Jobs list of Automotive & Embedded Engineer
Job number: JN -112024-179278 Posted: 2024-11-14
組み込みソフトウェア エンジニア(ブレーキシステム)
柔軟な勤務体制/魅力的な福利厚生5 - 8 million yen Kanagawa Automotive Embedded Engineer
- Company overview
- We operate in the Japanese market in four business areas: Mobility, Industrial Equipment, Energy and Building Technology, and Consumer Products. Since the start of our operations in Japan, we have provided innovative products and services in a wide range of fields to date. In particular, under the slogan "Invented for life," we contribute to improving the quality of life in Japanese society through technological innovation. Through this, we have built a solid foundation in Japan.
- Responsibilities
- 業務内容:
Job number: JN -072024-32543 Posted: 2024-11-12
Top ADAS tier-1 supplier4.5 - 12 million yen Kanagawa Automotive Embedded Engineer
- Company overview
- We provide products, services, and mobility technology related to automobiles. We offer technology and solutions to automobile manufacturers and related industries, supporting performance improvement, safety, and environmental considerations. Moreover, we focus on developing advanced technology and innovative products, positioning ourselves as one of the leading companies in the automotive industry. As an independent global supplier, we serve automotive and motorcycle manufacturers worldwide, consistently engaging in cutting-edge technology development. We can handle both domestic and international clients, expanding our opportunities to contribute globally.
- Responsibilities
- 業務内容:
Job number: JN -082024-172343 Posted: 2024-11-06
C++でのオブジェクト指向ソフトウェア開発経験者必見です!7.8 - 15.7 million yen Tokyo Automotive Embedded Engineer
- Company overview
- We are an automotive manufacturer and one of the leaders in the global automotive industry. We design, manufacture, and sell automobiles and related products, offering high-quality and innovative products. We strive to achieve sustainable mobility by developing environmentally friendly vehicles and improving energy efficiency. Additionally, we are dedicated to researching and developing advanced technologies such as autonomous driving and connected cars, aiming to provide innovative vehicles that meet the needs of our users.
- Responsibilities
- 車載組み込みソフトウェアの設計、実装、レビュー(C++, C, Simulink)
プロダクトオーナー、スクラムマスター、デザイナ、 QAエンジニア、リリースエンジニアとの連携
Job number: JN -072024-17558 Posted: 2024-11-06
ワークライフバランス◎/残業20H程度/完成車メーカー5 - 9 million yen Tokyo Automotive Embedded Engineer
- Company overview
- 同社は、自動車メーカーです。
- Responsibilities
- ご経験や適性に応じて、ADASに関するソフトウェア開発について以下の業務をお任せします。Simulinkモデルの作成による制御アルゴリズムの検討
Job number: JN -102024-179007 Posted: 2024-11-01
英語でのエンジニアとのコミュニケーションをとれるかた必見です。5.9 - 9 million yen Aichi Automotive Embedded Engineer
- Company overview
- We are an automotive manufacturer and one of the leaders in the global automotive industry. We design, manufacture, and sell automobiles and related products, offering high-quality and innovative products. We strive to achieve sustainable mobility by developing environmentally friendly vehicles and improving energy efficiency. Additionally, we are dedicated to researching and developing advanced technologies such as autonomous driving and connected cars, aiming to provide innovative vehicles that meet the needs of our users.
- Responsibilities
- メディア機能・評価仕様の設計・開発
Job number: JN -102024-178722 Posted: 2024-10-30
AD/ADAS Development (System Design) | 自動運転・運転支援システム開発(システム設計)
Top mobility tech company7 - 10 million yen Tokyo Automotive Embedded Engineer
- Company overview
- We are a mobility business company established by a major Japanese automotive manufacturer and a leading Japanese IT company. By actively leveraging various new technologies centered around software, we are committed to redefining the relationship between people and mobility through the development of high-value-added electric vehicles (EVs) and services. Our diverse and unique team members, with their various backgrounds, drive forward towards a common goal, bringing different perspectives and opinions. Together with individuals who aspire to "change the world" through their diverse experiences, we continue to challenge ourselves to create new value in mobility.
