Jobs list
Job number: JN -072024-21638 Posted: 2024-11-07
One of the biggest famous company7 - 11 million yen Tokyo Industrial Embedded Engineer
- Company overview
- We are a global company that provides electronics, entertainment, and financial services. Utilizing innovative technology, we offer products and services that enrich people\'s lives. Through entertainment content such as music, movies, and games, as well as electronic products like cameras, TVs, and smartphones, along with financial products and services, we deliver new experiences and value to people around the world. We are committed to constantly pursuing innovation and striving to meet the needs of society and our customers.
- Responsibilities
- 以下業務のいずれか、もしくは複数をご希望や適性に応じてご担当頂きます。コンピュータビジョンアルゴリズム開発
Job number: JN -112024-179210 Posted: 2024-11-07
C言語、C++言語の知識お持ちの方歓迎6 - 11.5 million yen Tokyo Industrial Research & Development
- Company overview
- Our client a global manufacturer of automotive parts working to supply the needs of the world\'s automobile manufacturers
- Responsibilities
- ■業務内容:AUTOSAR、JASPARなどの標準化団体への参加を通じて、新規標準規格・仕様の策定をご担当いただきます。日系自動車産業のソフトウェア技術を国際標準にする活動に参加しませんか?
Job number: JN -102024-178108 Posted: 2024-11-07
エンタメ業界における営業経験をお持ちの方必見です。6.21 - 8.39 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Advertising / Media Planning
- Company overview
- We are engaged in publishing and media-related businesses, primarily focusing on the publication of books and magazines, as well as the production and distribution of media content such as movies and animations. We offer a wide range of content across various genres and platforms, providing enjoyment and knowledge to numerous readers and viewers. Leveraging our creative talents and storytelling abilities, we have gained popularity both domestically and internationally. We contribute to the advancement of culture and the dissemination of entertainment, striving to meet diverse needs through a focus on creativity and innovation.
- Responsibilities
- 原作IPを使った海外への商品化ライセンスの営業担当を募集致します。
Job number: JN -102024-177910 Posted: 2024-11-07
IP関連エンターテインメントビジネスの実務経験3年以上お持ちの方必見です。6 - 9 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Advertising / Media Planning
- Company overview
- Our client a leading Japanese internet services and e-commerce company, engaging in a wide range of business areas including online shopping malls. We deploy advanced technology and customer-centric services, utilized by users in Japan and abroad. We operate diverse businesses such as e-commerce, finance, and digital content, offering various services including online shopping platforms, cloud services, and internet banking. We also provide point programs and media content to enhance customer engagement. Additionally, we actively expand our business both domestically and internationally, strengthening our competitiveness in the global market.
- Responsibilities
- ライセンス事業マネージャーとして、IPの獲得交渉から運用(ライセンシング、自社商品開発、予算管理など)までを一気通貫でご担当頂きます。
Job number: JN -102024-177610 Posted: 2024-11-07
ライセンスビジネスの基礎知識をお持ちの方必見です!5 - 10 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Advertising / Media Planning
- Company overview
- -
- Responsibilities
- コンテンツの海外ビジネス展開(放送・配信セールス、商品化、プロモーション戦略/リメイクフォーマットなどのライセンス業務全般)
Job number: JN -092024-177054 Posted: 2024-11-07
ライセンスビジネスの経験が活かせます。5 - 8 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Web Marketing (Content / SNS / SEM / SEO)
- Company overview
- Our client is a global music leader with strong market positions in recorded music, music publishing, and merchandising.
- Responsibilities
- 海外アーティストのライツを使用した、アパレル会社等へのライセンス営業
UK 及び US オフィスとのライセンスクリアランス業務(承認申請業務)
アーティストライツを使用した商品開発及びポップアップストア、EC サイト等での販売
Job number: JN -112024-179236 Posted: 2024-11-07
労務の経験をお持ちの方必見です。5 - 7 million yen Tokyo Human Resources HR Business Partner
- Company overview
- We are a provider of reservation management systems and related services for the restaurant industry. We help restaurants optimize their operations by providing solutions to streamline restaurant reservations and customer management. Through our online reservation systems, we help improve the customer experience, manage reservations, prevent cancellations, and enhance marketing initiatives through the use of customer data. This allows restaurants to deepen customer relationships and improve profitability. The system has been adopted by many restaurants in Japan and abroad, building trust.
- Responsibilities
- ミシュランガイドやトリップアドバイザーなど、インバウンド集客に強みを持つ各メディアと公式連携。インバウンド復活の潮流も味方し、今後更なる売上拡大が見込まれます。実際に同社は順調に事業を拡大しており、IPO準備中フェーズです
Job number: JN -072024-25359 Posted: 2024-11-07
プロダクト マネジャー部長
Top share is connector and sensor sales11 - 14 million yen Kanagawa Automotive Marketing
- Company overview
- We specialize in the manufacture and sale of electronic components. Our main products include connectors, sensors, and relays, which are used in various industries. We have high technology and quality control, and our products meet the strictest standards. In particular, we develop components used in automobiles, industrial equipment, telecommunications equipment, and home appliances, providing reliable and durable solutions. We also offer customized services to meet customer needs and provide optimal proposals for various projects. By expanding globally and developing products that incorporate the latest technologies, we contribute to the evolution and development of industry.
