Jobs list of Sales & Marketing & Product Marketing / Product Development
NEWJob number: JN -072024-150820 Posted: 2024-11-19
Product Marketing Supervisor | プロダクトマーケティングスーパーバイザー
Leading cosmetics brand / Multiple award winning brand9.5 - 7 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Product Marketing / Product Development
- Company overview
- Our client is a global enterprise based in the United States that has achieved success in the Beauty & Wellness industry. Distinguished by its direct sales approach, it employs a business model that directly supplies health and skincare products to individuals and small businesses. From beauty devices and items to supplements, they offer a wide range of products that contribute to health and beauty support.
- Responsibilities
- As Supervisor of the Product Marketing team, you will be responsible for the following duties.
Main responsibilities:
Develop strategies based on analysis of product sales, growth, profitability, and awareness
Develop, plans, and execute product promotions
Develops sales promotion tools, properly manage and implements the entire category, including new product training and presentation and product portfolio
Provides training and guidance
NEWJob number: JN -102024-178907 Posted: 2024-11-18
メディア事業部 プロダクトマネージャー
急成長を遂げているスタートアップ企業/いろいろなチャレンジが出来る環境6 - 10 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Product Marketing / Product Development
- Company overview
- Our client is a leader in portable power solutions and mobile charging stations, committed to sustainability and innovation. With a vast network of charging stations, they ensure easy access to power on the go. In Japan, they are expanding their presence, backed by a dedicated team focused on enhancing convenience for customers nationwide. Globally, they operate with a strong infrastructure and a significant workforce, driving a cleaner, more connected future.
- Responsibilities
- メディア事業部にて、デジタルサイネージおよびアプリを活用したデジタル広告戦略の開発と最適化を担当するプロダクトマネージャーを募集します。デジタルサイネージメディアの導入や広告パフォーマンスの最大化に注力し、広告エコシステムの拡大を推進する役割です。
NEWJob number: JN -102024-177622 Posted: 2024-11-17
ビジネス成長とブランド認知を促進する包括的なマーケティング戦略経験をお持ちの方必見です。9 - 10.6 million yen Kanagawa Sales & Marketing Product Marketing / Product Development
- Company overview
- We are a Japanese automotive company that operates a global business. We manufacture and sell a wide range of passenger cars and commercial vehicles. We prioritize improving fuel efficiency and reducing environmental impact, employing innovative technologies. In addition to producing high-quality vehicles, we focus on safety and comfort, aiming to provide customers with valuable mobility experiences. Furthermore, we are committed to developing electric and autonomous driving technologies to realize sustainable mobility.
- Responsibilities
- デジタルからフィジカルまで、あらゆるタッチポイントを網羅する包括的なコンテンツマーケティング戦略に携わることができます。部門横断的なアプローチでグローバルなマーケティングイニシアティブをリードしていただきます。
NEWJob number: JN -072024-20447 Posted: 2024-11-17
Marketing Manager
Working abroad opportunity9 - 13 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Product Marketing / Product Development
- Company overview
- We specialize in customizing mobile accessories and technology-related products. In particular, we offer a wide variety of products for devices, such as smartphone cases, earphone cases, and watch bands. Distinctive features include the ability to create custom designs based on personal preferences, allowing customers to create one-of-a-kind items using their own photos and text. We also collaborate with many well-known brands and characters, offering a wide variety of products that combine fashion and functionality. Our products are gaining popularity, especially among the younger generation, due to the development of both design and practicality.
- Responsibilities
- Develop and implement creative marketing strategies that resonate with the Japan market.
Plan and execute marketing initiatives including product launch, campaigns, events, etc. to increase product sales and market share for both online and offline channels.
Create innovative and localized branding campaigns for the Japan market to increase brand awareness and strengthen brand identity.
Manage multiple influencer campaigns and budgets across channels from ideation to launch for different objectives. Responsible for ROI optimization and performance. Provide end-to-end solutions
Coordinate with designer / photographer to create localized creative assets.
Develop marketing metrics, goals, and KPIs to assess the business results and budget control.
Manage local marketing team and make sure KPIs are achieved, as well as provide local learnings and insights for business or website improvement
NEWJob number: JN -102024-178882 Posted: 2024-11-17
英語での業務に支障がないレベル(TOEIC 800点以上)をお持ちの方必見です。12 - 14.5 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Product Marketing / Product Development
- Company overview
- Our client is an instant food manufacturer.
