Jobs list of Industrial & Electrical Engineer
Job number: JN -102024-177481 Posted: 2024-10-28
システム・ハードウェア設計の経験が活かせます。5 - 9 million yen Tokyo Industrial Electrical Engineer
- Company overview
- We specialize in the development, manufacturing, and distribution of medical and scientific equipment. We are particularly renowned for our expertise in fields such as endoscopy and digital camera technology. We prioritize quality and innovation in our products, playing a crucial role in the medical and research sectors. Furthermore, we tailor solutions to meet the needs of our customers, providing support to medical and research institutions worldwide.
- Responsibilities
- 医療機器製品のハードウェア・システム回路設計業務
弊社内視鏡周辺機器 (洗浄機など) の共通のハードウェア・プラットフォーム開発と製品への適用
ハードウェア開発及び基板実装設計技術であるSignal Integrity(SI)、Power Integrity(PI)の技術確立と製品への適用
Job number: JN -102024-177902 Posted: 2024-10-28
アナログ回路設計経験者必見です!7.8 - 11 million yen Kanagawa Industrial Electrical Engineer
- Company overview
- Our client is a manufacturer of hard disk drives.
- Responsibilities
- 新規テスターの開発(特に、電子回路設計の責任者として、他のエンジニアと協業による開発)
Job number: JN -102024-177918 Posted: 2024-10-28
英語を用いたドキュメント作成経験が活かせます。5 - 10 million yen Tokyo Industrial Electrical Engineer
- Company overview
- We are a company that develops software to equip industrial robots with artificial intelligence. Specifically, we develop and sell next-generation robot controller systems that serve as the "brains" and "eyes" of industrial robots, and we also handle the integration of factory automation systems. Utilizing our advanced robot motion planning processes and 3D image processing technology, we provide products that enable robots to "see" their tasks, "think," and then take action. This has led to numerous deliveries to major automobile manufacturers and logistics companies. Our products improve the efficiency and precision of industrial robots, enhancing productivity across a wide range of industries.
- Responsibilities
- 設計要件に合わせたハードウェア検証計画の作成
安全回路のFMEA (IEC 62061 または ISO 13849)
技術または規制のコンプライアンス テストの実施
Job number: JN -102024-178401 Posted: 2024-10-28
プロジェクトマネージャ関連資格お持ちの方歓迎5 - 9 million yen Hyogo Industrial Electrical Engineer
- Company overview
- We are a comprehensive heavy industry manufacturer, engaging in a wide range of business sectors. Our main fields include energy and environmental sectors, industrial machinery and infrastructure sectors, and defense and aerospace sectors. In the energy and environmental sectors, we provide technologies for thermal power generation and renewable energy. In the industrial machinery and infrastructure sectors, we manufacture and sell transportation equipment and large-scale machinery. Moreover, in the defense and aerospace sectors, we develop various equipment and technologies. Leveraging our long-standing technical expertise and reliability, we operate domestically and internationally, aiming to contribute to societal advancement and a sustainable future. With a diverse range of products and advanced technology, we offer solutions across various industries.
- Responsibilities
- 【連結76,859人/売上収益42,027億円/研究開発費1,274億円/特許保有数25,771件の日本国内トップ重工メーカー】
Job number: JN -102024-177996 Posted: 2024-10-28
組込み機器などの電源に関する設計、評価実務経験をお持ちの方必見です。6 - 8 million yen Tokyo Industrial Electrical Engineer
- Company overview
- Our client is a manufacturer of network equipment.
