Jobs list of Pharmaceutical
Job number: JN -072024-9884 Posted: 2024-09-11
ワークライフバランス充実/在宅勤務・最大週4日5.5 - 6 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs
- Company overview
- 大手総合商社のグループ会社で、臨床開発事業をメインに医療業界のリーディングカンパニーを目指しています。
- Responsibilities
- グローバルとeClinicalに強いフルサービスCRO(医薬品・医療機器開発業務受託機関)である同社において、薬事担当者として下記業務をご担当いただきます。
Job number: JN -072024-9275 Posted: 2024-09-11
【東京】RA Consultant
医薬品の開発、承認申請に関わった経験5年以上お持ちの方必見です。6 - 9 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Medical Affairs
- Company overview
- We are a global healthcare company and the largest provider of biopharmaceutical development and commercial outsourcing services. In today\'s rapidly changing environment surrounding the healthcare industry, we are making a significant contribution to the development of the industry through its four business segments: Clinical Development, Sales & Marketing, Investment & Alliances, and Consulting. The company, which has supported the development and commercialization of the top-selling drugs worldwide, plans to substantially increase the number of CRAs as it continues to increase projects in large-scale global studies, the anticancer field, the central nervous system field, and other rheumatology fields.
- Responsibilities
- RAコンサルタントとして下記業務をお任せいたします。臨床開発戦略立案コンサルタント
承認申請サポート 等
Job number: JN -072024-13567 Posted: 2024-09-11
リーダー候補 / 臨床開発・データマネージメント担当者
製薬メーカーまたはCROでのデータマネジメント実務経験をお持ちの方必見です5.93 - 9.68 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Clinical Development
- Company overview
- We specialize in the research, development and manufacture of pharmaceutical products. We mainly provide therapeutic drugs for diseases of the cardiovascular system, bone and joint system, and nervous system, with the aim of improving the health and quality of life of patients. We are committed to creating new drugs and improving existing drugs by utilizing our advanced technological and R&D capabilities. We also set strict standards for product quality control to supply safe and effective medicines to the market. In collaboration with medical and research institutions in Japan and overseas, we also focus on developing treatments that incorporate cutting-edge medical technologies. With an emphasis on a patient-centered approach, we have established ourselves as a trusted pharmaceutical manufacturer.
- Responsibilities
- 具体的には、以下の業務を臨床試験のデータマネージメント担当者として、多くの関係者と連携しながら遂行していただきます。(1)臨床試験立ち上げからデータベース固定・SDTM作成までのタイムラインの管理(2)国内外のデータマネジメントCROのオーバーサイト(3)DMP(Data Management Plan)等の各種DM関連資料のレビュー(4)電子データ申請対応および適合性調査対応(5)リスクベースドアプローチに基づくデータ品質確認手法のブラッシュアップ(6)ウェラブルデバイス、eCOA(electronic Clinical Outcome Assessment)など多様なデータ収集プロセスの導入検討
Job number: JN -072024-12170 Posted: 2024-09-11
医療業界経験をお持ちの方必見です7 - 10 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Marketing
- Company overview
- Our client is a prime SI that provides comprehensive IT solutions.
- Responsibilities
- 新規事業企画の立案、新たなビジネスモデルの構築
Job number: JN -072024-15600 Posted: 2024-09-11
ワークライフバランス充実6 - 8 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs
- Company overview
- Our client is a pioneer and leading CRO contract research organization.
- Responsibilities
- 医療用医薬品及び再生医療等製品の臨床試験に係る業務をお任せします。開発戦略の策定日本の規制要件への対応状況の確認(ギャップ分析)
臨床試験(GCP準拠)の各種ドキュメント作成Protocol、Investigators Brochure、Informed Consent Form(ICF)
Job number: JN -072024-11269 Posted: 2024-09-11
血液領域のマーケティング担当者 / 東京都千代田区
リーダー候補のポジションです5.93 - 9.68 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Marketing
- Company overview
- We specialize in the research, development and manufacture of pharmaceutical products. We mainly provide therapeutic drugs for diseases of the cardiovascular system, bone and joint system, and nervous system, with the aim of improving the health and quality of life of patients. We are committed to creating new drugs and improving existing drugs by utilizing our advanced technological and R&D capabilities. We also set strict standards for product quality control to supply safe and effective medicines to the market. In collaboration with medical and research institutions in Japan and overseas, we also focus on developing treatments that incorporate cutting-edge medical technologies. With an emphasis on a patient-centered approach, we have established ourselves as a trusted pharmaceutical manufacturer.