- Responsibilities
- 同社の2030年中長期戦略を達成する上で、海外における利益の伴う成長はこの中長期戦略の最重要課題です。この中核を担う同社ブランドを中心としたグローバル戦略を立案し実行に移していく部署となります。各国のそれぞれ異なる消費者のインサイトに基づくブランディング、商品企画、商品プロモーションを現地法人の担当者と共に創造していきます。
NEWJob number: JN -092024-177062 Posted: 2024-11-14
戦略、ビジネスプランニング、または関連する役割での経験をお持ちの方必見です。9 - 10.6 million yen Kanagawa Sales & Marketing Product Marketing / Product Development
- Company overview
- We are a Japanese automotive company that operates a global business. We manufacture and sell a wide range of passenger cars and commercial vehicles. We prioritize improving fuel efficiency and reducing environmental impact, employing innovative technologies. In addition to producing high-quality vehicles, we focus on safety and comfort, aiming to provide customers with valuable mobility experiences. Furthermore, we are committed to developing electric and autonomous driving technologies to realize sustainable mobility.
- Responsibilities
- ビジネスインテリジェンス同社グローバル組織をサポートするためのビジネスインテリジェンス戦略を開発する。
NEWJob number: JN -112024-179595 Posted: 2024-11-14
マーケティング・ブランド管理業務経験が活かせます。6.5 - 8 million yen Hyogo Sales & Marketing Product Marketing / Product Development
- Company overview
- Our client is a well-established and highly trusted food and beverage manufacturer, specializing in consumer products such as beverages, coffee, cereals, dairy products, confectionery, and more. With a global presence and a strong reputation as a global brand, its products are accessible in nearly every country.
- Responsibilities
- 消費者を深く理解し、消費者志向とブランド便益を連動付け製品やサービスを開発する
社内関連部署と協働しコマーシャルプラニング(中・短期の販売目標を達成するためのすべてのマーケティング戦略作成サイクル)をリードする。また、各種活動をKPIとしてモニターし、ブランドのHealth Checkを定期的に実践する
Job number: JN -092024-175988 Posted: 2024-11-09
Job グローバルマーケティング企画(外資系事業法人)
圧倒的な顧客基盤/豊富なキャリアパス/在宅勤務可8 - 13 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Product Marketing / Product Development
- Company overview
- We are a leading bank offering a wide range of financial services domestically and internationally. We offer a wide range of financial products, including deposits, loans, investments, and asset management, to a diverse range of customers, from individuals to corporations. We also offer a full range of services to support international transactions and overseas expansion through our global network. Furthermore, through the introduction of digital banking and collaboration with fintech, we continue to innovate in order to provide highly convenient financial services and meet the needs of our customers. As a reliable and stable financial institution, we have built a strong position both domestically and internationally.
- Responsibilities
- ■業務内容:【変更の範囲:会社の定める業務】海外における外資系事業法人向けの市場性商品(金利デリバティブ、為替)マーケティング戦略の企画、立案、実行
Job number: JN -102024-178406 Posted: 2024-11-08
有名ブランドを多数持つ外資系化粧品メーカー/フルフレックス/年休125日6 - 10 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Product Marketing / Product Development
- Company overview
- Our client is a global cosmetics and beauty product manufacturer that operates a wide range of businesses both domestically and internationally. They manufacture various beauty products, including skincare, haircare, makeup, and fragrances. Each brand within their diverse brand portfolio presents distinctive characteristics of its own and all work to drive innovation and shape industry trends.
- Responsibilities
- ~LANCOME/イヴ・サンローラン・ボーテ/Aesop/shu uemura等の有名ブランドを多数持つ外資系化粧品メーカー/フルフレックス/年休125日~
■LUXE事業部について百貨店向け高級ブランド(スキンケア、メイクアップ、フレグランス製品)を扱う事業部となり、代表ブランドには、『LANCOME/イヴ・サンローラン・ボーテ/Aesop/shu uemura/キールズ/Helena Rubinstein/ARMANI beauty/メゾンマルジェラ/TAKAMI』などがございます。当社の中でも一番大きな事業部であり、日本の百貨店コスメ市場においてもトップクラスのシェアを持ち、右肩上がりで成長を続けております。各ブランドがオリジナルのカラーを持って戦略を実行しており、ブランドをまたいだ異動も活発なので幅広いキャリアを積むことができます。
Job number: JN -102024-178917 Posted: 2024-11-07
商品企画(個人向け音響機器) ※グローバル音響機器メーカー
チームリーダー経験お持ちの方歓迎5 - 7.9 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Product Marketing / Product Development
- Company overview
- Our client develops, manufactures, and sells a wide variety of audio equipment.
