintain our competitive edge in the industry by constantly providing new solutions through technological innovation and quality improvement.
- Responsibilities
- 同社グループの、環境法規制に関する情報収集と分析・対応を通じて、法規制遵守のための戦略を策定・実行する重要な役割をお任せします。■具体的には:環境法規制に関する最新情報の収集、分析、報告と実行
Takuya Kobayashi
Chemical -
Job number: JN -122024-181406 Posted: 2024-12-16
原子力工学及び原子炉物理に関する知識お持ちの方歓迎7.3 - 9.1 million yen Ibaraki Energy / Environment / EPC (Oil & Gas) EHS
- Company overview
- We are a leading electronics company based in Japan, counted among the world\'s major manufacturers. Offering a wide range of products, we provide diverse solutions in fields such as energy, information, communication, automotive, healthcare, construction, finance, and services. We prioritize research and development, driving innovative technology and product development. Serving a broad spectrum of customers domestically and internationally, we contribute to the advancement of industries.
- Responsibilities
- 【職務概要】福島第一原子力発電所事故以降に新たに規定された規制・基準を満足した沸騰水型原子力発電プラントが認可を受けて再稼働した後、プラントを長期間安全に稼働させるために,効率的且つ実効性のあるプラントの保全活動が重要となります。そこで、機器の寿命評価などを行い、評価に基づく合理的な保全策を策定し、電力会社へ提案する責任ある業務に従事いただきます。また、機器の寿命評価にあたっては、評価に必要な材料技術や水化学管理に関する知識があることが望ましいです。そこで、材料技術や水化学管理に関する研究開発や製品の実機実装に係る業務へ従事頂きます。
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -112024-179593 Posted: 2024-11-14
FMCGメーカーにおける生産部門、QC部門の勤務経験をお持ちの方必見です。6 - 8.5 million yen Tokyo Energy / Environment / EPC (Oil & Gas) EHS
- Company overview
- Our client is an instant food manufacturer.
- Responsibilities
- 海外工場における防災、安全、品質、労務の監査
Airi Mochizuki
Chemical -
Job number: JN -092024-177242 Posted: 2024-10-28
ビジネスで使用可能な英語力をお持ちの方必見です。6 - 8 million yen Hokkaido Energy / Environment / EPC (Oil & Gas) EHS
- Company overview
- We are a manufacturer in the electrical machinery industry. Leveraging our long-standing experience as pioneers in the wind power industry, we provide cutting-edge technology to tackle the greatest challenge of our time, the climate crisis, by harnessing wind power. We now supply electricity from major cities worldwide to the remotest corners of the earth, producing clean energy for homes, schools, hospitals, and beyond. We aim to bring sustainable growth and significant value to communities worldwide, focusing on building essential infrastructure, creating employment opportunities, and fostering skill development.
- Responsibilities
- 社内基準及び法規制の順守
毎週実施されるGlobal Safety Meetingへの参加
Di Fei
Energy/Construction -
Job number: JN -072024-39542 Posted: 2024-10-13
EHSマネジメント経験必須が活かせます。8.5 - 13 million yen Ibaraki Energy / Environment / EPC (Oil & Gas) EHS
- Company overview
- We manufacture and develop lithium-ion batteries primarily for electric vehicles. Our highly safe and reliable products are manufactured in Japan, China, the U.S., Europe, and other countries, and are used in many electric vehicles. we are also focusing on developing next-generation batteries that utilize AIoT technology and are part of the renewable energy ecosystem. We provide environmentally friendly energy solutions for a sustainable future.