- Responsibilities
- 他部門や開発パートナー、研究機関などと国内外問わず協業し、自動運転・運転支援システムにおける下記業務をお任せします。国内、海外問わず現地での評価、開発なども行って頂きます。また、外部との渉外活動を行って頂きます。
開発ツール等主要ツール:Matlab, Simulink
シミュレーション環境:CarMaker, Carla等
言語:C、C++、Python, SysML, UML
Job number: JN -102024-177700 Posted: 2024-10-28
リモートワーク可/フレックス有/年休126日8 - 20 million yen Tokyo Automotive Embedded Engineer
- Company overview
- We are a mobility business company established by a major Japanese automotive manufacturer and a leading Japanese IT company. By actively leveraging various new technologies centered around software, we are committed to redefining the relationship between people and mobility through the development of high-value-added electric vehicles (EVs) and services. Our diverse and unique team members, with their various backgrounds, drive forward towards a common goal, bringing different perspectives and opinions. Together with individuals who aspire to "change the world" through their diverse experiences, we continue to challenge ourselves to create new value in mobility.
- Responsibilities
- ■業務内容同社で発売予定の車両と繋がり、顧客へ価値を提供するためのクラウドサービス開発に従事いただきます。企画・デザイナー・車両本体のエンジニアや、フロントエンド(モバイル・Web)エンジニアと協力しながら、車両や顧客とつながるグローバル展開なクラウドサービスのアーキテクチャ設計、実装を担当頂きます。
Job number: JN -102024-178522 Posted: 2024-10-28
幅広いキャリアパスが描ける環境5 - 8.5 million yen Tokyo Automotive Embedded Engineer
- Company overview
- Our client is a member of a major group that provides a wide range of human resource services domestically and internationally. In 2023, multiple affiliated companies within our group merged, and we were reorganized as a new entity. Our main business activities focus on outsourcing for technical and IT-related positions, as well as design and development support. We are involved in projects across various fields, including automotive, aerospace, consumer electronics, and robotics. Through a wealth of projects and comprehensive career support systems, we provide an environment where engineers can find growth opportunities that align with their career aspirations.
- Responsibilities
- ★業界経験不問/(一番上流の担当工程)から担当可/大手メーカー内で技術を磨ける★★元メーカー系のルーツを持ち社内蓄積ノウハウも◎請負比率4割超/幅広いキャリアパスが描ける環境★★20代~60代まで幅広い世代の活躍を応援/外国籍人材も200名以上活躍中!ダイバーシティ推進◎★
Job number: JN -102024-178588 Posted: 2024-10-28
OSS開発コミュニティにも積極参画/最先端技術に関わるプロジェクト多数/平均残業20H以内5 - 12 million yen Tokyo Automotive Embedded Engineer
- Company overview
- Our client provides consulting services for the implementation of infrastructure OSS and development of OSS.
- Responsibilities
- ■概要:私たちは世界トップレベルの基盤系OSSの技術力を顧客へ提供しています。何よりも、基盤OSSの開発に興味があり、最先端技術を自ら学び、能動的に顧客や開発コミュニティへ提案できる方を求めています。私たちと供に切磋琢磨し、基盤系OSS技術者として高みを目指す意欲がある方を歓迎します。OSS開発を強みとする同社にて、オープンソースクラウド基盤ソフトウェアである、OpenStack、Docker、Kubernetesなどに関する開発やプロフェッショナルサービスに携わってみませんか。既存のOSSだけでは実現できない機能は新規開発も行い、必要に応じて開発コミュニティにも積極的に参加し、アップストリームへの開発コードのフィードバックも行います。
■具体的には:◇コンサルティング◇チューニング◇機能強化◇問題解決支援※CloudNative関連のコミュニティへも参加し、フィードバックを行います。※プロフェッショナルチームは、日々コードを読み、顧客に対してはアドバイスから、さまざまな 問題解決を行います。その一方で開発コミュニティに参加し、インターネット上の開発者達と議論を行っています。
Job number: JN -102024-178601 Posted: 2024-10-28
基幹系オペレーティングシステムなどの開発経験をお持ちの方必見です。6 - 12 million yen Tokyo Automotive Embedded Engineer
- Company overview
- Our client provides consulting services for the implementation of infrastructure OSS and development of OSS.