- Responsibilities
- 【ターンテーブルにおいて欧米市場でトップクラスのシェアを誇り、毎年グラミー賞授賞式に1000本以上のマイクを提供/前年比で売上110%成長の音響機器メーカー】
【具体的には】 主に海外市場向けの商品企画を担当となります。海外販社担当者とのコミュニケーションや市場調査による新たなニーズの発見、商品コンセプトの立案をはじめ、技術者と連携した具体的な製品仕様の策定等です。商品の上市に向け、プロジェクトの中心となって進めて頂ける方を求めています。
Job number: JN -102024-178833 Posted: 2024-10-29
商品(有形プロダクト)企画実務経験をお持ちの方必見です。7 - 8 million yen Hiroshima Sales & Marketing Product Marketing / Product Development
- Company overview
- Our client businesses are “Sporting Goods,” “Automobile Parts,” “Medical and Welfare Equipment,” and “Hydrophilic Products and Industrial Materials.
- Responsibilities
- 市場調査、アイデア出し/発意、事業経済性分析、試作品の開発、テストマーケティング、製品化、市場投入など一連の業務に携わっていただきます。
Job number: JN -092024-176980 Posted: 2024-10-29
プロダクトマーケティングもしくは商品企画のご経験が活かせます。5.5 - 8.5 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Product Marketing / Product Development
- Company overview
- Our client a leading Japanese internet services and e-commerce company, engaging in a wide range of business areas including online shopping malls. We deploy advanced technology and customer-centric services, utilized by users in Japan and abroad. We operate diverse businesses such as e-commerce, finance, and digital content, offering various services including online shopping platforms, cloud services, and internet banking. We also provide point programs and media content to enhance customer engagement. Additionally, we actively expand our business both domestically and internationally, strengthening our competitiveness in the global market.
- Responsibilities
- 各プロダクトの販売促進に向けた料金プラン、キャンペーンの策定
Job number: JN -102024-177533 Posted: 2024-10-28
マーケティング/事業企画等の経験者必見です!6.83 - 8.63 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Product Marketing / Product Development
- Company overview
- Our client is a manufacturer engaged in the development, manufacturing, and sales of industrial products using advanced materials. We develop, manufacture, and sell industrial polishing, cutting, and micro-deburring tools made from ceramic fiber, a material used in aerospace. Particularly in the field of ceramic grinding wheels, we are renowned for our high technical capabilities and high-quality products.
- Responsibilities
- マーケティング戦略立案~活動のマネジメント
Job number: JN -102024-177487 Posted: 2024-10-28
Android/iOS上のサービス開発経験(3年以上)をお持ちの方必見です。8.6 - 9.45 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Product Marketing / Product Development
- Company overview
- We are a major telecommunications company in Japan, providing a wide range of communication services, primarily focusing on mobile communication services. We offer various services including voice calls, data communication, and internet connectivity for mobile phones and smartphones, with a large number of users across Japan. Additionally, we are dedicated to introducing high-speed communication standards and researching and developing the latest technologies, promoting the adoption of 5G networks. Furthermore, we offer various application services and IoT solutions, providing diverse solutions for both businesses and individuals. Our high-quality services and extensive network coverage have earned the trust of many users.
- Responsibilities
- メッセージング事業のとりまく市場動向や外部環境を踏まえた現状分析、課題抽出を通したサービス戦略策定
Job number: JN -102024-177488 Posted: 2024-10-28
消費者トレンドや行動に関する深い知識をお持ちの方必見です。7 - 9 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Product Marketing / Product Development
- Company overview
- Our client is a global cosmetics and beauty product manufacturer that operates a wide range of businesses both domestically and internationally. They manufacture various beauty products, including skincare, haircare, makeup, and fragrances. Each brand within their diverse brand portfolio presents distinctive characteristics of its own and all work to drive innovation and shape industry trends.