- Responsibilities
- 血液領域の新規開拓に向け、マーケティング部門を強化します。血液領域治療薬のライフサイクルマネジメント計画やマーケティング戦略を策定し、製品価値の最大化を目指していける仲間を募集します。
Job number: JN -072024-11730 Posted: 2024-09-11
Clinical Lead/ Project Lead
臨床開発の企画経験者必見です!6.5 - 11 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Clinical Development
- Company overview
- We are a global healthcare company and the largest provider of biopharmaceutical development and commercial outsourcing services. In today\'s rapidly changing environment surrounding the healthcare industry, we are making a significant contribution to the development of the industry through its four business segments: Clinical Development, Sales & Marketing, Investment & Alliances, and Consulting. The company, which has supported the development and commercialization of the top-selling drugs worldwide, plans to substantially increase the number of CRAs as it continues to increase projects in large-scale global studies, the anticancer field, the central nervous system field, and other rheumatology fields.
- Responsibilities
- 臨床開発プロジェクトのタイムラインの管理
Job number: JN -072024-38866 Posted: 2024-09-11
Quality Assurance Senior Manager
Full Remote QA Senior Manager position12 - 15 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance / Quality Control
- Company overview
- The company is a foreign-affiliated pharmaceutical company.
- Responsibilities
- Provide strong support team management for GQP Head on day-to-day basis
Plan, organize and lead periodic internal reviews with all stakeholders (e.g. GM, Audit, Supply Chain, launch management, Regulatory affairs and Cooperate Quality compliance)
Qualify, manage, support and supervise assigned CMO and API suppliers aligned with local regulation and the company Quality Management Systems and provide reports as required
Implement, report and monitor CMO Quality Metrics and ensure identification and implementation of improvements needed through routine review
Manage (initiate and investigate) all significant quality issues associated with Drug Products or APIs originating from assigned CMO or suppliers (complaints, deviations, recalls, counterfeits and product tampering, stability failures, etc.) appropriately and in a timely fashion
Provide support to develop/implement/maintain/improve QMS in line with local regulation and company QMS
Perform other duties as assigned such as described below, but are not limited to:
Provide support for regulatory agency inspection readiness and requests
Maintain an annual auditing program, participate in technical visits and/or audits, manage action plans and follow up on agreed upon CAPAs
Support business develop
Job number: JN -072024-34321 Posted: 2024-09-11
癌領域の専門性や経験をお持ちの方必見です。12 - 16 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Medical Doctor
- Company overview
- Our client a major Japanese pharmaceutical company engaged in the research, development, manufacturing, and sales of pharmaceuticals. Our group promotes four business areas—new drugs, generics, vaccines, and OTC products—to meet diverse medical needs. By expanding our operations globally, we aim to provide innovative treatments to a wide range of patients. Additionally, we possess advanced technological capabilities and well-equipped facilities to support our research and development. We actively conduct clinical trials both domestically and internationally, striving to demonstrate leadership in the pharmaceutical industry while emphasizing our commitment to contributing to society as a whole.
- Responsibilities
- 抗がん剤の開発プロジェクトへの参画もしくは上市後間もない抗がん剤を担当し、以下の安全対策業務に従事する。
重大な副作用発生時におけるKOL(Key Opinion Leader)や使用医師等との専門性に基づく円滑なコミュニケーション
Job number: JN -072024-148333 Posted: 2024-09-11
語学力を活かしてグローバルに活躍6 - 12 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Pharmacovigilance
- Company overview
- Our client a major Japanese pharmaceutical company engaged in the research, development, manufacturing, and sales of pharmaceuticals. Our group promotes four business areas—new drugs, generics, vaccines, and OTC products—to meet diverse medical needs. By expanding our operations globally, we aim to provide innovative treatments to a wide range of patients. Additionally, we possess advanced technological capabilities and well-equipped facilities to support our research and development. We actively conduct clinical trials both domestically and internationally, striving to demonstrate leadership in the pharmaceutical industry while emphasizing our commitment to contributing to society as a whole.