- Responsibilities
- コンサルティング
Job number: JN -102024-178692 Posted: 2024-10-28
メーカーでのマネジメント経験(チームの大小を問いません)をお持ちの方必見です。5 - 9.2 million yen Kanagawa Automotive Embedded Engineer
- Company overview
- Our client provides vehicle project management, body, interior/exterior, chassis, powertrain, electronic and electrical component design, vehicle analysis, and testing services.
- Responsibilities
- ECM(エンジンコントロールモジュール)の設計担当業務(プロジェクトマネージメント)
Job number: JN -102024-178170 Posted: 2024-10-28
SW アーキテクト
技術革新のリーダーとしてテクノロジーとビジネスの両面で市場変革を創る5 - 8.5 million yen Kanagawa Automotive Embedded Engineer
- Company overview
- We operate in the Japanese market in four business areas: Mobility, Industrial Equipment, Energy and Building Technology, and Consumer Products. Since the start of our operations in Japan, we have provided innovative products and services in a wide range of fields to date. In particular, under the slogan "Invented for life," we contribute to improving the quality of life in Japanese society through technological innovation. Through this, we have built a solid foundation in Japan.
- Responsibilities
- ■業務内容:ソフトウェア設計レビューを含むすべてのソフトウェア関連活動のインターフェースとして、アプリケーションソフトウェアの専門家として要件の明確化および交渉を行います。
顧客からの入力およびシステム要件を分析し、車両環境およびSaaP(Software as a Product)における自動車生産用組み込み電子モジュールのソフトウェアアーキテクチャ設計モデル(静的および動的)を作成します。
Job number: JN -102024-178180 Posted: 2024-10-28
システム開発(技術渉外)の経験をお持ちの方必見です。5 - 8.5 million yen Kanagawa Automotive Embedded Engineer
- Company overview
- We operate in the Japanese market in four business areas: Mobility, Industrial Equipment, Energy and Building Technology, and Consumer Products. Since the start of our operations in Japan, we have provided innovative products and services in a wide range of fields to date. In particular, under the slogan "Invented for life," we contribute to improving the quality of life in Japanese society through technological innovation. Through this, we have built a solid foundation in Japan.
- Responsibilities
- スマホが車の鍵になる次世代エントリーシステムのシニアエンジニアとして、グローバルチームと協業しながら日本チームのキープレイヤーとして開発及び設計を担っていただきます。デジタルキーシステムに搭載される各機能のプラットフォーム設計と顧客要件をグローバルチームとともに分析し両方にとって最適なソリューションの提案
Job number: JN -082024-171839 Posted: 2024-10-25
SW Engineer / Ticket Manager ( Telematic & Connected Cars)
Global supplier in ADAS and connected cars6 - 7 million yen Tokyo Automotive Embedded Engineer
- Company overview
- We are the Japanese subsidiary of a world-leading automotive parts supplier group. As a European supplier of automotive parts and systems, we offer a wide range of products and services to the automotive industry. We are particularly acclaimed for our expertise in automotive lighting, engine cooling, electric powertrains, driver assistance, and autonomous driving technologies. One of our distinctive features is our commitment, as a group, to developing technologies that contribute to reducing CO2 emissions from automobiles.
- Responsibilities
- Mission The SYS/SW Engineer is responsible to ensure a smooth running system and software development process, method and tool-chain in the projects by handling all tickets raised by the customer and monitoring internal tickets.
Main responsibilities:
Actively understanding the customer tickets content and support the team on the internal ticket creation, handling and management.
Support the SYS/SW project team for process execution, policy & practices in regard of each ticket.
