Jobs list of Automotive & Mechanical Engineer
Job number: JN -072024-19939 Posted: 2025-03-08
Project Engineer
自動車業界で機械設計のご経験ある方、必見です!5 - 7.5 million yen Kanagawa Automotive Mechanical Engineer
- Company overview
- We are the Japanese subsidiary of a company with a long history in the field of technical springs. As a global leader in the development and manufacture of automotive chassis, body, and engine components, we provide innovative products to optimize vehicle weight with superior lightweight technology. Products include coil springs, stabilizer bars, carbon fiber composite materials, and wheels. We also manufacture components for aviation and industrial applications, which utilize a variety of material forming and joining technologies. We value the expertise and team spirit of our employees, with a focus on innovation and growth.
- Responsibilities
- Supports Coil automotive chassis coil spring and stabilizer bar product development for Japanese OEM customer projects, including design, validation and process definition
Supports successful production launch of new projects through proper project management
Maintains global technical relationships ensuring Japanese customer projects’ success
Travels domestically and abroad ensuring Japanese customer projects’ success
Rampo Higuchi
Automotive -
Job number: JN -092024-177262 Posted: 2025-03-08
Development Engineer
Technology leader for bespoke automotive solutions6 - 8 million yen Saitama Automotive Mechanical Engineer
- Company overview
- We are a globally recognized manufacturer of turbochargers, with operations centered in Asia, Europe, and the Americas. We specialize in the development, manufacturing, and sale of turbochargers and related components for automobiles, construction machinery, commercial vehicles, and marine applications. Additionally, we provide high-efficiency electric turbochargers for engines and compressors for fuel cell vehicles. Based in Saitama, Japan, we oversee all aspects from development through mass production to quality assurance. Our technology solutions have evolved to meet the needs of gasoline and diesel vehicles, setting new standards for hybrid electric vehicles and fuel cell powertrains. Furthermore, we offer cybersecurity and predictive maintenance software to ensure a safe and comfortable driving environment, aligning with the era of autonomous driving.
- Responsibilities
- 業務内容:
Roland Bolinth
Automotive -
Job number: JN -012025-182910 Posted: 2025-02-20
構造解析、熱解析の経験を7年以上有する方必見です。7.6 - 10 million yen Tokyo Automotive Mechanical Engineer
- Company overview
- Our client is engaged in businesses related to the safe transport and storage of radioactive materials.
- Responsibilities
- 同社は原子燃料サイクルで必要となる輸送貯蔵容器(キャスク)の設計・品質管理・輸送事業等を行っております。カーボンニュートラルが掲げられる社会において、原子力は有力な解決策のひとつであり、その一翼を担う当社事業の社会的意義は非常に高いです。この度、構造・熱解析担当および長期的にマネジメントをしていただける方を募集しています。一緒に社会に不可欠なエネルギー産業に貢献しませんか?
電力会社(顧客)、ORANO NPS(親会社)等との打合
Di Fei
Energy/Construction -
Job number: JN -112024-179140 Posted: 2025-01-28
ひとりひとりが個性を発揮して働ける環境5 - 8 million yen Kanagawa Automotive Mechanical Engineer
- Company overview
- We are a Japanese automotive company that operates a global business. We manufacture and sell a wide range of passenger cars and commercial vehicles. We prioritize improving fuel efficiency and reducing environmental impact, employing innovative technologies. In addition to producing high-quality vehicles, we focus on safety and comfort, aiming to provide customers with valuable mobility experiences. Furthermore, we are committed to developing electric and autonomous driving technologies to realize sustainable mobility.
- Responsibilities
- ご経験・適性を鑑みて、以下いずれかをご担当いただきます。デザイナーとの連携から仕様策定、自ら手を動かし設計を行うなど車体開発の面白みを実感できる業務です。
Rampo Higuchi
Automotive -
Job number: JN -122024-181834 Posted: 2025-01-21
Occupant Safety Engineer
Experience in passive safety is a plus7 - 11 million yen Kanagawa Automotive Mechanical Engineer
- Company overview
- -
- Responsibilities
- Main responsibilities:
Design and develop restraint system components at the sub-system and system levels, ensuring compliance with regulations and customer requirements for Japanese customers.
