Job number: JN -072024-169443 Posted: 2024-12-17

Operation Specialist

4 - 5 million yen Tokyo Support & Administration Call Center / Customer Service

Job details

Company overview
We provide medical and security services, specializing in healthcare, safety, and logistics. Our 24/7 support system spans over 90 countries, ensuring the health and safety of employees worldwide. We offer risk management, emergency support, and consulting services. Our assistance services are delivered by medical and security experts, supporting sustainable business operations by prioritizing employee safety. Our mission is to facilitate safe and sustainable business practices globally.
Responsible for fulfilling all types of assistance for medical, security and logistical related requests originating through the Assistance Centre from clients and subscribers.Deliver high quality service, through effective case management, bringing swift and accurate resolution to situations presented. Execute cases with high standard customer service and working collaboratively between operations, medical and security specialists.To provide an empathetic and efficient delivery of the whole range of 24-hour assistance services and general customer service programmes to our members. 
Main responsibilities:(Critical responsibilities and skills of this position, listed in order of importance)
  • Service Delivery
    • Provide operations and logistics expertise in the understanding and fulfilment of requests for assistance from our clients and subscribers, in collaboration with medical and security professional colleagues. 
    • Demonstrate a professional, positive and caring attitude when servicing clients and subscribers with the objective of exceeding expectations.
    • Probe clients and subscribers who contact the Assistance Center to ensure that the request for assistance is understood and acted upon in every instance.
    • Ensure continuity of service delivery by answering all requests for assistance in a timely and professional manner and managing cases in line with the key directive of Assist First, Verify Later.
    • Document all matters relating to these requests using the telecommunication and computer systems made available by the organisation.
    • Plan and coordinate the full range services for clients, utilising the internal resources of the company and external correspondents where necessary.
    • Reliably escalate cases and requests where required by company protocols.
    • Ensure that logistical arrangements are communicated to all stakeholders in an appropriate and timely manner.
    • Coordinate cases effectively and efficiently in accordance with internal and client specific Operations and Billings procedures
    • Manage cases with a sense of responsibility and urgency, proactively working around barriers and demonstrating a passion for achieving the best outcomes for our clients and subscribers.
    • Seek and listen to customer feedback and escalate for quality improvement.
    • Take responsibility for correcting customer service problems promptly.
    • Provide fully comprehensive billing information together with cost estimates where relevant - securing payment prior to delivery of services to non-clients.
    •  Recognise and escalate any opportunities for cost containment.
    • Ensure that cases are correctly prepared for hand-over to the billing department.
    • Manage an allocated load of cases within the shift and ensure that case details and direction are communicated appropriately and efficiently in the transmission handover.
    • Effectively manage and communicate workload and movements to the line manager.
    • Forward relevant information to assist with the development of the network of service providers.
  • Other Duties
    • Establish responsive relationships both within the business and externally.
    • Positively promote the company
    • Work harmoniously with colleagues and other Assistance Centres and maintain a safe and comfortable working environment by ensuring that shared workstations are kept clean and tidy at all times.
    • Consistently demonstrate the Company Values; work within and promote all company policies and procedures; follow internal guidelines and standards.
    • Attend training and meetings as and when required. 
    • Actively develop own skills, knowledge and an area of personal interest to improve personal performance and add value to the team.
    • Carry out any other reasonable duties as requested by the manager.

