BRS Consultant
Kazuya Sakata
Job number: JN -112024-180590
Posted: 2024-11-28
7.3 - 9.7 million yen
Energy / Environment / EPC (Oil & Gas)
Project Management
Job details
- Company overview
- We are a leading electronics company based in Japan, counted among the world's major manufacturers. Offering a wide range of products, we provide diverse solutions in fields such as energy, information, communication, automotive, healthcare, construction, finance, and services. We prioritize research and development, driving innovative technology and product development. Serving a broad spectrum of customers domestically and internationally, we contribute to the advancement of industries.
- Responsibilities
- 予算策定、収支計画策定、予算/収支管理
- リスク管理(発現評価、コスト化判断、目標コスト配布)
- 社内プロジェクト連絡会、収支検討会、経理対応
- 上記に関わる社内外調整
- Requirements
- 産業プラントにおけるプロジェクト管理のご経験
- 原子力プロジェクトにおけるご経験または知識
- PMSまたはPMPの保有
- 国内外プラント建設(EPCプロジェクト)のご経験
- 顧客及び社内関連部署との適切にコミュニケーションができる
- TOEIC 700点程度の英語力(交渉・メール利用に支障のないレベル)
- Salary
- 7.3 - 9.7 million yen
- Location
- Ibaraki