- Responsibilities
- 同社の基本となるネットワーク製品の、電源設計開発を担っていただきます。電源グループでは製品に使用する電源の設計開発、評価、及び関連する業務を担当し、具体的には以下のような業務となります。これらのマネジメントを担当していただきます。ネットワーク製品に組み込まれる電源うち、以下の自社設計開発評価、購入品の評価オンボード電源
Job number: JN -082024-172316 Posted: 2024-10-26
材料力学や機械工学等の知見を有している方歓迎6 - 12 million yen Kanagawa Industrial Electrical Engineer
- Company overview
- Our client is a well-known Japanese machinery manufacturer, distinguished for providing IT-driven business solutions across a comprehensive range of services. Many of its products, mainly office machinery, incorporates their distinctive imaging technology, and their reach extends internationally
- Responsibilities
- ■業務内容:【変更の範囲:会社の定める業務】商品開発部門の包装設計担当として以下業務に従事頂きます。複写機やプリンタ及びオプション装置の包装設計
Job number: JN -092024-176428 Posted: 2024-10-26
東証プライム上場/年休122日/キャリアアップ◎/フレックス制5 - 9 million yen Shizuoka Industrial Electrical Engineer
- Company overview
- We are a specialized motorcycle manufacturer. Based in Japan, we manufacture and sell a range of products including motorcycles, four-wheel vehicles, outboard motors, motorboats, and generators. With a diverse product lineup, we have earned high praise worldwide. Known for our innovative technology and high-quality products, we cater to a wide range of customers across various applications.
- Responsibilities
- ■業務内容:【変更の範囲:会社の定める業務】モーターサイクルに搭載する電子システムの根幹となるワイヤリング開発
Job number: JN -072024-150802 Posted: 2024-10-26
LSI設計におけるモデルベース開発&シミュレーション経験者の方必見です7.5 - 11.5 million yen Fukuoka Industrial Electrical Engineer
- Company overview
- We are a company specializing in the design, manufacture and sale of semiconductors. We provide high-performance image sensors and semiconductor devices, which are used in diverse fields such as cameras, smartphones, automobiles, and industrial equipment. We also focus on developing products that meet the needs of our customers by pursuing technological innovation and quality improvement. We aim to maintain our competitiveness in the global marketplace and realize a sustainable society. Our reliable technology and expertise have earned us a solid reputation in many industries.
- Responsibilities
- CMOSイメージセンサーの設計技術において、ロジック設計領域をご担当いただきます。 5~10名程度のチームで、まずは担当者として設計技術/フローを習得していただき、複数プロジェクトを経験後はチームリーダーとして牽引していく役割を目指していただきます。
Job number: JN -072024-23278 Posted: 2024-10-26
デジタル回路設計経験をお持ちの方必見です。5.9 - 7.8 million yen Shizuoka Industrial Electrical Engineer
- Company overview
- We aim to enrich society through digital solutions. Our commercial inkjet printers are used for a wide variety of applications, including advertising and interior decoration. We also provide printers, cutting machines, and 3D products that support personalization and customized production. In recent years, we have been promoting digital transformation through connected services and cloud services to improve productivity.
- Responsibilities
- 新規市場向けのインクジェットプリンターのハードウェア開発
Job number: JN -072024-144258 Posted: 2024-10-26
PF開発部/エレキ系エンジニア (ジョブリーダー)
Advanced Technology Company8 - 9.9 million yen Yamanashi Industrial Electrical Engineer
- Company overview
- We develop and manufacture manufacturing equipment utilizing advanced technologies. In particular, we provide high-precision, innovative products for semiconductor and flat panel display manufacturing equipment. We are expanding globally to improve efficiency and quality control in manufacturing processes. We also focus on research and development, contributing to the development of next-generation manufacturing technologies. With an emphasis on sustainable growth and environmental protection, we promote initiatives such as energy efficiency and waste reduction. We are also strengthening our partnerships with local communities, aiming to contribute to industrial development and society through technological innovation.
- Responsibilities
- DX開発のエレキ(制御)リーダー及び、2,3年目や中途社員等の若手エレキエンジニアの指導役
エレキエンジニア視点でシーズ/ニーズ探索、BU(Business Unit:事業部門)の担当者との要求ヒアリング・仕様調整、設計当初の方針決定・仕様決めにも関与し、他の担当と協力し、DX開発をリードする。
Job number: JN -072024-7569 Posted: 2024-10-24
Electrical Engineer
Core Development In Japan5 - 9 million yen Tokyo Industrial Electrical Engineer
- Company overview
- We design, manufacture, sell and service semiconductor manufacturing equipment. In particular, the company is a world leader in thin-film deposition technology. The company supports the production of semiconductor devices used in smartphones, electric vehicles, and medical devices, providing its customers with advanced technologies. We are also committed to sustainable development and eco-design, and are working to combat climate change. The company has a global presence and a diverse workforce with diverse cultural backgrounds.