Plan, execute, and manage system projects, including budget management, technical realization, and adherence to project schedules.
Coordinate with internal teams and customers for system integration and optimization.
Prepare, request, and analyse simulations and tests, including but not limited to crash tests, sled tests, and out-of-position tests.
Provide system engineering expertise to support product development and cross-functional collaborations, including concept release and recommendation.
Roland Bolinth
Automotive -
Job number: JN -072024-11181 Posted: 2025-01-21
自動車業界での設計開発の経験をお持ちの方必見です。5 - 9 million yen Kanagawa Automotive Mechanical Engineer
- Company overview
- We operate in the Japanese market in four business areas: Mobility, Industrial Equipment, Energy and Building Technology, and Consumer Products. Since the start of our operations in Japan, we have provided innovative products and services in a wide range of fields to date. In particular, under the slogan "Invented for life," we contribute to improving the quality of life in Japanese society through technological innovation. Through this, we have built a solid foundation in Japan.
- Responsibilities
- ステアリングシステムの設計検討及び 顧客図面と3Dデータの管理。
顧客と同社海外本社間で 次の技術的コーディネ ーションを行う。
EPS (Electric Power Steering) システム、コンポーネントの設計、設計変更管理、仕様、テスト仕様等。
Rampo Higuchi
Automotive -
Job number: JN -112024-180019 Posted: 2024-11-21
複雑なシステム安全設計/解析における最低3年間の経験をお持ちの方必見です。5 - 9 million yen Tokyo Automotive Mechanical Engineer
- Company overview
- Our client is a venture company that is actively addressing the planet\'s space debris problem by making serious strides in removing space debris from the planet\'s orbit. They also collaborate with other companies, organizations, and government agencies in a joint effort to formulate guidelines and laws for responsible space exploration and use.
- Responsibilities
- システム安全解析・設計活動
システム・チームの一員として、システム設計および運用概念 (CONOPS) を理解し、サブシステム・エンジニアと協力して包括的なシステム安全設計を開発する
故障モードa、影響解析 (FMEA) 、フォールトツリー解析(FTA)などのシステム安全解析を実施する。
複雑なランデブ近接操作 (RPO) ミッションをサポートするために、障害検出分離・復旧(FDIR)設計を開発する
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -112024-180016 Posted: 2024-11-21
熱設計・熱解析・熱試験の経験をお持ちの方必見です。5 - 9 million yen Tokyo Automotive Mechanical Engineer
- Company overview
- Our client is a venture company that is actively addressing the planet\'s space debris problem by making serious strides in removing space debris from the planet\'s orbit. They also collaborate with other companies, organizations, and government agencies in a joint effort to formulate guidelines and laws for responsible space exploration and use.
- Responsibilities
- 衛星の熱設計・熱解析
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -072024-10857 Posted: 2024-11-13
Seat Product Design Engineer & Customer Interface
top tier-17 - 10 million yen Kanagawa Automotive Mechanical Engineer
- Company overview
- We are a global automotive supplier. We provide advanced technologies and products for the automotive industry. We are particularly focused on the electrification and hydrogenation of drive systems and the improvement of safety and comfort in the in-car cockpit. With a view to a sustainable future, we are working to make our production sites carbon neutral and to protect the environment. We also value diversity and promote innovation with employees from diverse backgrounds.
- Responsibilities
- For this own perimeter on a given program the Product Design Engineer & Customer Interface will be a support Engineering Manager for following activities:Technical window in front of customers.
Contribution to the development of new products, in line with schedule, process, quality and cost targets.
The technical responsibilities are:
Understand customer technical specifications, to discuss and to address them according to current or future technical solutions developed by us.
Clarify and explain customers’ specifications to Development teams.
Promote and explain to customers the choices and technical solutions proposed by us.
Participate to RFS/RFI/RFQ process and ensure the customers’ expectations are taken in account and appropriate compromise is made as needed.
Lead the Design Review events at customers and ensure the content and format meets requirements
Actively participate to the creation of design concepts and alternative design solutions.
Ensure the conformity of the different technical answers to customers.
Act as the main communication channel to the customers in Japan for technical matters (with Technical Manager support, as needed).