- Responsibilities
- 日本/ASEAN市場の自動車OEM/Tier 1/ハーネスメーカーへ製品軸でのプロダクトマネジメント業務商品戦略、商品企画、製品ポートフォリオ管理、価値・売上の最大化、拡販戦略、PLM、成長戦略等の策定、立案、及び実行
数ある要求の中から、市場状況、将来性、市場サイズを把握し、優先順位をつけ製品開発戦略を策定し、開発戦略を元に、新規開発の企画/提案を行い、拡販戦略に基づき売上・収益成長を目指す。 プロジェクト関係部門(プロジェクト マネジャー/営業/技術/製造など)と連携し製品化を推進する。
製品拡販を目指したプライシング マネジメント。
製品リリースからEOL(End of Life)までのプロダクト ライフサイクル管理を行い、注力製品でのビジネス拡大を目指す。
Job number: JN -102024-178929 Posted: 2024-11-07
貿易実務の経験者必見です!5 - 8.5 million yen Tochigi Supply Chain Management Import / Export
- Company overview
- Our client is a leading medical equipment manufacturer in Japan.
- Responsibilities
- サービスパーツ供給に関わる海外現地法人、販社窓口対応業務 (貿易業務)をお任せします。
Job number: JN -112024-179092 Posted: 2024-11-07
事業戦略部 戦略企画担当
医療機器業界においての事業戦略ご経験者必見です8 - 11 million yen Tokyo Medical Device Business Development
- Company overview
- We are a leading Japanese manufacturer and distributor of medical devices and related products. We have a particularly strong reputation in the field of medical devices, such as catheters and artificial heart-lung machines, and we are expanding our business widely both domestically and internationally. We are also expanding into the fields of pharmaceuticals and blood systems, providing comprehensive medical solutions. We focus on innovation and quality control, and develop our products with patient safety and healthcare professionals\' convenience in mind. We aim to contribute to the development of healthcare from a global perspective and are actively involved in the realization of a sustainable society.
- Responsibilities
- 業務内容:
事業戦略部のMarketing Communications、Medical Affairs及び
Job number: JN -102024-178816 Posted: 2024-11-07
エンターテイメント事業に関与した経験者必見です!7 - 8 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Advertising / Media Planning
- Company overview
- Our client plans and sells social communication gift products such as character goods and greeting cards.
- Responsibilities
- 既存作品の制作進行指揮、調整業務
Job number: JN -102024-178867 Posted: 2024-11-07
年収500万円~/年間休日125日/国内営業と輸出入業務をお任せ5 - 7.3 million yen Aichi Chemical Sales Chemical
- Company overview
- -
- Responsibilities
- ■業務内容:鋼管をメインとした国内の提案営業と輸出入業務をお任せします。
見積書等の書類作成 等
Job number: JN -102024-178725 Posted: 2024-11-06
Program Manager
積極投資対象のがん検査事業でのPMOポジション8 - 11 million yen Tokyo Medical Device Marketing
- Company overview
- Our client is a leading biotechnology provider dedicated to advancing scientific and medical research. Based in Tokyo, Japan, it plays a vital role in enhancing research across fields such as molecular medicine and forensic science.
Globally, our client operates in approximately 160 countries. The Japan branch is a key part of this network, offering cutting-edge products and services essential to life sciences labs worldwide. Its innovative instrument systems and comprehensive range of reagents support significant advancements in biotechnology. - Responsibilities
- Main responsibilities:
Serve as Core Team Lead and external point of contact for multiple projects.
Proactively identify risks and mitigations: Develop plans to address, facilitate tradeoff decisions at the portfolio level, raise to key internal partners, remove obstacles, and seek resolution.
Develop and control program timelines in conjunction with both internal functions and external clients.
Conduct internal and external team meetings: Ensure decisions are made with data, supervise progress, identify & implement risk mitigations, and action items are completed to support successful program execution.
Ensure compliance to company Product Commercialization Process (PCP) and Quality Management Systems (QMS) for developing regulated products.
Job number: JN -102024-178004 Posted: 2024-11-06
EIR (客員起業家)
ライフサイエンス(医学、薬学、生物学 等)のバックグラウンドや知見がある方必見です。8 - 12 million yen Fukuoka Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- Our client is engaged in projects to promote the utilization of results and research findings.
- Responsibilities
- 九州大学等PARKS参画大学が持つライフサイエンス分野の研究シーズ探索、および事業化
Job number: JN -102024-178619 Posted: 2024-11-06
In house Legal (課長レベル)
グローバル企業8 - 12 million yen Kanagawa Legal & Compliance In-house Legal
- Company overview
- We are a Japanese automotive company that operates a global business. We manufacture and sell a wide range of passenger cars and commercial vehicles. We prioritize improving fuel efficiency and reducing environmental impact, employing innovative technologies. In addition to producing high-quality vehicles, we focus on safety and comfort, aiming to provide customers with valuable mobility experiences. Furthermore, we are committed to developing electric and autonomous driving technologies to realize sustainable mobility.
