Jobs list of Construction & Project Manager
NEWJob number: JN -032025-185974 Posted: 2025-03-26
新規営業経験のある方歓迎します8 - 12 million yen Tokyo Construction Project Manager
- Company overview
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- Responsibilities
- ~脱炭素推進・自治体と進める新事業/転勤なし・年休120日以上◎/再生可能エネルギーの普及拡大に貢献◎/都内駅近のスタイリッシュなオフィス◎/子育て世代も多く、柔軟な働き方を尊重◎~
Di Fei
Energy/Construction -
Job number: JN -072024-8423 Posted: 2025-03-14
店舗設計施工 プロジェクトマネージャー
店舗または商業施設の建築・内装における設計または施工管理業務経験をお持ちの方必見6.5 - 11 million yen Tokyo Construction Project Manager
- Company overview
- We are a global leader in the apparel industry, committed to providing high-quality clothing at affordable prices. Our mission is to develop fashion brands loved by people of all ages and genders. Through fashion, we aim to enrich the lives of people worldwide and focus on creating sustainable value. We streamline processes from product development to production and sales, enabling rapid product cycles to meet customer needs promptly.
- Responsibilities
- 店舗建設プロジェクトの企画・設計・発注・施工の各段階におけるマネジメント業務をお任せします。具体的な業務内容は以下です。出店検討段階でのラフ検討(店舗として成立するかの事前検討)
業務の効率化、標準化のための仕組みづくり など
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -032025-185243 Posted: 2025-03-11
海外営業経験者必見です!5 - 6 million yen Tokyo Construction Project Manager
- Company overview
- Our client core business is the development, manufacture, sale, and rental of temporary construction equipment.
- Responsibilities
- 韓国・東南アジア(特にシンガポール)をメインとした、資材の海外営業をお任せします。
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -032025-185255 Posted: 2025-03-10
普通自動車運転免許(AT限定可)をお持ちの方必見です。5 - 6 million yen Osaka Construction Project Manager
- Company overview
- Our client core business is the development, manufacture, sale, and rental of temporary construction equipment.
- Responsibilities
- 仮設資材の海外営業
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -072024-38156 Posted: 2025-03-07
Assistant Project Manager
外資系建設コンサルタントのPMポジション5 - 8 million yen Tokyo Construction Project Manager
- Company overview
- Our client specializes in project management, cost management, and advisory services across the real estate, infrastructure, and natural resources sectors.
The Japan branch, based in Tokyo, plays a crucial role in the country’s dynamic construction and development landscape, offering a comprehensive range of services tailored to local market challenges.
Known for managing complex, large-scale projects, the firm consistently delivers exceptional value across various industries.
By combining deep local knowledge with global best practices, the Japan office helps clients navigate market complexities and achieve strategic objectives. Its commitment to sustainability and innovation is evident in its project delivery approach, integrating advanced technologies and sustainable practices to enhance efficiency and minimize environmental impact.
Focused on excellence and client satisfaction, we are a trusted partner for businesses aiming to optimize their investments in Japan’s competitive and evolving market. - Responsibilities
- 業務内容:
Kazuya Sakata
Energy/Construction -
Job number: JN -032025-185064 Posted: 2025-03-04
不動産業界での営業経験をお持ちの方必見です5 - 15 million yen Tokyo Construction Project Manager
- Company overview
- Our client primarily engages in the purchase and sale of real estate.
- Responsibilities
- 同社の不動産売買仲介営業として、中華圏の富裕層を主なターゲットに個人および法人のお客様に対して、区分マンション、戸建て住宅、投資用店舗、そして一棟オフィスビルなどの不動産物件を提案いただきます。会社から顧客を配分(アポイントメント取得業務は不要)
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -082024-174124 Posted: 2025-02-02
金融機関もしくは不動産関連会社(デベロッパー、仲介会社)での営業経験をお持ちの方必見です。5.08 - 11.61 million yen Tokyo Construction Project Manager
- Company overview
- We offer a wide range of financial services both domestically and internationally. Our core businesses include leasing, loans, asset management, and real estate investments, catering to the funding needs of individuals and businesses alike. Additionally, we actively invest in various sectors such as energy, real estate, and logistics, contributing to a diverse range of industries. Our mission is to promote sustainable economic growth and contribute to the overall development of society.