今回はお客様(ユーザー)との窓口となるCustomer Service (CS)を募集いたします。
  • 海外渡航者(=会員様)からのご相談電話を受け、国内外の各部署と連携して迅速かつ正確に対応する。(医療相談、受診手配代行、医療・帰国搬送手配など)
  • 全世界で24時間サポートができるよう、全世界共通のシステムで会員情報を管理し、ご依頼内容や手配記録を登録する。(英語)
  • クライアント企業とお取引内容を確認し適切なサービス提供を行う。
Minimum requirements:
  • Operations and logistics skills.
  • Multi tasking and prioristisation skills, ability to multi task and handle several requests at the same time, prioritising tasks appropriately.
  • Customer service skills.
  • Ability to probe and question to ensure request for assistance is fully understood.
  • Resilience and ability to work well under pressure.
  • Attention to detail.
  • Ability to comprehend a given situation, information and requirements quickly and accurately. 
  • Situational awareness skills, ability to perceive, understand and effectively respom to situation.
  • Expert communication skills, communicate information and concepts clearly and logically, setting time specific and achievable expectations, verbally and in writing.
  • Teamworking skills.
  • IT literacy and proficiency in the usage of contemporary computer software including Microsoft Outlook and Word.
  • Ethics & Integrity: Trust: Is widely trusted; is seen as a direct, truthful individual; keeps confidences; admits mistakes; doesn’t misrepresent themselves for personal gain.
  • Ethics & Values: Has strong ethics and principles; demonstrates our company core values irrespective of the situation.
  • Operational Expertise: Attention To Detail: Pays attention to details, and understands the importance of this for the business and for service provision.
  • Focus On Execution: Commitment to excellent and timely delivery of service levels and expectations, whether external or internal.
  • Responsiveness: Responds quickly and effectively to requests for information or assistance, including day-to-day operational matters.
  • Functional Excellence: Has the functional and technical skills, knowledge and experience to perform at a high level of accomplishment; pays attention to details. 
  • Communication: Communicates clearly and concisely.
  • Listening: Listens to people’s point of view.
  • Informing: Proactively provides people with information needed to effectively perform their jobs in a timely manner.
  • Keeps people updated on new developments.
  • Drive For Results: Can be counted on to achieve/exceed agreed goals; continually pushes self to achieve results; shows perseverance in the face of resistance or setbacks.
  • Action Oriented: Has high energy and enjoys working hard; relishes opportunities /challenges.
  • Team Player: Works harmoniously with different parts of the organization, promotes effective teamwork; collaborates effectively and focuses on common goals and priorities; is trusted and supported by peers; is candid with peers.
  • Typically, at least 1 – 2 years of experience in logistics and customer service is required.
  • Experience of working in a fast-paced, demanding environment.
  • Educated to a high school diploma or equivalent.
  • Excellent written and spoken English language
  • Shift work including occasional overtime based on operational requirements. 

 Preferred qualifications:
  • Experience working in logistics, travel and/or healthcare sector is desirable. 
  • Experience in phone-based or call centre environment is desirable.
  • Teritiary level education is desired. 
  • Other language proficiency desirable

  • ビジネスレベルないし同等の英語力が必要(TOEIC850以上)
  • 日本語(ネイティブレベル)
  • 実務での日本語と英語でのSpeaking/Writing経験
  • ユーザーサポートに対する情熱、不安に寄り添うホスピタリティ
  • セルフスターター
  • 他者の協力を仰ぐ率直さ

  • 第三外国語スキルをお持ちの方
  • 海外大学卒
  • 長期留学経験

The appeal
  • 年に1回以上、キャリアプランに関する面談を行っています。
  • 希望する方はCSとして3,5年経験を積んだ後、チームをまとめるマネジメントポジション、法人担当(クライアントサポート)や営業といった他部門へのキャリアチェンジできる機会等もございます。

  • 世界中に展開する海外拠点の仲間とコミュニケーションし、顧客満足の最大化の実現に向けて協働できます。
  • このビジネスにおける世界のリーダーとして、世界中のネットワーク、各分野のプロフェッショナルの知見とノウハウを活用して顧客のニーズにお応えすることができます。
  • 業務を通じて、日本語/英語でのプロジェクト管理スキル、迅速かつ正確な対応力が身につきます。
  • 社内に医師と看護師による医療専⾨チームがありますので、このポジションでは医療に関する専⾨知識は全く問われませ ん。⼊社後の研修においてサポート業務上必要となる知識や技術のトレーニングを受けます

  • COVID-19は各企業のビジネスオペレーションを一変させました。海外渡航の機会が減った一方で、お客様の「(海外渡航者だけでなく)全社員の健康と安全を実現したい」という新たなニーズにお応えすることで、当社ビジネスも堅調に推移しております。「Health and Security risk services」のリーダーとして、引き続きお客様の社員と事業の成長を支援し続けて参ります。

  • 当社は外資系企業ですが、日本オフィスでは、よく外資系企業にイメージされるような殺伐した雰囲気は一切なく、部門内/部門間でチームワークとコミュニケーションを重視し、お互いを尊重し合うアットホームな社風です。
  • 社内は多国籍、バイリンガルの社員が多いため、日本語と英語が飛び交います。なお社長は英語と日本語のネイティブで、日本人社員とは日本語で会話しています。
  • 毎月社内イベントがあり(現在はオンラインがほとんどですが)社内交流の場も多くあります。勤続年数は20年を超えるベテラン社員から、2-3年の中堅社員までがバランス良く在籍し、中途入社の方も溶け込みやすい雰囲気があります。

  • 例年、有給消化率は9割以上(ほぼ10割に近い)の実績です。メリハリをつけて働く、がモットーです。
  • 直近5年間の育休取得率の実績は女性87.5%、男性44.4%です。
  • 長く働いていただける環境です。
4 - 5 million yen
Ami Hayashi
BRS Consultant
Ami Hayashi
Office Support
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