Jobs list of Automotive & Research & Development
NEWJob number: JN -032025-185993 Posted: 2025-03-26
設計・開発 管理職候補
自動車関連企業での設計・開発関連業務の経験をお持ちの方必見です7.9 - 8.6 million yen Hiroshima Automotive Research & Development
- Company overview
- Our client mainly manufactures and sells automotive parts.
- Responsibilities
- 自動車用ドアミラーに付随する新規機能を盛り込んだ新商品を中心とした設計、開発業務、マネジメントをお任せします。顧客窓口として、完成車メーカーとコミュニケーションをとり、自社の製造現場、開発部門へのフィードバックや調整を行います。
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -072024-31775 Posted: 2025-03-08
常に新しいモノ・コトへのチャレンジが出来る業務です5.61 - 8.91 million yen Aichi Automotive Research & Development
- Company overview
- We are an automotive manufacturer and one of the leaders in the global automotive industry. We design, manufacture, and sell automobiles and related products, offering high-quality and innovative products. We strive to achieve sustainable mobility by developing environmentally friendly vehicles and improving energy efficiency. Additionally, we are dedicated to researching and developing advanced technologies such as autonomous driving and connected cars, aiming to provide innovative vehicles that meet the needs of our users.
- Responsibilities
- ■業務概要:
※EDER(Early Detection and Early Resolution):市場不具合の早期発見、解決
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -072024-33458 Posted: 2025-03-08
自動車関連メーカーにて車両部品の開発経験がある方が活かせます。5 - 9 million yen Shizuoka Automotive Research & Development
- Company overview
- We are a specialized motorcycle manufacturer. Based in Japan, we manufacture and sell a range of products including motorcycles, four-wheel vehicles, outboard motors, motorboats, and generators. With a diverse product lineup, we have earned high praise worldwide. Known for our innovative technology and high-quality products, we cater to a wide range of customers across various applications.
- Responsibilities
- 2輪車(LMW含む)用機能部品(ホイール/ブレーキ/サスペンション/操作スイッチ類/灯火器)の開発
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -022025-183967 Posted: 2025-03-08
エンジニアリング分野のご経験をお持ちの方必見です7.2 - 9.6 million yen Shizuoka Automotive Research & Development
- Company overview
- Our client is an automotive engineering company established through an equal partnership between a major Japanese trading company and an India-based enterprise. We leverage the extensive network and rich business experience of the Japanese side in the domestic market, along with the comprehensive and advanced expertise and know-how of the Indian side in the engineering field. By combining these two strengths, we contribute to the development of the automotive industry.
In the automotive industry, there is a pressing need for advancements in environmental performance, safety, comfort, and convenience, making R&D challenges a top priority. In Japan, where there is a significant shortage of engineering resources, collaboration with other companies is essential. We aim to utilize the strengths of both our own and our parent companies to propose solutions to customer challenges and work together towards their resolution. Striving for the realization of a better mobility society and sustainability, we endeavor to be a reliable partner in the automotive industry. - Responsibilities
- 3D CADデータおよび成果物の品質確認に関してエンジニアチームをリードマイルストーンの進捗管理、適時クライアントのマネージャー/スーパーバイザーへの相談
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -022025-184328 Posted: 2025-03-08
電磁気回路設計経験をお持ちの方必見です。6 - 12 million yen Aichi Automotive Research & Development
- Company overview
- our client manufactures and sells automobile parts, energy and lifestyle related products.
- Responsibilities
- 電動ポンプ向け小型モータ・アクチュエータ開発・設計業務磁気回路設計から適合・筐体設計・開発評価・量産立上げまでを行って頂きます。
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -022025-184379 Posted: 2025-02-14
タイミング設計(静的タイミング解析、タイミング制約解析)経験が活かせます。8 - 10 million yen Tokyo Automotive Research & Development
- Company overview
- Our client is a Japanese semiconductor manufacturer that provides products such as microcontrollers and system LSIs. Our offerings are utilized across a wide range of applications including embedded systems, automotive, industrial equipment, and home electronics. Particularly in the automotive sector, it supplies technologies like in-vehicle microcontrollers, driver assistance systems, and vehicle networks, contributing to the development of advanced vehicle electronics. Additionally, we develop products aimed at improving energy efficiency and reducing environmental impact, contributing to the realization of a sustainable society.