- Responsibilities
- 中核商材は不動産売買の仲介業務。機関投資家、ファンド、デベロッパーなどいわゆるプロ向けの不動産仲介業務、または全国各地にある同社の各支店顧客間の不動産仲介業務
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -012025-182405 Posted: 2025-01-07
電力もしくはプラント建設での海外EPC案件に関わる経験をお持ちの方必見です。5 - 8 million yen Tokyo Construction Project Manager
- Company overview
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- Responsibilities
- 海外市場向け発電・変電・送電所建設等の電力プロジェクトEPC(建設工事請負)業務に関わる営業
Di Fei
Energy/Construction -
Job number: JN -122024-181715 Posted: 2024-12-18
社外との協議・契約等の営業経験が活かせます。5 - 8 million yen Tokyo Construction Project Manager
- Company overview
- Our client is providing mobile communication services for mobile phones.
- Responsibilities
- シェアリング事業者様との条件協議及び契約の締結
Kazuya Sakata
Energy/Construction -
Job number: JN -082024-175476 Posted: 2024-12-18
語学力を活かせる環境/長期休暇・福利厚生◎/フレックス&リモート6 - 12 million yen Kanagawa Construction Project Manager
- Company overview
- We are engaged in EPC business for various plants and facilities overseas. We contribute to the economic growth and industrial development of the entire planet by developing our business around the world, centering on our comprehensive engineering business and our functional materials manufacturing business that utilizes our unique technologies. Since our founding, we have continued to evolve in response to the demands of the times, developing our business with an emphasis on "harmony between energy and the environment. In particular, in order to achieve sustainable growth while addressing climate change, advances in digital technology, and the global health crisis, we have developed a long-term vision and medium-term plan to help stabilize energy supplies, reduce carbon emissions, and maintain and build infrastructure.
- Responsibilities
- 業務内容:
社内のASMEの原子力QMS構築とASME N認証の取得に向けた作業
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -112024-179037 Posted: 2024-12-10
Schedulers / Senior Schedulers (Construction Projects)
外資系建設コンサルタントのスケジューラーポジション5 - 10 million yen Tokyo Construction Project Manager
- Company overview
- Our client specializes in project management, cost management, and advisory services across the real estate, infrastructure, and natural resources sectors.
The Japan branch, based in Tokyo, plays a crucial role in the country’s dynamic construction and development landscape, offering a comprehensive range of services tailored to local market challenges.
Known for managing complex, large-scale projects, the firm consistently delivers exceptional value across various industries.
By combining deep local knowledge with global best practices, the Japan office helps clients navigate market complexities and achieve strategic objectives. Its commitment to sustainability and innovation is evident in its project delivery approach, integrating advanced technologies and sustainable practices to enhance efficiency and minimize environmental impact.
Focused on excellence and client satisfaction, we are a trusted partner for businesses aiming to optimize their investments in Japan’s competitive and evolving market. - Responsibilities
- Due to continuing success and expansion, the company is looking for an experienced Scheduler/Senior Scheduler to join our Japan team. The ideal candidate will have a track record of working on complex large scale Data Center construction projects as well as within one or more of the following : Pharmaceutical, BioTech, Data Centre, Industrial, Logistics, Manufacturing, Chemical or similarly complex asset type. Main responsibilities:
Maintain and monitor master plan schedule
Prepare and monitor tasks ensuring satisfactory realization of project requirements against the project schedule
Integrate various contract packages into master plan schedule
Review contractor’s submitted schedule and make recommendations to client
Prepare regular internal/external weekly and monthly progress report for management and client
Develop a project control procedure to monitor the progress of project
Interact with contractor and verify the project data to update project schedule
Develop mitigation plans
Assess any contractor’s extension of time claim and prepare defence claim report
Put forward recommendation report for any contractor’s EOT claim
Analyse critical path and constraints to determine the effect of changes to project schedule
Work out site logistic planning for project
Prepare and propose ‘micro-management’ schedules for critical elements of work
Kazuya Sakata
Energy/Construction -
Job number: JN -112024-179038 Posted: 2024-12-10
Schedulers / Senior Schedulers (Construction Projects)
外資系建設コンサルタントのスケジューラーポジション5 - 10 million yen Osaka Construction Project Manager
- Company overview
- Our client specializes in project management, cost management, and advisory services across the real estate, infrastructure, and natural resources sectors.