The management responsibilities consist in giving direction to CAD Engineers on data creation and data submission as required.
Rampo Higuchi
Automotive -
Job number: JN -112024-179149 Posted: 2024-11-07
車両の商品力に貢献するやりがいのあるポジション5 - 9 million yen Aichi Automotive Mechanical Engineer
- Company overview
- Our client is one of the largest Japanese multinational automotive manufacturers in Japan.
- Responsibilities
- 車両のボディー、ドア、フード、テールゲートを開発する部署でお客様に満足頂ける高品質な商品を追求します。積極的なコミュニケーションで部内外から信頼される商品を設計します。
3D CAD (CATIA)を用いた製品図面の作成
Rampo Higuchi
Automotive -
Job number: JN -072024-34103 Posted: 2024-09-17
NASTRAN、構造体の知識が活かせます。5.6 - 8 million yen Kanagawa Automotive Mechanical Engineer
- Company overview
- We are a company that provides a wide range of engineering services in Japan and abroad. Focusing mainly on the manufacturing industry, we provide a full range of services from design and development to maintenance to assist our clients with their technical challenges. We continue to propose innovative solutions by leveraging our advanced technological capabilities and extensive experience, and have established ourselves as a leading company in the industrial world. We also aim to contribute to a sustainable society, not forgetting our concern for the global environment.
- Responsibilities
- 人工衛星の構造体解析において、メッシュ、線形・非線形解析、条件検討など一連の解析業務を担っていただきます。
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -072024-150750 Posted: 2024-09-16
Mechanical Engineering Lead (LIDAR) | 機械工学リーダー(LIDAR)
光学系の知見ある方必見・新しい自動車技術や機械システムの設計と開発に貢献6 - 8 million yen Tokyo Automotive Mechanical Engineer
- Company overview
- We are the Japanese subsidiary of a world-leading automotive parts supplier group. As a European supplier of automotive parts and systems, we offer a wide range of products and services to the automotive industry. We are particularly acclaimed for our expertise in automotive lighting, engine cooling, electric powertrains, driver assistance, and autonomous driving technologies. One of our distinctive features is our commitment, as a group, to developing technologies that contribute to reducing CO2 emissions from automobiles.
- Responsibilities
- 業務内容:
R&Dプロジェクトテクニカルマネージャーの要請によるリリース内容(社内および顧客向け)の確認 - 機械R&Dチームを管理
Rampo Higuchi
Automotive -
Job number: JN -072024-24650 Posted: 2024-09-11
化学工学あるいは機械工学の幅広い知識が活かせます。7 - 13 million yen Tokyo Automotive Mechanical Engineer
- Company overview
- We are engaged in the research, development, manufacturing, and sale of pharmaceuticals. We strive to maintain independent management, research, development, production, and sales functions, along with our unique international expansion efforts and the strengthening of our research and development capabilities. Focusing on strategic areas such as "cancer," we are accelerating the creation of promising new drugs, including antibody drugs. We also actively pursue global expansion, aiming to provide high-quality pharmaceuticals and services to patients worldwide.
- Responsibilities
- CAE解析(熱流体解析、粉体解析)
Patrick Chang
Pharma -
Job number: JN -072024-21476 Posted: 2024-09-11
熱流動解析の実務経験が活かせます。6 - 12 million yen Kanagawa Automotive Mechanical Engineer
- Company overview
- We are engaged in EPC business for various plants and facilities overseas. We contribute to the economic growth and industrial development of the entire planet by developing our business around the world, centering on our comprehensive engineering business and our functional materials manufacturing business that utilizes our unique technologies. Since our founding, we have continued to evolve in response to the demands of the times, developing our business with an emphasis on "harmony between energy and the environment. In particular, in order to achieve sustainable growth while addressing climate change, advances in digital technology, and the global health crisis, we have developed a long-term vision and medium-term plan to help stabilize energy supplies, reduce carbon emissions, and maintain and build infrastructure.
- Responsibilities
- 各種プラント(ガス化、発電プラント、再エネ、医薬、化学等)における熱流動解析業務 プロセス機器,浮体構造物のCFD解析による設計
Di Fei