- Responsibilities
- グローバルPV企画・管理業務
海外子会社PV担当者と連携し、グローバル基準に準拠したローカルでのPV systemの維持・管理
Job number: JN -072024-38765 Posted: 2024-09-11
Senior Brand Marketing Manager
Senior Brand Manager at global mega pharma12 - 17 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Marketing
- Company overview
- This company is the world\'s leading pharmaceutical company.
- Responsibilities
- Specific responsibilities of the role include, but are not limited to:
Develop launch strategy, lead commercial activities for the product
Understand overall market, an environment surrounded the product and customer insights to develop robust launch strategy.
Develop tactics based on analysis obtained from data, facts, and insights, and lead commercial activities by leveraging omni-channels
Implement launch activities by leveraging internal resources and partnerships with third-party vendors, industry organizations, and, if required, other pharmaceutical companies
Keep eyes open for new information regarding company products, competitors, local and global markets, latest discussions among KOLs and academia, and legislation in Japan
Lead discussions among global/regional/local colleagues to create launch strategies for product and ensure all the cross-functional colleagues pursue the same goal
Develop revenue forecasts for the product in consistency with global and regional teams for strategies, assumptions, and models
Oversee promotional content development and marketing activities for HCPs and consumers, make sure those activities are executed in a compliant manner
Manage marketing budget and ensure related spends are completed within budget and on time.
Work with team members through coaching and mentoring;Provide the guidance and coaching to brand managers and other members in the TA as necessary to ensure their success as well as self-growth.
Create a culture and workplace environment that fosters enthusiasm, collaboration and engagements with peers and team members.
Uphold and adhere to company policies, compliance rules/regulations, SOPs, and pharmaceutical regulatory guidelines (i.e. cGMP/cGLP/cGCP).
Job number: JN -072024-37223 Posted: 2024-09-11
製薬メーカーでの内勤サポート <オフィスメディカル>
豊富なキャリアパス/研修教育環境充実6.5 - 9.5 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Medical Affairs
- Company overview
- We are a global healthcare company and the largest provider of biopharmaceutical development and commercial outsourcing services. In today\'s rapidly changing environment surrounding the healthcare industry, we are making a significant contribution to the development of the industry through its four business segments: Clinical Development, Sales & Marketing, Investment & Alliances, and Consulting. The company, which has supported the development and commercialization of the top-selling drugs worldwide, plans to substantially increase the number of CRAs as it continues to increase projects in large-scale global studies, the anticancer field, the central nervous system field, and other rheumatology fields.
- Responsibilities
- <業務内容>
医療従事者や社内 MR、患者様からの取扱製品に関する問い合わせ対応
メディカルインフォメーション(2 次対応)
Job number: JN -072024-36722 Posted: 2024-09-11
循環器領域、下肢領域のプロダクトマネージャー経験もしくはそれに近い経験をお持ちの方必見です。5 - 8 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Marketing
- Company overview
- Our client is a medical device manufacturer.
- Responsibilities
- 市場調査フォームの作成
Job number: JN -082024-174123 Posted: 2024-09-11
企業においてオンコロジー領域の医薬品研究開発に携わった経験(10年以上)をお持ちの方必見です。11.14 - 12.5 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Research & Development
- Company overview
- We are one of Japan\'s leading pharmaceutical companies, specializing in the research, development, manufacturing, and sale of medical pharmaceuticals. We focuse particularly on innovative drug development in fields such as neurology, rheumatology, allergy, and respiratory medicine, contributing to the advancement of healthcare and societal welfare. Moreover, we actively pursues global expansion, conducting clinical research and sales activities worldwide.
- Responsibilities
- オンコロジー領域における研究後期PJの開発リーダー、開発早期PJリーダーとしてご活躍いただきます。研究後期PJの臨床リーダーとして開発計画を策定する。
Job number: JN -082024-173525 Posted: 2024-09-11
製造・品質管理担当者 ◆腸内細菌叢移植の医薬品開発
食品工場での製造・品質管理実務経験者必見です!5 - 7.5 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance / Quality Control
- Company overview
- 同社は、創薬・医療事業を展開しています。
- Responsibilities
- 【変更の範囲:会社の定める業務】
FMT製剤のサプライチェーン構築のサポート ※すべてを一人で行なう訳ではありません。現社員と協力しながら業務にあたります。 ※FMT:Fecal Microbiota Transplantation(腸内細菌叢移植)
Job number: JN -082024-173847 Posted: 2024-09-11
グローバル企業の日本法人6 - 8 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs
- Company overview
- Top tier medical device company globally.