The Japan branch, based in Tokyo, plays a crucial role in the country’s dynamic construction and development landscape, offering a comprehensive range of services tailored to local market challenges.
Known for managing complex, large-scale projects, the firm consistently delivers exceptional value across various industries.
By combining deep local knowledge with global best practices, the Japan office helps clients navigate market complexities and achieve strategic objectives. Its commitment to sustainability and innovation is evident in its project delivery approach, integrating advanced technologies and sustainable practices to enhance efficiency and minimize environmental impact.
Focused on excellence and client satisfaction, we are a trusted partner for businesses aiming to optimize their investments in Japan’s competitive and evolving market. - Responsibilities
- Due to continuing success and expansion, the company is looking for an experienced Scheduler/Senior Scheduler to join our Japan team. The ideal candidate will have a track record of working on complex large scale Data Center construction projects as well as within one or more of the following : Pharmaceutical, BioTech, Data Centre, Industrial, Logistics, Manufacturing, Chemical or similarly complex asset type.
Main responsibilities:
Maintain and monitor master plan schedule
Prepare and monitor tasks ensuring satisfactory realization of project requirements against the project schedule
Integrate various contract packages into master plan schedule
Review contractor’s submitted schedule and make recommendations to client
Prepare regular internal/external weekly and monthly progress report for management and client
Develop a project control procedure to monitor the progress of project
Interact with contractor and verify the project data to update project schedule
Develop mitigation plans
Assess any contractor’s extension of time claim and prepare defence claim report
Put forward recommendation report for any contractor’s EOT claim
Analyse critical path and constraints to determine the effect of changes to project schedule
Work out site logistic planning for project
Prepare and propose ‘micro-management’ schedules for critical elements of work
Kazuya Sakata
Energy/Construction -
Job number: JN -072024-168685 Posted: 2024-10-22
Project Manager (Solar/Wind)
Global solar energy corporation10 - 12 million yen Tokyo Construction Project Manager
- Company overview
- Our Client is a multi-national solar power producer.
- Responsibilities
- Main responsibilities:
The Project Manager will work in parallel on two or three projects and be responsible to: Manage or support the permitting and approval process for assigned projects
Build and maintain strong working relationships with key stakeholders (includes landowners, associations, government officers, EPC contractors, and others)
Support negotiation of EPC and related contracts and monitor contractual obligations
Facilitate review and approval of engineering deliverables
Supervise and report on construction status and witness testing and commissioning protocols
Approve contractor requests for payments, schedule updates, and contract changes
Review and approve contractor documentation for the completed plants
Monitor, analyze, and report regularly on plant performance and incidents during operation
Identify and analyze plant issues and improvement opportunities, develop and drive actions
Ensure insurance policies are implemented and maintained and claims are properly managed
Ensure timely reporting per requirements, including from government, utilities, and lenders
Conduct regular visits to projects and complete site visit reports
Manage timely completion of assigned tasks and follow company document control procedures
Ensure cross-functional teams are informed in a timely manner of all project information necessary for them to effectively perform their duties
Retain all project-related documentation in an organized manner per company procedures
Lekima Uluinasaravi
Energy/Construction -
Job number: JN -072024-22890 Posted: 2024-09-25
サービスエンジニアまたはメンテナンス経験が活かせます。5 - 7 million yen Shiga Construction Project Manager
- Company overview
- We are a Japan-based company specializing in plant construction and the development of equipment and facilities, offering a wide range of engineering services. Our main focus lies in the design, construction, and maintenance of plant facilities, providing solutions for industrial facilities such as chemical plants, paper mills, and power plants. Additionally, we engage in the development and implementation of environmental technologies and energy management systems, aiming to contribute to a sustainable society. Through continuous improvement of our technological capabilities and service quality, we strive to provide optimal solutions that meet the needs of our customers, thus contributing to the advancement of industries and societal progress.