- Responsibilities
- 業務内容:
Job number: JN -082024-172343 Posted: 2024-11-06
C++でのオブジェクト指向ソフトウェア開発経験者必見です!7.8 - 15.7 million yen Tokyo Automotive Embedded Engineer
- Company overview
- We are an automotive manufacturer and one of the leaders in the global automotive industry. We design, manufacture, and sell automobiles and related products, offering high-quality and innovative products. We strive to achieve sustainable mobility by developing environmentally friendly vehicles and improving energy efficiency. Additionally, we are dedicated to researching and developing advanced technologies such as autonomous driving and connected cars, aiming to provide innovative vehicles that meet the needs of our users.
- Responsibilities
- 車載組み込みソフトウェアの設計、実装、レビュー(C++, C, Simulink)
プロダクトオーナー、スクラムマスター、デザイナ、 QAエンジニア、リリースエンジニアとの連携
Job number: JN -072024-17558 Posted: 2024-11-06
ワークライフバランス◎/残業20H程度/完成車メーカー5 - 9 million yen Tokyo Automotive Embedded Engineer
- Company overview
- 同社は、自動車メーカーです。
- Responsibilities
- ご経験や適性に応じて、ADASに関するソフトウェア開発について以下の業務をお任せします。Simulinkモデルの作成による制御アルゴリズムの検討
Job number: JN -102024-177830 Posted: 2024-11-06
チームワーク・リーダーシップ・責任感を大切にする会社48.6 - 7.212 million yen Tokyo Accounting & Finance Financial Analysis / FP&A
- Company overview
- 同社は靴の製造メーカーです。
- Responsibilities
- P/L、B/Sの予算管理 (予算 / フォーキャスト / 長期計画)と差異分析。財務分析、ビジネスのリスク&オポチュニティーを把握、共有し、ビジネスパートナーの意思決定をサポートする。
予算 / フォーキャスト / 長期計画の財務計画 およびレポート業務 (損益計算書)
Actualの差異分析 vs Prior Fcst, vs Budget. (粗利金額および 売上比 / 販管費 / 固定資産)
売上および利益率のトラッキング (チャネル別、カスタマー別、店別、製品別等)
アメリカ本社および日本への各種レポーティング (MBR, Rand O, Monthly Finance review meeting)
Job number: JN -072024-31909 Posted: 2024-11-06
東証プライム上場/年休130日10 - 15 million yen Tokyo Information Technology System Administrator
- Company overview
- We are a comprehensive trading company with business operations spanning across a wide range of industries. From machinery and aerospace, energy and metal resources, to chemicals and synthetic resins, construction and timber, and consumer goods industries, we are involved in various sectors. Leveraging our global network, we engage in transactions and investments worldwide, catering to diverse needs. Furthermore, we are committed to sustainable business practices and contribute to society through corporate social responsibility initiatives, prioritizing the well-being of local communities and the environment.
- Responsibilities
- 同社グループのITインフラ整備・セキュリティ業務(ガバナンス/技術対策)をお任せ致します。ご経験やご意向に沿いアサインを想定しています。
Job number: JN -092024-175982 Posted: 2024-11-06
IT Manager(IT Business Partner)
業界No1グローバル企業/日本支社のDX推進を行う重要ポジション10 - 14 million yen Kanagawa Information Technology IT Management
- Company overview
- We specialize in the manufacture and sale of electronic components. Our main products include connectors, sensors, and relays, which are used in various industries. We have high technology and quality control, and our products meet the strictest standards. In particular, we develop components used in automobiles, industrial equipment, telecommunications equipment, and home appliances, providing reliable and durable solutions. We also offer customized services to meet customer needs and provide optimal proposals for various projects. By expanding globally and developing products that incorporate the latest technologies, we contribute to the evolution and development of industry.
- Responsibilities
- The IT Manager will be the cornerstone of communication between the IT department and the local business leaders. This individual will be responsible for understanding the local business needs and translating them into effective IT strategies and solutions that support business processes and drive the company forward in the competitive market.
Main responsibilities:
Foster strong relationships with business leaders, stake holders at all levels, and become a trusted advisor and partner on all IT-related matters.
Collaborate with the global IT team to ensure alignment of the Japan branch's IT initiatives with the overall company IT strategy.
Oversee the implementation of IT projects, resolving conflicts, ensuring they meet local business requirements and are delivered on time and within budget.
Identify opportunities for IT to drive innovation and improvement in business performance.
Communicate complex IT concepts to non-IT personnel in a clear and understandable manner.
Manage local IT vendors and partners, ensuring they meet our standards and deliver value to the business.
Ensure compliance with local and global IT policies, standards, and regulations.
Provide leadership and guidance to the local IT team, if applicable, and foster their professional growth and development.
Work with BU CIOs closely to align on business / IT strategy.
Work with global COE team closely to make sure execution aligning with strategic priorities.