- Responsibilities
- Apply design engineering principles, product specifications and research data to create designs for systems and products for semiconductor industry.
Develop fail safe, cost effective designs for lower level sub-assemblies used in microprocessor controlled semiconductor equipment.
Integrate lower level assemblies to obtain a desired system level configuration.
Adapt digital and analog I/O requirements to achieve customer specific configurations.
Provide technical support for capital orders, expense projects, retrofits and development projects.
Evaluate engineering change requests and implement changes as necessary following established procedures and schedules.
Participate in design reviews prior to releasing new designs to production.
Support testing of hardware for cost reduction and product improvement projects to verify performance objectives.
Design and build test equipment, support basic instrumentation with hardware, create test procedures, perform electro-mechanical tests as required and maintain reliability data and records of all evaluations performed.
Provide design and manufacturing support on sales order specified systems for all parts of the product for which no major development effort is required.
Job number: JN -072024-35796 Posted: 2024-10-18
水処理に関わるプラントの設計経験が活かせます。6.5 - 8.5 million yen Tokyo Industrial Electrical Engineer
- Company overview
- We specialize in providing cutting-edge products and solutions centered around the technology of measurement, control, and information. As a global electrical equipment manufacturer, our products span a wide range, including measurement and control technology, automation technology, and medical devices. Particularly, we have earned high acclaim in fields such as factory automation, process control, and industrial robotics. We are committed to utilizing innovative technology and actively engaging in research and development to meet the needs of our customers.
- Responsibilities
- 日米豪政府や水道事業者と連携しながら米・豪の実証事業に参加し、限外ろ過(UF)膜、逆浸透(RO)膜、オゾンや促進酸化といった高度水処理設備の制御の最適化による効果を検証します。
Job number: JN -072024-35767 Posted: 2024-10-18
【東京/武蔵野市】電気計装システム設計 ※東証プライム市場上場
生物学、統計学等の知識ある方歓迎5.5 - 7.5 million yen Tokyo Industrial Electrical Engineer
- Company overview
- We specialize in providing cutting-edge products and solutions centered around the technology of measurement, control, and information. As a global electrical equipment manufacturer, our products span a wide range, including measurement and control technology, automation technology, and medical devices. Particularly, we have earned high acclaim in fields such as factory automation, process control, and industrial robotics. We are committed to utilizing innovative technology and actively engaging in research and development to meet the needs of our customers.
- Responsibilities
- ■業務概要:
Job number: JN -072024-33986 Posted: 2024-10-18
【茨城】工場内新規設備の立ち上げ業務 ~充実の福利厚生・研修制度~
PLC設計経験ある方歓迎5.6 - 8 million yen Ibaraki Industrial Electrical Engineer
- Company overview
- We are a company that provides a wide range of engineering services in Japan and abroad. Focusing mainly on the manufacturing industry, we provide a full range of services from design and development to maintenance to assist our clients with their technical challenges. We continue to propose innovative solutions by leveraging our advanced technological capabilities and extensive experience, and have established ourselves as a leading company in the industrial world. We also aim to contribute to a sustainable society, not forgetting our concern for the global environment.
- Responsibilities
- ■職務内容:新規ライン設備立ち上げプロジェクトにご参画いただきます。現設備の増設、老朽更新も併せてご対応いただきます。
Job number: JN -072024-32606 Posted: 2024-10-18
測位・航法システムのアルゴリズム・ハードウエアの知識をお持ちの方必見です。6 - 12 million yen Tokyo Industrial Electrical Engineer
- Company overview
- Our client develops satellites.