- Responsibilities
- 設備試運転/検査
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -072024-168894 Posted: 2024-09-11
商業不動産業界での仲介斡旋などのご経験者必見です!9 - 11.2 million yen Tokyo Construction Project Manager
- Company overview
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- Responsibilities
- 米国にある日系企業向けの商業用不動産の仲介斡旋ブローカー業務となります。
関係強化人脈を形成い ただき更新・移転・新規進出のタイミング等に交渉をいただきます。
商業不動産の賃貸のみならず売買について もブローカー交渉をしていただきます。
Kazuya Sakata
Energy/Construction -
Job number: JN -072024-169939 Posted: 2024-09-11
プロジェクトファイナンスに関する営業経験(3年以上)をお持ちの方必見です。6.3 - 9 million yen Tokyo Construction Project Manager
- Company overview
- Our client is a leading provider of satellite communication and broadcasting services, offering a wide range of solutions for corporate and consumer markets. Headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, the company is a pioneer in the satellite industry, recognized for its advanced technology and robust infrastructure.
With operations across Asia and partnerships in North America and Europe, our client operates a fleet of satellites that deliver services such as satellite TV broadcasting, data communications, and internet connectivity. Employing around 1,000 professionals, they are dedicated to providing high-quality services and innovative solutions.
In Japan, our client is a major player in satellite communications, offering reliable services to millions of households and businesses. Their strong local expertise and global partnerships keep them at the forefront of technological advancements, continuously enhancing their offerings to meet the evolving needs of customers. - Responsibilities
- PFI事業に関する市場調査および新規ビジネスチャンスの発掘
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -082024-172153 Posted: 2024-09-11
Regional Engineering Manager
Engineering manager position @ date center8 - 18 million yen Tokyo Construction Project Manager
- Company overview
- Our client is a global provider of ICT solutions, focusing on network connectivity, data center services, cloud services, and offering solutions for corporate communications and IT infrastructure.
- Responsibilities
- Main responsibilities:
Supervise the planning of design
Management for all projects; due diligence, design delivery strategy making detailed plans to accomplish goals and directing the integration of technical activities, consultant selection and contractual engagement, design reviews, value engineering, monitoring the design programme to achieve critical deadlines, advise and maintain standards for monitoring design quality, liaison with local authorities, cost control and project information systems to ensure successful project delivery.
Instruct the preparation of options, critically assess design decisions and make recommendations that address the required standards and country specific regulations to make the best design choices.
Collaborate and provide advice and assistance to other Engineering, Construction
(PM/CM/Commercial) and Operations teams on all matters relating to engineering and design and ensure that all internal approval documentation is completed in a detailed and timely fashion.
Prepare regular reports to monitor the design progress on all projects in Japan for compliance with ours and/or customer requirements, collecting project KPIs, identifying challenges and assigning ownership, proposing and driving solutions ensuring delivery on time and on budget.
Review and initiate action on independent assessments (Audits) of the design integrity of our data centres, and the possible identification and remediation of Single Points of Failure.
Apply a commercial approach in all aspects of the work including design, engineering and construction, working with other engineering functions, Procurement and Delivery to ensure that the procurement of all items is conducted on the most cost-effective basis to drive reduction in costs, considering not just initial costs but total cost of ownership.
Manage complex discussions with General Contractors, driving and representing the DCS position ( technical, commercial and delivery) to ensure milestones and completion dates are met with successful handover to the client on time and that all project documentation and internal governance approvals are completed in a detailed and timely fashion and projects are fully documented and closed out.
Kazuya Sakata
Energy/Construction -
Job number: JN -072024-36840 Posted: 2024-09-11
プラント運転経験をお持ちの方必見です!6 - 12 million yen Kanagawa Construction Project Manager
- Company overview
- We are engaged in EPC business for various plants and facilities overseas. We contribute to the economic growth and industrial development of the entire planet by developing our business around the world, centering on our comprehensive engineering business and our functional materials manufacturing business that utilizes our unique technologies. Since our founding, we have continued to evolve in response to the demands of the times, developing our business with an emphasis on "harmony between energy and the environment. In particular, in order to achieve sustainable growth while addressing climate change, advances in digital technology, and the global health crisis, we have developed a long-term vision and medium-term plan to help stabilize energy supplies, reduce carbon emissions, and maintain and build infrastructure.
- Responsibilities
- コミッショニングエンジニアとして主に以下の様な業務をご担当いただきます。
Di Fei