Jobs list of Sales & Marketing & Business Development / Sales
NEWJob number: JN -072024-39674 Posted: 2025-03-31
基本リモートワーク/残業20h以下/グローバル連携5 - 9 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- We specialize in the development, manufacturing, and distribution of medical and scientific equipment. We are particularly renowned for our expertise in fields such as endoscopy and digital camera technology. We prioritize quality and innovation in our products, playing a crucial role in the medical and research sectors. Furthermore, we tailor solutions to meet the needs of our customers, providing support to medical and research institutions worldwide.
- Responsibilities
- ■業務内容:
Shotaro Tsubaki
Medical Device -
NEWJob number: JN -032025-186139 Posted: 2025-03-31
エレクトロニクス分野における事業開発の経験が活かせます。8.3 - 13 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- Our client sells display modules for AR glasses and spatial recognition software.
- Responsibilities
- ビックテックをはじめとしたグローバルエレクトロニクスメーカーへの事業開発における戦略立案および推進業務
Emi Iida
Corporate Services -
NEWJob number: JN -032025-186133 Posted: 2025-03-31
リモート可/土日祝休み/残業月平均5~10時間程度5 - 6 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- Our client provides information distribution through marketing services and cross-industry networking events for managers and business owners.
- Responsibilities
- 【世界最大級のリファーラルマーケティング企業/リモート可/土日祝休み/残業月平均5~10時間程度】
Emi Iida
Corporate Services -
NEWJob number: JN -032025-186147 Posted: 2025-03-31
営業のご経験をお持ちの方必見です6 - 8 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- Our client provides information distribution through marketing services and cross-industry networking events for managers and business owners.
- Responsibilities
- フランチャイズ部門にて新たな拠点の立ち上げ等の事業開発の業務をご担当いただきます。また、グループ会社におけるセールスもご担当いただきます。※国際本部主催のウェビナーや会議での情報収集、問合せ、海外イベントの立ち合いなどで英語を使用する場面があります。(英語使用比率25%程度)
Ami Hayashi
Corporate Services -
NEWJob number: JN -032025-186146 Posted: 2025-03-31
営業のご経験をお持ちの方必見です5 - 6 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- Our client provides information distribution through marketing services and cross-industry networking events for managers and business owners.
- Responsibilities
- カスタマーサクセスとして、セールスや開拓をご担当いただきます。※国際本部主催のウェビナーや会議での情報収集、問合せ、海外イベントの立ち合いなどで英語を使用する場面があります。(英語使用比率25%程度)■具体的な業務内容:活動している地域の成長支援…各エリアの代表者と連携し、目標達成に向けたプロセスを伴走
Emi Iida
Corporate Services -
NEWJob number: JN -032025-185712 Posted: 2025-03-31
海外営業の経験を活かす!5 - 5.5 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- Our client selects routes (suppliers, vendors, etc.) to export Japanese daily necessities (foodstuffs, etc.) to overseas markets.
- Responsibilities
- 海外営業の経験を活かす!/創業130年以上グアムやサイパンなど太平洋諸島に特化した総合商社/賞与5か月/中途入社率95%
Emi Iida
Corporate Services -
NEWJob number: JN -032025-185728 Posted: 2025-03-31
営業のご経験をお持ちの方必見です5 - 8 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- We operate a digital payment service, promoting the shift to a cashless society as a subsidiary of a major internet service company. We offer a wide range of payment methods, including credit cards, e-money, and QR code payments. Additionally, we provide payment systems and solutions for merchants and financial institutions.
- Responsibilities
- 同社製品を導入いただいた企業に対して、新たなソリューションの企画立案、外部企業との提携によるオープンイノベーションの推進、営業戦略の策定支援、営業課題の解決などを担う事業開発・営業企画業務をお任せします。■業務内容:新しいソリューションの計画
Emi Iida
Corporate Services -
NEWJob number: JN -022025-184549 Posted: 2025-03-31
エンタメ業界での実務経験者必見です!6.26 - 8.43 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- We are engaged in publishing and media-related businesses, primarily focusing on the publication of books and magazines, as well as the production and distribution of media content such as movies and animations. We offer a wide range of content across various genres and platforms, providing enjoyment and knowledge to numerous readers and viewers. Leveraging our creative talents and storytelling abilities, we have gained popularity both domestically and internationally. We contribute to the advancement of culture and the dissemination of entertainment, striving to meet diverse needs through a focus on creativity and innovation.