- Responsibilities
- 自動車にも搭載されるHighPerformanceSoC製品は、"CASE(コネクテッド、自動運転、シェアリング、電動化)"に代表される自動車の電子化/高機能化を実現するためのキーパーツです。従来以上に機能、性能の向上が求められ、SoCは大規模化、複雑化が加速しています。非車載分野の半導体ベンダの市場参入で競争が激化しコスト競争力向上も課題となっております。
Esra Demirtas
Electronics -
Job number: JN -022025-184375 Posted: 2025-02-14
車載用SoC開発 / 設計
デジタルフロントエンド設計におけるバス/インターコネクトの開発経験 (3年以上)をお持ちの方必見です。8 - 10 million yen Tokyo Automotive Research & Development
- Company overview
- Our client is a Japanese semiconductor manufacturer that provides products such as microcontrollers and system LSIs. Our offerings are utilized across a wide range of applications including embedded systems, automotive, industrial equipment, and home electronics. Particularly in the automotive sector, it supplies technologies like in-vehicle microcontrollers, driver assistance systems, and vehicle networks, contributing to the development of advanced vehicle electronics. Additionally, we develop products aimed at improving energy efficiency and reducing environmental impact, contributing to the realization of a sustainable society.
- Responsibilities
- 車載用SoCのバス・インターコネクトの仕様設計/デジタル回路設計を行う設計リーダーとして下記業務をお任せします。要求事項からコンセプトとターゲットの具体化
DFT(Design for Test)およびテスト戦略のグランドデザイン
Esra Demirtas
Electronics -
Job number: JN -022025-184337 Posted: 2025-02-13
機械設計業務経験(アルミダイカスト・樹脂・金属・すべり軸受け・流体ポンプのいずれかの設計経験を有すること)6 - 12 million yen Aichi Automotive Research & Development
- Company overview
- our client manufactures and sells automobile parts, energy and lifestyle related products.
- Responsibilities
- 主にポンプメカ部や筐体の設計を担当いただきます。世界トップレベルの高効率を誇る当社の電動ウォータポンプは、内製での機電一体開発を特徴としています。ポンプ・モータ・ECU・制御と幅広いプロたちと協業で、知識を習得しながら量産に向けた製品開発を行っています。
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -022025-183664 Posted: 2025-02-03
自身のスキルを試しながら成長できます。6 - 8 million yen Tochigi Automotive Research & Development
- Company overview
- Our client develops technical support for automobile development.
- Responsibilities
- ■業務概要:顧客先にて、レース用エンジンや高電圧装置の設計・評価、モータースポーツ特有の課題解決に携わるポジション(四輪事業 フォーミュラ関連)
■業務魅力:顧客先の企業様と連携し、モータースポーツの最前線に挑むポジションです。四輪事業のフォーミュラ関連プロジェクトに携わり、 レースという厳しい環境特有の課題に対して、迅速かつ効果的な解決策を見つけ出すことで、自身のスキルを試しながら成長できます。
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -072024-32502 Posted: 2025-01-28
治具設計経験をお持ちの方必見です。5.6 - 8 million yen Kanagawa Automotive Research & Development
- Company overview
- We are a company that provides a wide range of engineering services in Japan and abroad. Focusing mainly on the manufacturing industry, we provide a full range of services from design and development to maintenance to assist our clients with their technical challenges. We continue to propose innovative solutions by leveraging our advanced technological capabilities and extensive experience, and have established ourselves as a leading company in the industrial world. We also aim to contribute to a sustainable society, not forgetting our concern for the global environment.