- Responsibilities
- 管理部の中でEHS活動をグローバル推進するマネージャーとして環境管理セクション及び安全健康管理セクションをお任せし、新工場ISO14001認証新規取得を念頭に、環境に関わる活動と労働安全管理全般をリード頂きます。EHS活動をグローバルに推進・管理するマネージャー職
インフラ設備/固定資産管理、環境負荷物質管理 など
Takuya Kobayashi
Chemical -
Job number: JN -072024-33552 Posted: 2024-09-25
製造業での安全衛生経験者必見です!6 - 11 million yen Osaka Energy / Environment / EPC (Oil & Gas) EHS
- Company overview
- We are an outdoor sports manufacturer, producing and selling bicycle parts, fishing tackle, and boating equipment. In bicycle parts in particular, we have earned a worldwide reputation for innovative technology and high quality. We offer a wide range of products, from bicycle transmissions and brake systems to fishing reels and rods, and have earned the trust of sports and outdoor enthusiasts. We also focus on environmental friendliness and sustainable product development, constantly pursuing technological innovations to meet customer expectations in markets around the world.
- Responsibilities
- グローバル全社における安全衛生・保安防災の仕組みづくりや管理レベル向上、対策立案や是正フォローなどの企画推進およびメンバーマネジメントをご担当いただきます。
Rampo Higuchi
Automotive -
Job number: JN -072024-39695 Posted: 2024-09-25
労働安全衛生法や建設業法に関する知識をお持ちの方必見です。6.5 - 9 million yen Hyogo Energy / Environment / EPC (Oil & Gas) EHS
- Company overview
- We are a comprehensive heavy industry manufacturer, engaging in a wide range of business sectors. Our main fields include energy and environmental sectors, industrial machinery and infrastructure sectors, and defense and aerospace sectors. In the energy and environmental sectors, we provide technologies for thermal power generation and renewable energy. In the industrial machinery and infrastructure sectors, we manufacture and sell transportation equipment and large-scale machinery. Moreover, in the defense and aerospace sectors, we develop various equipment and technologies. Leveraging our long-standing technical expertise and reliability, we operate domestically and internationally, aiming to contribute to societal advancement and a sustainable future. With a diverse range of products and advanced technology, we offer solutions across various industries.
- Responsibilities
- 国内/海外の発電プラントのアフターサービス工事における安全衛生管理業務安全衛生管理計画及びリスクアセスメントの立案/作成
Takuya Kobayashi
Chemical -
Job number: JN -092024-175813 Posted: 2024-09-17
安全管理に係る計画の立案経験者必見です!7.1 - 11.5 million yen Tokyo Energy / Environment / EPC (Oil & Gas) EHS
- Company overview
- We are a global company engaged in the exploration and development of energy resources and related businesses. We are active globally in the development of oil and natural gas, contributing to the realization of sustainable energy supplies. We aim to coexist in harmony with local communities while ensuring a stable energy supply by leveraging our abundant technological capabilities and experience. We are also committed to environmental protection and social contribution activities, emphasizing consideration for the global environment and sustainable development. As a leading company in the energy field, we promote innovative technological development and global business development to contribute to energy security in Japan and abroad.
- Responsibilities
- 業務内容:
Di Fei
Energy/Construction -
Job number: JN -072024-169007 Posted: 2024-09-11
保安安全活動の基礎知識がある方必見です。5 - 7 million yen Tokyo Energy / Environment / EPC (Oil & Gas) EHS
- Company overview
- Our client is a major resin processing manufacturer.
- Responsibilities
- 国内外グループ会社の保安活動推進支援、啓発活動特にグローバル会社とのコミュニケーション
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -072024-21184 Posted: 2024-09-11
就業環境と福利厚生が充実しています6 - 12 million yen Kanagawa Energy / Environment / EPC (Oil & Gas) EHS
- Company overview
- We are engaged in EPC business for various plants and facilities overseas. We contribute to the economic growth and industrial development of the entire planet by developing our business around the world, centering on our comprehensive engineering business and our functional materials manufacturing business that utilizes our unique technologies. Since our founding, we have continued to evolve in response to the demands of the times, developing our business with an emphasis on "harmony between energy and the environment. In particular, in order to achieve sustainable growth while addressing climate change, advances in digital technology, and the global health crisis, we have developed a long-term vision and medium-term plan to help stabilize energy supplies, reduce carbon emissions, and maintain and build infrastructure.