Ensure that the SYS/SW organization is supporting the customer tickets closing timeline and available from the project stand point to support process execution and thus compliance.
Remove roadblocks in the tickets management process, method and technical support with the respective departments and teams (e.g. Requirements management and requirements exchange with customer, Continuous build, integration and test, Automated test and validation, Agile methods).
Drive resolution of issues collected from all assessments and reviews.
Lead Process Improvement Action Plan to reach process capability goals in regard to the ticket management.
Propose tailoring and de-standardization request to the project team.
Contribute to the System and Software quality assurance plan definition.
Contribute in preparation of data for customer quality status communication at project level.
Share best practice and Lessons Learned with Project teams.
Communicate the process gaps identified during process piloting and rollout Escalate issues in the project line and R&D management and to Quality PTM depending on the severity.
Ensure that the issues are recorded in the Valeo process tools.
Actively participate to the project QRQC
Check in the CCB that changes are planned correctly and that feasibility is ensured.
Job number: JN -072024-10604 Posted: 2024-10-17
Software Engineer
Stable company7 - 11 million yen Aichi Automotive Embedded Engineer
- Company overview
- Our client is a major supplier of automotive electronics and advanced safety systems. With a strong focus on innovation and quality, they have established themselves as a key player in the automotive industry, both domestically and internationally.
- Responsibilities
- PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES:Define the customer’s desire and requirement and coordinate the SW development with SW team.
Coordinate SW team development meeting the customer’s development milestones and deadlines requirement in function and quality.
Coordinate Electrical Development to assure electronics hardware integration.
Coordinate with Electrical Systems integration of customer software to hardware for final product function, validation, and launch to meet customer requirements.
Support SW development/modification meeting unique requirement from Japanese customer.
Interface with Mechanical Engineering, Microelectronics Assembly, Electronics Assembly, Final Assembly, Applied Materials, and Quality departments to support the execution of Electrical Engineering products into applications.
Participate in Product Launch Teams as required.
Support Program Management to communicate engineering product definition for product development and launch.
Support Program Management, Product Marketing, and Sales with required technical information to help drive product sales.
Support Program Management, Product Marketing, and Sales in the training and education on engineering product definition and function.
Interface with Mechanical Engineering, Microelectronics, Applied Materials, and Manufacturing departments to support the execution of Electrical Engineering products.
To understand the flow and idiosyncrasies of embedded software development in the automotive industry (mission-critical and redundant development processes depending on the system), and to communicate the customer's intentions to US headquarters’ PM and development team using the language of a software developer.
Smooth communication with the same level of expertise as both the customer side and the software development team at US headquarter and experience in understanding and other general embedded software quality guidelines at the actual coding level.
To prepare and explain specific deliverables and evidence to meet customer's checklists and quality standards with accurately mapping the relationship between quality gates in the development process and customer quality requirements based on the experience of leading embedded development as a team and understanding of embedded software development technology trends.
SECONDARY RESPONSIBILITIES:Maintain knowledge of company electrical, mechanical, test, and manufacturing practices and engineer consistent with them.
Avoid company politics and promote cooperation and consensus teamwork for the common good of all employees across all departments.
Performs other miscellaneous duties as required.
Job number: JN -102024-177820 Posted: 2024-10-10
アプリ開発の経験ある方、必見です!6 - 10 million yen Tokyo Automotive Embedded Engineer
- Company overview
- Our client is a premier digital solutions provider, headquartered in Japan, renowned for its expertise in software development, data analytics, and AI-driven innovation. With a team of more than 400 dedicated professionals in Japan, the firm combines global technological prowess with deep local insights to deliver bespoke solutions that address the unique needs of Japanese businesses.