- Responsibilities
- 自動車部品の設計ポジションです。
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -092024-176516 Posted: 2025-01-28
将来的に最上流のマネジメントor生涯エンジニア選択可能5 - 7.5 million yen Saitama Automotive Research & Development
- Company overview
- Our client is a member of a major group that provides a wide range of human resource services domestically and internationally. In 2023, multiple affiliated companies within our group merged, and we were reorganized as a new entity. Our main business activities focus on outsourcing for technical and IT-related positions, as well as design and development support. We are involved in projects across various fields, including automotive, aerospace, consumer electronics, and robotics. Through a wealth of projects and comprehensive career support systems, we provide an environment where engineers can find growth opportunities that align with their career aspirations.
- Responsibilities
- ~最先端技術・上流工程多数/将来的に最上流のマネジメントor生涯エンジニア選択可能~
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -082024-175204 Posted: 2025-01-28
2D-CADもしくは3D-CAD使用経験をお持ちの方必見です。6.5 - 8.4 million yen Aichi Automotive Research & Development
- Company overview
- We are a Japanese company that develops, manufactures and sells logistics systems. In particular, we specialize in providing logistics equipment such as conveyors and automated warehouse systems, which are used in a wide range of industries. Our goal is to improve our customers\' logistics efficiency through high-quality products and innovative technologies. We have worked with many domestic and international companies and have earned a reputation for our reliability and proven track record. We also contribute to the creation of sustainable logistics systems and actively work toward the development of society.
- Responsibilities
- 自動車搬送設備/装置のレイアウト計画、システム能力検討、コスト計算、仕様書作成業務に携わっていただきます。
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -012025-182723 Posted: 2025-01-16
エンジン開発実務のご経験をお持ちの方必見です5.9 - 9 million yen Aichi Automotive Research & Development
- Company overview
- We are an automotive manufacturer and one of the leaders in the global automotive industry. We design, manufacture, and sell automobiles and related products, offering high-quality and innovative products. We strive to achieve sustainable mobility by developing environmentally friendly vehicles and improving energy efficiency. Additionally, we are dedicated to researching and developing advanced technologies such as autonomous driving and connected cars, aiming to provide innovative vehicles that meet the needs of our users.
- Responsibilities
- レースで戦う戦闘力のあるレースエンジンもしくは、モータースポーツ起点のスポーツカーに搭載される高性能エンジンのハード設計業務
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -012025-182720 Posted: 2025-01-16
内燃機関の設計もしくは開発の経験をお持ちの方必見です5.9 - 9 million yen Aichi Automotive Research & Development
- Company overview
- We are an automotive manufacturer and one of the leaders in the global automotive industry. We design, manufacture, and sell automobiles and related products, offering high-quality and innovative products. We strive to achieve sustainable mobility by developing environmentally friendly vehicles and improving energy efficiency. Additionally, we are dedicated to researching and developing advanced technologies such as autonomous driving and connected cars, aiming to provide innovative vehicles that meet the needs of our users.
- Responsibilities
- パワートレイン開発をお任せします。ディーゼルエンジン、プラグインハイブリットシステムのシステム設計、制御開発
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -122024-181444 Posted: 2024-12-16
クラッチ設計、もしくはクラッチ実験業務経験が活かせます。5.9 - 9 million yen Aichi Automotive Research & Development
- Company overview
- We are an automotive manufacturer and one of the leaders in the global automotive industry. We design, manufacture, and sell automobiles and related products, offering high-quality and innovative products. We strive to achieve sustainable mobility by developing environmentally friendly vehicles and improving energy efficiency. Additionally, we are dedicated to researching and developing advanced technologies such as autonomous driving and connected cars, aiming to provide innovative vehicles that meet the needs of our users.