- Responsibilities
- 【血液ガス分析装置など世界トップクラスのシェアを持つ製品を扱うグローバル企業の日本法人】
Job number: JN -082024-175017 Posted: 2024-09-11
創薬化学研究者として創薬研究を推進した実務経験をお持ちの方必見です。6 - 11 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Research & Development
- Company overview
- Our client a major Japanese pharmaceutical company engaged in the research, development, manufacturing, and sales of pharmaceuticals. Our group promotes four business areas—new drugs, generics, vaccines, and OTC products—to meet diverse medical needs. By expanding our operations globally, we aim to provide innovative treatments to a wide range of patients. Additionally, we possess advanced technological capabilities and well-equipped facilities to support our research and development. We actively conduct clinical trials both domestically and internationally, striving to demonstrate leadership in the pharmaceutical industry while emphasizing our commitment to contributing to society as a whole.
- Responsibilities
- 創薬ソースとしての化合物ライブラリー設計およびその提案
Job number: JN -082024-173391 Posted: 2024-09-11
グローバルで議論可能な英語力をお持ちの方必見です。6 - 11 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Pharmacovigilance
- Company overview
- Our client a major Japanese pharmaceutical company engaged in the research, development, manufacturing, and sales of pharmaceuticals. Our group promotes four business areas—new drugs, generics, vaccines, and OTC products—to meet diverse medical needs. By expanding our operations globally, we aim to provide innovative treatments to a wide range of patients. Additionally, we possess advanced technological capabilities and well-equipped facilities to support our research and development. We actively conduct clinical trials both domestically and internationally, striving to demonstrate leadership in the pharmaceutical industry while emphasizing our commitment to contributing to society as a whole.
- Responsibilities
- グローバルPVの渉外管理担当
海外子会社・海外提携会社と連携し、グローバルPV systemの維持・管理・改善の推進
Job number: JN -082024-173392 Posted: 2024-09-11
PV Excellence・Project Management担当
グローバル業務経験をお持ちの方必見です。6 - 11 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Pharmacovigilance
- Company overview
- Our client a major Japanese pharmaceutical company engaged in the research, development, manufacturing, and sales of pharmaceuticals. Our group promotes four business areas—new drugs, generics, vaccines, and OTC products—to meet diverse medical needs. By expanding our operations globally, we aim to provide innovative treatments to a wide range of patients. Additionally, we possess advanced technological capabilities and well-equipped facilities to support our research and development. We actively conduct clinical trials both domestically and internationally, striving to demonstrate leadership in the pharmaceutical industry while emphasizing our commitment to contributing to society as a whole.
- Responsibilities
- グローバルPV企画・管理業務
Job number: JN -072024-37086 Posted: 2024-09-11
グローバル品目の品質保証及び国内品質保証(GQP)の経験をお持ちの方必見です。6 - 11 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance / Quality Control
- Company overview
- Our client a major Japanese pharmaceutical company engaged in the research, development, manufacturing, and sales of pharmaceuticals. Our group promotes four business areas—new drugs, generics, vaccines, and OTC products—to meet diverse medical needs. By expanding our operations globally, we aim to provide innovative treatments to a wide range of patients. Additionally, we possess advanced technological capabilities and well-equipped facilities to support our research and development. We actively conduct clinical trials both domestically and internationally, striving to demonstrate leadership in the pharmaceutical industry while emphasizing our commitment to contributing to society as a whole.
- Responsibilities
- グローバル製品、国内市場向け製品及び輸出用製品の、治験薬Phase及び商用Phaseにおける品質マネジメントの推進品質課題対応/変更管理/逸脱/品質情報/品質契約/GMP監査/製造委託先のData Integrity維持・向上等
海外当局査察にむけたInspection Readinessの推進・製造所の支援