It excels in providing cutting-edge services that enhance operational efficiency, improve customer experiences, and drive growth. Its commitment to innovation is matched by a strong focus on sustainability, integrating responsible practices into both its operations and client solutions. By blending advanced technology with a deep understanding of local market dynamics, the firm empowers businesses to navigate the complexities of digital transformation and thrive in a competitive landscape. - Responsibilities
- 業務内容:
Job number: JN -102024-177821 Posted: 2024-10-10
アプリ開発の経験ある方、必見です!6 - 10 million yen Aichi Automotive Embedded Engineer
- Company overview
- Our client is a premier digital solutions provider, headquartered in Japan, renowned for its expertise in software development, data analytics, and AI-driven innovation. With a team of more than 400 dedicated professionals in Japan, the firm combines global technological prowess with deep local insights to deliver bespoke solutions that address the unique needs of Japanese businesses.
It excels in providing cutting-edge services that enhance operational efficiency, improve customer experiences, and drive growth. Its commitment to innovation is matched by a strong focus on sustainability, integrating responsible practices into both its operations and client solutions. By blending advanced technology with a deep understanding of local market dynamics, the firm empowers businesses to navigate the complexities of digital transformation and thrive in a competitive landscape. - Responsibilities
- 業務内容:
Job number: JN -102024-177822 Posted: 2024-10-10
アプリ開発の経験ある方、必見です!6 - 10 million yen Hyogo Automotive Embedded Engineer
- Company overview
- Our client is a premier digital solutions provider, headquartered in Japan, renowned for its expertise in software development, data analytics, and AI-driven innovation. With a team of more than 400 dedicated professionals in Japan, the firm combines global technological prowess with deep local insights to deliver bespoke solutions that address the unique needs of Japanese businesses.
It excels in providing cutting-edge services that enhance operational efficiency, improve customer experiences, and drive growth. Its commitment to innovation is matched by a strong focus on sustainability, integrating responsible practices into both its operations and client solutions. By blending advanced technology with a deep understanding of local market dynamics, the firm empowers businesses to navigate the complexities of digital transformation and thrive in a competitive landscape. - Responsibilities
- 業務内容:
Job number: JN -102024-177823 Posted: 2024-10-10
アプリ開発の経験ある方、必見です!6 - 10 million yen Toyama Automotive Embedded Engineer
- Company overview
- Our client is a premier digital solutions provider, headquartered in Japan, renowned for its expertise in software development, data analytics, and AI-driven innovation. With a team of more than 400 dedicated professionals in Japan, the firm combines global technological prowess with deep local insights to deliver bespoke solutions that address the unique needs of Japanese businesses.
It excels in providing cutting-edge services that enhance operational efficiency, improve customer experiences, and drive growth. Its commitment to innovation is matched by a strong focus on sustainability, integrating responsible practices into both its operations and client solutions. By blending advanced technology with a deep understanding of local market dynamics, the firm empowers businesses to navigate the complexities of digital transformation and thrive in a competitive landscape. - Responsibilities
- 業務内容:
Job number: JN -072024-14296 Posted: 2024-10-03
Test and Validation Engineer
top tier-18 - 10 million yen Kanagawa Automotive Embedded Engineer
- Company overview
- Our client is a leading German auto and truck parts manufacturing company.
- Responsibilities
- The Test & Validation Lead Engineer (TVLE) is end to end responsible for the L1 to L3 validation testing from definition through production release validation.
He/She leads and coordinates all domain test activities from planning until test completion.
The TVLE is the overall leader for all validation related testing in the project.
Subprojectlead, functional lead of validation teams and testing teams.
Project lead for tools.
Core Member of IPT (Integrated Project Team)
Planning, organisation and tracking:
▪ Planning, organisation and tracking of all activities (incl. Domain test Leaders) concerning the validation, test and tools within the project▪ Test of all customer requirements according to validation plan.▪ Create validation report/statistics and KPIs and recommend release decision▪ Align all test planning and activities with subordinate test planning
Test Execution / Test Drives:
▪ Execution of tests in laboratory and/or vehicle▪ Development and definition of new test specifications based on requirements+design▪ Regular participation on test drives in accordance with project necessities▪ Conduction of test vehicles on public roads and closed proving grounds▪ Depending on project situation: Acception of vehicle responsibility as well as introduction of other employees"