- Responsibilities
- 人工衛星システムを活用した測位システムの設計・開発・実証に関わる業務
Job number: JN -072024-22873 Posted: 2024-10-18
大手グループ/年休121日/完全週休2日/転勤当面無し/腰を据えて長期就業可能5 - 7 million yen Shiga Industrial Electrical Engineer
- Company overview
- We are a Japan-based company specializing in plant construction and the development of equipment and facilities, offering a wide range of engineering services. Our main focus lies in the design, construction, and maintenance of plant facilities, providing solutions for industrial facilities such as chemical plants, paper mills, and power plants. Additionally, we engage in the development and implementation of environmental technologies and energy management systems, aiming to contribute to a sustainable society. Through continuous improvement of our technological capabilities and service quality, we strive to provide optimal solutions that meet the needs of our customers, thus contributing to the advancement of industries and societal progress.
- Responsibilities
- ■業務内容:
Job number: JN -082024-174400 Posted: 2024-10-18
シーケンサを使った制御ロジック設計経験をお持ちの方必見です。5 - 6 million yen Shizuoka Industrial Electrical Engineer
- Company overview
- Our client is engaged in various engineering projects, including fueling facilities for railroads, ships, and aviation, supply facilities for chemicals and water solutions, and B-fuel supply facilities.
- Responsibilities
- 同社が開発を手掛ける、燃料電池自動車に高圧水素を供給する「水素ディスペンサー」、天然ガス自動車に圧縮天然ガスを送る「CNGディスペンサー」、水素ステーションの総合制御装置、燃料等の出荷/供給制御装置、工場内のブレンド装置等のシーケンス制御設計開発に関わる機能・仕様設計、詳細設計、プログラム、評価を中心に担当して頂きます。
Job number: JN -072024-128620 Posted: 2024-10-09
Synthesis Engineer
Pure Semiconductor R&D8 - 14 million yen Kanagawa Industrial Electrical Engineer
- Company overview
- Our Client is world\'s leading dedicated IC foundry.
- Responsibilities
- RTL synthesis, SDC/UPF verification, low power design implementation for advanced technology chips.
Design flow/methodology development and innovation for front-end design challenges.
Be responsible for RTL verification, synthesis, low power design, and STA/timing closure works for customer’s projects and internal system test chips.
Job number: JN -072024-36904 Posted: 2024-10-08
High Frequency Circuit / Antenna Design | 高周波回路/アンテナ設計エンジニア
High frequency circuit design of wireless chargers6 - 12 million yen Tokyo Industrial Electrical Engineer
- Company overview
- We are a startup originating from an American university, aiming to achieve a "wireless digital world" through wireless power transfer technology. We engage in the development, manufacturing, sales, and import/export of semiconductors, robots, medical devices, and other products. We also operate businesses such as Factory Automation, Building Management, and Medical Implants, contributing to the innovation of customers aspiring for "digitalization" through IoT
- Responsibilities
- 当社が提供する空間伝送型ワイヤレス給電ソリューションで使用する高周波回路やアンテナの設計に関する業務を行って頂きます。
設計業務に関わるマネジメント業務 (関係会社との折衝、日程管理、コスト管理など)
Job number: JN -072024-23286 Posted: 2024-09-25
組込みソフトウェア開発の経験をお持ちの方必見です5.3 - 5.9 million yen Shizuoka Industrial Electrical Engineer
- Company overview
- We aim to enrich society through digital solutions. Our commercial inkjet printers are used for a wide variety of applications, including advertising and interior decoration. We also provide printers, cutting machines, and 3D products that support personalization and customized production. In recent years, we have been promoting digital transformation through connected services and cloud services to improve productivity.
- Responsibilities
- 製品開発・研究開発においての組込ソフトウェア開発業務をお任せします。製品の機能や性能を満たすため、マイコンを用いたモーター制御、通信制御、センサーデバイス制御の設計/開発/評価や、PCと製品との橋渡しとなるAPIライブラリの設計/開発/評価などに従事いただきます。