- Responsibilities
- 消費者トレンドおよび競合他社の動向を監視し、デジタル/ソーシャルマーケティングのアクティベーションに役立つ新しい洞察やアイデアを生成します。
Job number: JN -102024-177927 Posted: 2024-10-28
インターネットサービスに関わる企画開発、セールス、コンサルティング等で5年以上の経験がある方必見です。6 - 8 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Product Marketing / Product Development
- Company overview
- Our client a leading Japanese internet services and e-commerce company, engaging in a wide range of business areas including online shopping malls. We deploy advanced technology and customer-centric services, utilized by users in Japan and abroad. We operate diverse businesses such as e-commerce, finance, and digital content, offering various services including online shopping platforms, cloud services, and internet banking. We also provide point programs and media content to enhance customer engagement. Additionally, we actively expand our business both domestically and internationally, strengthening our competitiveness in the global market.
- Responsibilities
- 同社グループ全体の80以上のサービスに対して、自社開発のAd/マーケティングプラットフォーム(DMP/計測システム)の利活用を推進します。各事業の広告ビジネスの機能開発サポート/マーケティングのパフォーマンスアップを、DMP/計測システムをまじえてコンサルテーション・プロジェクトマネジメント・レポーティングを実施していただきます。
Job number: JN -102024-177909 Posted: 2024-10-28
EC、イベントなどBtoCのビジネスなどを2年以上経験されている方必見です。6 - 10 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Product Marketing / Product Development
- Company overview
- Our client a leading Japanese internet services and e-commerce company, engaging in a wide range of business areas including online shopping malls. We deploy advanced technology and customer-centric services, utilized by users in Japan and abroad. We operate diverse businesses such as e-commerce, finance, and digital content, offering various services including online shopping platforms, cloud services, and internet banking. We also provide point programs and media content to enhance customer engagement. Additionally, we actively expand our business both domestically and internationally, strengthening our competitiveness in the global market.
- Responsibilities
- グッズの企画開発や自営ECサービスにてビジネスオペレーション業務をお任せします。
Job number: JN -102024-178265 Posted: 2024-10-28
プロダクトマーケティング経験をお持ちの方必見です。5 - 7 million yen Aichi Sales & Marketing Product Marketing / Product Development
- Company overview
- Our client is one of the world\'s leading industrial equipment manufacturers based in Sweden.
- Responsibilities
- プロダクトマーケティングマネージャーとして、モータービークルインダストリービジネスラインのプロダクトチームの一員となります。プロダクトマーケティングチームは、同社の製品のプロモーションを担当しています。新規ビジネスチャンスにおける顧客の仕様と要件を分析・理解する。
Job number: JN -102024-178101 Posted: 2024-10-28
サービス企画経験者必見です!7 - 10 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Product Marketing / Product Development
- Company overview
- Our client a leading Japanese internet services and e-commerce company, engaging in a wide range of business areas including online shopping malls. We deploy advanced technology and customer-centric services, utilized by users in Japan and abroad. We operate diverse businesses such as e-commerce, finance, and digital content, offering various services including online shopping platforms, cloud services, and internet banking. We also provide point programs and media content to enhance customer engagement. Additionally, we actively expand our business both domestically and internationally, strengthening our competitiveness in the global market.
- Responsibilities
- SCM領域における新サービスの企画/プロジェクトリード
Job number: JN -082024-170831 Posted: 2024-10-24
東証プライム上場/リモートワーク制度有5 - 8 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Product Marketing / Product Development
- Company overview
- We are a company that manufactures and sells functional materials. Initially, we began with the production of circuit copper foil products and industrial adhesive products. Today, we handle everything from material development to process technology and production equipment technology, essential for realizing cutting-edge electronics products. We continue to meet customer needs by offering unique, high-value products. We have also entered the environmental and new energy sectors, developing materials for solar cell junctions and LED-related materials. Our main products include anisotropic conductive films, industrial adhesives, and optical films. Our core technologies are material development, manufacturing process technology, molecular and functional design technology, and analysis and evaluation technology. By integrating these technologies, our products have gained high global market shares and are widely adopted by many electronics manufacturers.
- Responsibilities
- ■業務内容: