Jobs list of Pharmaceutical & Marketing
Job number: JN -092024-177026 Posted: 2024-11-15
パブリケーションストラテジーマネージャー ※スタッフorノンラインマネージャー
メディカルコミュニケーショングループにて日本での出版物の計画・実行をお任せします。6 - 11.5 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Marketing
- Company overview
- Our client is a leading global pharmaceutical company committed to enhancing health and quality of life. With a significant presence in Japan, the firm operates from its Tokyo branch with over 1,500 dedicated employees.
Globally, the company employs over 58,000 people and has a footprint in more than 130 countries. The focus is on research and development in key therapeutic areas, including respiratory, cardiovascular, and oncology, driving innovation and excellence across its extensive pipeline of therapies. - Responsibilities
■仕事の基本的な目的:戦略的かつコンプライアンスに準拠した方法でローカルパブリッシング計画を計画および実行し、包括的なHPBU(Human Pharma Business Unit)およびブランド固有の戦略を考慮し、次のことを保証します。割り当てられた治療領域またはプロジェクトの定期的な部門横断的な調整とローカル出版計画の承認
役割と責任に関するコミュニケーションを含め、関連する医薬品/TA(Therapeutic Area)の出版計画プロセスを主導し、TAの同僚に出版管理に関する専門知識を提供する
Job number: JN -112024-179454 Posted: 2024-11-13
医療機器営業経験者必見です!8 - 10 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Marketing
- Company overview
- -
- Responsibilities
- パートナー企業のビジネスサクセス、それに伴う自社のサクセスを目指し、製品のデモンストレーション、パートナー企業向けトレーニング、病院同行訪問などを担当いただきます。
Job number: JN -102024-179006 Posted: 2024-11-01
医療品メーカーでのプロダクトマーケティングのご経験をお持ちの方必見です。6 - 8.63 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Marketing
- Company overview
- Our client is a international manufacturer specializing in endoscopes.
- Responsibilities
- 国内販売製品の選定、ローンチ
Job number: JN -102024-178991 Posted: 2024-11-01
心臓病、腎臓病、および代謝疾患に苦しむ患者さんの生活を改善8 - 12.6 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Marketing
- Company overview
- Our client is a leading global pharmaceutical company committed to enhancing health and quality of life. With a significant presence in Japan, the firm operates from its Tokyo branch with over 1,500 dedicated employees.
Globally, the company employs over 58,000 people and has a footprint in more than 130 countries. The focus is on research and development in key therapeutic areas, including respiratory, cardiovascular, and oncology, driving innovation and excellence across its extensive pipeline of therapies. - Responsibilities
- ■職務の目的:心臓病、腎臓病、および代謝疾患に苦しむ患者さんの生活を改善するために、当社薬剤をより多くの患者さんに提供し、より多くの時間を提供することです。
Job number: JN -092024-177033 Posted: 2024-10-29
プログラムマネージャー(オンコロジー・免疫領域) ※ノンラインマネージャー
患者向けソリューションのポートフォリオに関するプロダクトを提供する上で重要な役割を果たすポジション8.9 - 12.5 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Marketing
- Company overview
- Our client is a leading global pharmaceutical company committed to enhancing health and quality of life. With a significant presence in Japan, the firm operates from its Tokyo branch with over 1,500 dedicated employees.
Globally, the company employs over 58,000 people and has a footprint in more than 130 countries. The focus is on research and development in key therapeutic areas, including respiratory, cardiovascular, and oncology, driving innovation and excellence across its extensive pipeline of therapies. - Responsibilities
- ■職務の基本的な目的:アセット戦略の実行とアセットの進捗状況に重点を置いて、チームと次のレベルのチームにプロジェクト管理サポートを提供します。日本およびグローバルのすべての主要な関係者 (デジタルの場合はユーザーを含む) とのやり取りを調整します。リーダーシップについて定期的に連絡し、最新情報を提供します。チームとガバナンスの決定のための主要なプログラム指標 (マイルストーン、タイムライン、関連するすべての予算、リソース) のレポートと追跡を維持します。内部イベントと外部イベントを含む、資産のクリティカルパスを作成および更新します。チームがアジャイルな作業方法を採用し、スピードを最大化し、資産戦略を効果的に実行するよう促します。
■業務内容:アセット戦略を実行可能な計画に変換する責任を負います。統合されたプログラム計画と予算を開発し、プロジェクト戦略と運用の実施を確実に整合させるようチームを指導します。チームに計画の責任を持たせる。特に初期の資産に関しては、日本からの世界的なインプットを確保します。デジタル資産は、アイデアの発案から完全な商品化、その後のメンテナンスに至るまで、デジタル医療資産の開発および商品化プロセス全体を調整します。資産戦略、主要な意思決定、ロードマップを文書化する責任を負い、情報が最新で一貫性のあるものであることを保証します。ヒューマン・ファーマ・リーダーシップ委員会(HPLC)において、資産証拠計画(AEP)および/または統合証拠計画(IEP)および/または対象製品プロファイル(TPP)が製品マイルストーンリリースに向けた日本の開発戦略を反映していることを保証します。 初期アセット(SOD と PoCP の間)を含む日本からの地域インプットについては、Early Evidence Lead と調整し、TA ヘッドをサポートします。チームにコミットメントに対する責任を課し、必要なフォローアップと必要な知識とリソースの展開を組織します。デジタル資産の場合、目標、範囲、製品ドメインがすべてのチームメンバーと関連する利害関係者に確実に理解されるようにします。
Job number: JN -102024-178590 Posted: 2024-10-28
中央政府、地方自治体との関わりや医療業界でのビジネス経験があるかた必見!5 - 12.6 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Marketing
- Company overview
- Our client is a leading global pharmaceutical company committed to enhancing health and quality of life. With a significant presence in Japan, the firm operates from its Tokyo branch with over 1,500 dedicated employees.
Globally, the company employs over 58,000 people and has a footprint in more than 130 countries. The focus is on research and development in key therapeutic areas, including respiratory, cardiovascular, and oncology, driving innovation and excellence across its extensive pipeline of therapies. - Responsibilities
- 地域医療の観点から、担当する地域とステークホルダーが抱える自社に関わる疾患領域の課題を理解し、地域特性に合わせた課題解決策をステークホルダーと共創する。課題解決策を実現するために、医療政策部の戦略に基づき自ら計画・実行する新たな事業モデル・サービス提供を含むプロジェクトを遂行し、成功へ導く。これらにより、患者が適切な医療にアクセスできるサステナブルな仕組みを構築し、患者のQOLに貢献する
Job number: JN -072024-3564 Posted: 2024-10-15
Marketing Director
Director10 - 18 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Marketing
- Company overview
- This is one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies, providing products to customers in approximately 150 countries and territories.
- Responsibilities
- Develop multi-channel go-to-market strategic and tactical plans for therapy areas of focus
Lead the digital transformation to a hybrid MR model where multiple remote channels are fully integrated into MR’s promotional activities.
Collaborate with related stakeholders to optimize multi-channels and CLM activities
Increase efficiency of the e-MR team so that they can effectively disseminate message to relevant stakeholders through inbound & out bound calls.
Continuously evaluate emerging technologies, providing thought leadership and recommendations for adoption where appropriate.
Develop, implement and track digital marketing activities that are tightly linked to our commercial strategies
Closely collaborate with product teams to maximize utilization of digital channels
Measure and report performance on key activities and assess against goals (ROI and KPIs)
Build a strong digital marketing team through regular coaching and supervising of individual team members.
Develop the digital group budget to realize the strategy plan and ensure all the promotional/GA spending are in alignment with the annual budget plans.
Collaborating with Business partner M3, BT and StratCo to leverage new technology includes AI, RPA, OCR Remote for business efficiencies and negotiate with vendors to obtain cost effective deals
Ensure contracts with vendors and promotional materials related to digital activities are aligned with corporate / industry compliance and regulations
Job number: JN -092024-176921 Posted: 2024-10-10
プロダクトマネージャーや推進担当などの幅広いキャリアを構成することが可能です7 - 10 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Marketing
- Company overview
- We are a Japan-based pharmaceutical company dedicated to contributing to the health and well-being of patients worldwide. We have established a global network of research, development, manufacturing, and sales bases to achieve this mission. We focus particularly on areas with high unmet medical needs, such as "cognitive disorders and central nervous system diseases" and "oncology," striving to innovate and provide groundbreaking new drugs. Additionally, we work towards sustainable healthcare by fostering collaborative relationships with healthcare professionals, patients, and local communities.
- Responsibilities
- 業務内容:
Job number: JN -072024-29511 Posted: 2024-10-02
プロジェクトマネジメントがある方必見です。6 - 8 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Marketing
- Company overview
- We are a leading Japanese manufacturer and distributor of medical devices and related products. We have a particularly strong reputation in the field of medical devices, such as catheters and artificial heart-lung machines, and we are expanding our business widely both domestically and internationally. We are also expanding into the fields of pharmaceuticals and blood systems, providing comprehensive medical solutions. We focus on innovation and quality control, and develop our products with patient safety and healthcare professionals\' convenience in mind. We aim to contribute to the development of healthcare from a global perspective and are actively involved in the realization of a sustainable society.
- Responsibilities
- マーケティング調査・分析に基づく成長戦略立案。
Job number: JN -072024-166795 Posted: 2024-09-30
マーケティング業務経験者必見です!10 - 20 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Marketing
- Company overview
- We are a marketing consulting firm specializing in the pharmaceutical industry in Japan. In particular, we collect and analyze health data and develop diagnostic support systems for medical and research institutions. We utilize cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) technology to achieve advanced processing and utilization of medical information. We also promote the effective use of clinical data with the aim of improving the quality and efficiency of medical care. Furthermore, we provide platforms to support patient health management and develop solutions for the digitization of healthcare. In collaboration with medical experts, we are developing innovative services based on the latest medical knowledge and contributing to the development of the healthcare industry.
- Responsibilities
- 定量・定性調査の実施・分析等を含め、クライアントである製薬・医療業界企業の商品開発~上市前後のプロモーション業務まで、リサーチ・マーケティング戦略立案から、顧客の中長期的な成長・関係構築に向けたコンサルティングを行います。
Job number: JN -072024-32204 Posted: 2024-09-19
バイオ/製薬業界での研究開発/医療プロジェクトマネジメント経験5年以上の方必見です。11 - 14 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Marketing
- Company overview
- We are engaged in research and development for regenerative medicine. We promote the social implementation of cell therapy products and iPS cell-related technologies, developing regenerative medicine products through cell transplantation, supporting drug discovery research, and establishing regenerative medicine research infrastructure. As a research and development-focused company, we specialize in the commercialization of regenerative medicine derived from iPS cells, grounded in scientific and technological foundations. Additionally, we utilize our knowledge of iPS cells to support drug discovery research and establish regenerative medicine infrastructure, while also promoting social activities to integrate iPS cells into communities and society. With a well-established technical foundation and a team of leading scientists and skilled technicians, we maintain a young and dynamic culture, sharing a commitment to leveraging Japan\'s iPS cell technology for the benefit of society. By delivering regenerative medicine to patients, we contribute to clinical settings and the broader community.
- Responsibilities
- 組織のあらゆる中核機能を徹底的に理解し、同社ビジョンに沿った戦略的・戦術的イニシアチブを効果的に管理する
Job number: JN -072024-36320 Posted: 2024-09-19
医療用医薬品ビジネスで7年以上の業務経験をお持ちの方必見です。8 - 11 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Marketing
- Company overview
- We are a pharmaceutical company specializing in the development and distribution of treatment drugs for rare diseases. Our goal is to bring smiles and happiness to patients and their families affected by rare diseases. We address challenges such as providing new treatment drugs, ensuring stable supply, improving diagnosis rates, and raising awareness of diseases. Additionally, we aim to expand sales through the handling of long-term listed products and the manufacturing and distribution of pharmaceuticals, ensuring the continued provision of new drugs. Our business includes the maintenance management of manufacturing and sales approvals, pharmaceutical manufacturing and sales operations, and sales management operations.
- Responsibilities
- 同社製品マーケティングを実施し、製品の戦略立案・推進することで売り上げを最大化させる部門の責任者として、下記業務を行います。
Job number: JN -072024-138511 Posted: 2024-09-19
【東京】Head of Genito-Urinary Marketing
オンコロジー・マーケティング経験者必見です!12 - 18 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Marketing
- Company overview
- Our client is one of the most well-established European-based international pharmaceutical companies in Japan.
- Responsibilities
- 長期、中期、短期の事業戦略とマーケティングプランを策定し、GUエリアにおける同社製品の販売ポテンシャルを最大化する。
Job number: JN -092024-176451 Posted: 2024-09-14
プロダクトマネジメントのご経験をお持ちの方必見です。6 - 12 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Marketing
- Company overview
- We specialize in the development and marketing of medical devices. We provide advanced medical devices used primarily in the fields of cardiovascular, urology, and gastroenterology to assist in the treatment and diagnosis of patients. With an emphasis on innovative technology and research and development, we are continuously introducing products to the market that meet the needs of the medical field. Our product lineup includes catheters, stents, and endoscopic devices that boast high quality and safety. Through collaboration with medical experts, we also aim to promote effective therapies and improve medical technology. With a mission to improve the quality of life of patients, we leverage our global network to provide superior solutions to medical institutions around the world.
- Responsibilities
- マーケティング戦略の立案と実行: 担当製品に関するマーケティング戦略を策定し、実行します。マーケティング戦略には顧客の理解、市場のセグメンテーション、ターゲットの選定、製品のポジショニング、バリュープロポジション、マーケティングミックス等が含まれます。
新製品の立ち上げ: 効果的な製品立ち上げの戦略を策定し、プロジェクトマネジメントを行いながら実行します。これには、マーケティング資料の作成、販売トレーニングの提供、顧客とのコミュニケーション戦略の策定、製品販売のためのオペレーションの構築等が含まれます。
市場理解: 顧客訪問や顧客の声を聞くイベントの企画・実施を通じ、製品や市場全体へのフィードバックを得て、市場理解を深めます。
需要予測: 販売と在庫の正確な予測を作成し、最適な在庫管理と市場需要への効果的な対応を行います。
財務計画の策定: シニアマネジメントと協力して、年度の売上予測、年間および中期の計画の策定を行います。
部門間の協力: マーケティング、営業、薬事、サプライチェーンパートナー、グローバルのカウンターパートなど、国内外のさまざまな部門と協力して、計画を策定し、実行します。
Job number: JN -072024-3357 Posted: 2024-09-12
Marketing Manager
Marketing10 - 12 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Marketing
- Company overview
- We are engaged in the research, development and provision of medical technologies in Japan. In particular, we focus on the development of innovative therapies and provide advanced technologies related to cancer treatment. We use a new therapeutic approach called photoimmunotherapy to target cancer cells for effective treatment. This technology combines light and drugs to selectively destroy cancer cells. In research and development, we are strengthening our collaboration with specialized institutions and universities in Japan and overseas to conduct clinical trials and commercialize the technology. We are committed to innovation in the medical field and to improving the quality of life of patients.
- Responsibilities
- Work with cross-functional teams in sales, digital, marketing to develops field marketingstrategies for raising the awareness of our therapy/ technology in the market.
Lead the market research to drive the business plan with innovative methods.
Plan, manage and develop marketing plan
Job number: JN -072024-166790 Posted: 2024-09-11
豊富な実績とノウハウあり/実力に応じてマネジメント層へ早期キャリアアップも可能8 - 12 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Marketing
- Company overview
- We are a marketing consulting firm specializing in the pharmaceutical industry in Japan. In particular, we collect and analyze health data and develop diagnostic support systems for medical and research institutions. We utilize cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) technology to achieve advanced processing and utilization of medical information. We also promote the effective use of clinical data with the aim of improving the quality and efficiency of medical care. Furthermore, we provide platforms to support patient health management and develop solutions for the digitization of healthcare. In collaboration with medical experts, we are developing innovative services based on the latest medical knowledge and contributing to the development of the healthcare industry.
- Responsibilities
- 同社マーケティングリサーチ事業のマーケティングリサーチ担当(プロジェクトリーダー候補)として、以下の業務をお任せします。
Job number: JN -072024-12170 Posted: 2024-09-11
医療業界経験をお持ちの方必見です7 - 10 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Marketing
- Company overview
- Our client is a prime SI that provides comprehensive IT solutions.
- Responsibilities
- 新規事業企画の立案、新たなビジネスモデルの構築
Job number: JN -072024-11269 Posted: 2024-09-11
血液領域のマーケティング担当者 / 東京都千代田区
リーダー候補のポジションです5.93 - 9.68 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Marketing
- Company overview
- We specialize in the research, development and manufacture of pharmaceutical products. We mainly provide therapeutic drugs for diseases of the cardiovascular system, bone and joint system, and nervous system, with the aim of improving the health and quality of life of patients. We are committed to creating new drugs and improving existing drugs by utilizing our advanced technological and R&D capabilities. We also set strict standards for product quality control to supply safe and effective medicines to the market. In collaboration with medical and research institutions in Japan and overseas, we also focus on developing treatments that incorporate cutting-edge medical technologies. With an emphasis on a patient-centered approach, we have established ourselves as a trusted pharmaceutical manufacturer.
- Responsibilities
- 血液領域の新規開拓に向け、マーケティング部門を強化します。血液領域治療薬のライフサイクルマネジメント計画やマーケティング戦略を策定し、製品価値の最大化を目指していける仲間を募集します。
Job number: JN -072024-38765 Posted: 2024-09-11
Senior Brand Marketing Manager
Senior Brand Manager at global mega pharma12 - 17 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Marketing
- Company overview
- This company is the world\'s leading pharmaceutical company.
- Responsibilities
- Specific responsibilities of the role include, but are not limited to:
Develop launch strategy, lead commercial activities for the product
Understand overall market, an environment surrounded the product and customer insights to develop robust launch strategy.
Develop tactics based on analysis obtained from data, facts, and insights, and lead commercial activities by leveraging omni-channels
Implement launch activities by leveraging internal resources and partnerships with third-party vendors, industry organizations, and, if required, other pharmaceutical companies
Keep eyes open for new information regarding company products, competitors, local and global markets, latest discussions among KOLs and academia, and legislation in Japan
Lead discussions among global/regional/local colleagues to create launch strategies for product and ensure all the cross-functional colleagues pursue the same goal
Develop revenue forecasts for the product in consistency with global and regional teams for strategies, assumptions, and models
Oversee promotional content development and marketing activities for HCPs and consumers, make sure those activities are executed in a compliant manner
Manage marketing budget and ensure related spends are completed within budget and on time.
Work with team members through coaching and mentoring;Provide the guidance and coaching to brand managers and other members in the TA as necessary to ensure their success as well as self-growth.
Create a culture and workplace environment that fosters enthusiasm, collaboration and engagements with peers and team members.
Uphold and adhere to company policies, compliance rules/regulations, SOPs, and pharmaceutical regulatory guidelines (i.e. cGMP/cGLP/cGCP).
Job number: JN -072024-36722 Posted: 2024-09-11
循環器領域、下肢領域のプロダクトマネージャー経験もしくはそれに近い経験をお持ちの方必見です。5 - 8 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Marketing
- Company overview
- Our client is a medical device manufacturer.
- Responsibilities
- 市場調査フォームの作成