- Responsibilities
- スポーツ車向けクラッチの設計業務
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -112024-179610 Posted: 2024-11-14
最先端のハンズオンシステムに関する開発ポジションです!5 - 11 million yen Kanagawa Automotive Research & Development
- Company overview
- The company is a supplier of automotive safety systems headquartered in Europe and the United States. It engages in the development, manufacturing, and sale of automotive safety devices, contributing to the enhancement of safety in the automotive industry. It focuses particularly on the development of safety devices such as collision avoidance systems and airbags, aiming to prevent traffic accidents and minimize their impact. Building cooperative relationships with automotive manufacturers and parts suppliers, it strives to provide high-quality safety devices. Additionally, it works towards realizing next-generation safety technologies by utilizing the latest advancements in technology and conducting research and development.
- Responsibilities
- 国内完成車メーカー様向けのステアリングホイール周辺に搭載されるECUの開発、及び、支援業務
Rampo Higuchi
Automotive -
Job number: JN -112024-179387 Posted: 2024-11-11
ローテーションによるキャリアアップも可能5 - 7.5 million yen Mie Automotive Research & Development
- Company overview
- Our client researches, develops, manufactures and sells car electronics products.
- Responsibilities
- 【賞与5.2か月分/ワイヤーハーネス領域にて国内売上トップクラス/年間休日121日/有給消化率75%でWLB◎】
■働きやすい環境:当社は「世界で一番働きがいのある、 活力ある会社」の実現を目指しており、新卒社員の直近3年間離職率5%以下、平均勤続年数17.3年、全社平均残業14.5時間、平均有休取得16.6日、育児休暇取得率は女性100%・男性50.7%とWLBを整えやすい環境です。
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -072024-32497 Posted: 2024-10-14
機械工学の知識をお持ちの方必見です!5.6 - 8 million yen Saitama Automotive Research & Development
- Company overview
- We are a company that provides a wide range of engineering services in Japan and abroad. Focusing mainly on the manufacturing industry, we provide a full range of services from design and development to maintenance to assist our clients with their technical challenges. We continue to propose innovative solutions by leveraging our advanced technological capabilities and extensive experience, and have established ourselves as a leading company in the industrial world. We also aim to contribute to a sustainable society, not forgetting our concern for the global environment.
- Responsibilities
- 製造業のお客様に派遣型・受託型エンジニアリングソリューションサービスを提供している当社の顧客先にて、大型トラックの外装設計開発に携わっていただきます。
Yuya Migita
Electronics -
Job number: JN -072024-151013 Posted: 2024-10-10
Process Development | プロセス開発
グローバル企業・年間休日122日・低コストで次世代インバータを実現するための材料技術開発に従事いただきます6 - 8.5 million yen Tochigi Automotive Research & Development
- Company overview
- We provide products, services, and mobility technology related to automobiles. We offer technology and solutions to automobile manufacturers and related industries, supporting performance improvement, safety, and environmental considerations. Moreover, we focus on developing advanced technology and innovative products, positioning ourselves as one of the leading companies in the automotive industry. As an independent global supplier, we serve automotive and motorcycle manufacturers worldwide, consistently engaging in cutting-edge technology development. We can handle both domestic and international clients, expanding our opportunities to contribute globally.
- Responsibilities
- より低コストで小型・軽量・高効率な次世代インバータの実現を可能とする材料技術確立をミッションとし、各種材料の評価・解析を担当していただきます。設計部門とのやり取りも対応していただきます。
インバータ・電子制御ユニット向け材料開発 (接合材料、封止材料、絶縁材料等)
Misato Aiba
Electronics -
Job number: JN -072024-149418 Posted: 2024-09-25
車載用途部品の構造設計経験のある方必見です!5 - 9 million yen Shizuoka Automotive Research & Development
- Company overview
- We are a specialized motorcycle manufacturer. Based in Japan, we manufacture and sell a range of products including motorcycles, four-wheel vehicles, outboard motors, motorboats, and generators. With a diverse product lineup, we have earned high praise worldwide. Known for our innovative technology and high-quality products, we cater to a wide range of customers across various applications.
- Responsibilities
- 車両レイアウト要件や電池要件から、成立する電池パックを設計する。
Yuya Migita