- Responsibilities
- 海外の現場を中心として、安全衛生管理業務を担当頂きます。具体的には以下の業務を想定しています。社内における労働安全衛生マネジメントシステム(ISO45001)の運用
Di Fei
Energy/Construction -
Job number: JN -072024-148971 Posted: 2024-09-11
サプライチェーンの人権に関わる業務経験をお持ちの方必見です。6.2 - 11.7 million yen Tokyo Energy / Environment / EPC (Oil & Gas) EHS
- Company overview
- We are a global leader in the apparel industry, committed to providing high-quality clothing at affordable prices. Our mission is to develop fashion brands loved by people of all ages and genders. Through fashion, we aim to enrich the lives of people worldwide and focus on creating sustainable value. We streamline processes from product development to production and sales, enabling rapid product cycles to meet customer needs promptly.
- Responsibilities
- 同社の生産パートナー(取引先工場)における労働環境モニタリングやホットラインを通じた重大な人権侵害の是正と防止
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -072024-149902 Posted: 2024-09-11
製造メーカーにてなんらか環境安全に関する業務経験をお持ちの方必見です。7.5 - 8.8 million yen Tokyo Energy / Environment / EPC (Oil & Gas) EHS
- Company overview
- Our client is a global manufacturer specializing in optical technology and healthcare, offering a wide range of products and services. Our main business areas include precision optical instruments, medical devices, and consumer products. We possess advanced technical capabilities, particularly in eyewear lenses, contact lenses, and endoscopes, and we are dedicated to developing innovative products. Additionally, we utilize cutting-edge technology in fields such as semiconductor manufacturing equipment and optical components to enhance our competitiveness in the global market. Through advanced research and development and rigorous quality control, we meet customer needs and deliver high reliability and performance.
- Responsibilities
- グループの環境負荷低減及び省資源化活動等の地球環境保全に関するグローバルでの社内活動の進をご担当いただきます。 グローバル基準は整備されたため、現場装着の推進を行っていただきますエネルギー使用量に関するデータ収集システムの運用、GHG検証の対応
石綿含有建材の解体処理、PCB廃棄物の保管/処理、その他国内環境関連法令、条例、主要国際条約についての情報把握と関係者への指導 等
Kazuya Sakata
Energy/Construction -
Job number: JN -072024-116500 Posted: 2024-09-11
Environmental Manager / Team Leader
耐⽕物業界において国内⼤⼿。セラミックス事業にも強み企業です5 - 8 million yen Chiba Energy / Environment / EPC (Oil & Gas) EHS
- Company overview
- -
- Responsibilities
- 各拠点の安全健康管理、安全管理規定等の⽂書管理
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -072024-27390 Posted: 2024-09-11
安全衛生管理業務経験者必見です!6.5 - 10 million yen Tokyo Energy / Environment / EPC (Oil & Gas) EHS
- Company overview
- We are a comprehensive heavy machinery manufacturer in Japan, providing machinery and equipment for a wide range of industries. Operating in the petrochemical, steel, energy, transportation, and construction industries, we provide high-quality products and innovative technologies. We provide customized solutions to meet our customers\' needs, helping them improve production efficiency and reduce costs. We also provide maintenance, inspection, and after-sales services to ensure customer peace of mind and satisfaction. With our long history and rich experience, we contribute to industrial development. We continue to focus on quality, reliability, and innovation to support our customers\' success.
- Responsibilities
- ボイラ発電設備の現地据付現場の安全衛生管理をお任せします。
工事現場に安全専任者または元方安全衛生管理者として常駐し、工事の安全衛生管理 ※元請会社の社員として現場の安全を指導的立場で管理する業務が主体ですが、当社安全スタッフとして全国各地の工事現場へ安全パトロールに回る業務や長期駐在を行うこともあります。
Yuya Migita