- Responsibilities
- 複数のECサイトの海外進出に向けた、海外法人・関係部署との折衝、タスク進捗管理、海外サービス立ち上げまでの一連をプロデューサーとして担っていただきます。
Emi Iida
Corporate Services -
NEWJob number: JN -032025-185583 Posted: 2025-03-31
旅行業界におけるBtoBの営業経験をお持ちの方必見です5.04 - 6.72 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- We are a travel company that handles reservations and arrangements for domestic and international hotels, sells hotel coupons, and provides travel-related information services. We offer extensive hotel booking services to regional travel agencies and corporate clients, allowing centralized management of price comparisons and room availability. Through a multi-supplier system, we ensure bookings at the lowest available rates. For individual customers, we provide convenient travel planning through hotel reservation websites and meta-search services. In recent years, we have expanded our services by acquiring an online flight ticket booking site.
- Responsibilities
- ターゲットリストの作成
Emi Iida
Corporate Services -
NEWJob number: JN -022025-184915 Posted: 2025-03-28
ガバナンス/ レポーティング担当者
医療機器業界でのご経験をお持ちの方必見です11 - 15 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- We specialize in the development, manufacturing, and distribution of medical and scientific equipment. We are particularly renowned for our expertise in fields such as endoscopy and digital camera technology. We prioritize quality and innovation in our products, playing a crucial role in the medical and research sectors. Furthermore, we tailor solutions to meet the needs of our customers, providing support to medical and research institutions worldwide.
- Responsibilities
- 担当する事業分野の複数プロジェクトに関して次のような業務を担っていただきます。(1)プロジェクトのモニタリング担当事業分野のプロジェクトと連携し、進捗状況の把握とプロジェクトマネージャへのガバナンス上の支援。(2)プロジェクトのレポーティングプロジェクトの最新状況が適切に経営層に報告されることを確実にするための活動。(3)ガバナンス維持と改善プロジェクト管理の会議体の運営と改善。関連機能と連携した資源の最適化の支援。
Emi Iida
Corporate Services -
NEWJob number: JN -032025-185999 Posted: 2025-03-28
【Life Science×Marketing×Strategy】Operation Lead
医療業界でのマネジメント経験をお持ちの方必見です11 - 17 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- 総合診断事業の中核として発展しています。
- Responsibilities
- This “Product-marketing-related role” is open ONLY for bilingual professionals who work Life Science company with managerial experience.Why don’t you dive into a global company and utilize your expertise to enhance the business?
Followings are what you will be accountable for:・ミクロの個別アカウントレベル(エンドユーザーレベル)とマクロレベル(市場動向、シェアなど)のビジネスの実績と予測に関する深い分析・事業戦略と実行モデルの改善機会の特定。PDCA、HPS(Healthineers Performance System)、SWOT。・データを分析するだけでなく、LSリーダーシップチームと解決策を議論し、ビジネス上の意思決定に参加し、チームをリードする。・MTA、MBR、製品転換、販売予測などのプランニング。・製品コンバージョン、CRMエクセレンス、S&OP、Hoshin Kanri、セールスインセンティブ、セールスプログラムなど、卓越した業務の改善に貢献する。・マーケティングチームと密接に協力し、マーケットマップ、セグメンテーション、ポジショニングなどの主要なマーケティングフレームワークを開発する。・分析に基づいたビジネスプランを実行し、目標を達成する。・営業組織と連携して商業KPIを推進し、深いアカウントレベルの分析に基づいて目標を達成する。・DX/LS全体のイニシアチブとDX/LS戦略プロジェクトをリードし、成功に導く。・部門横断的(DX、Japan Healthineers、LS HQ、Global Biz excellence team等)と緊密に連携し、協働する。・目標の達成と対策の実行を確実にし、LSを最も魅力的で無駄のない効果的な組織へと進化させる。――――――――――#primejob1
Samantha Labrador
Corporate Services -
NEWJob number: JN -032025-186093 Posted: 2025-03-28
事業企画の経験が活かせます。5 - 9 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- We are a major non-ferrous metal manufacturer. With a rich history, we possess world-class material technology and high technical expertise. Our technological prowess is widely recognized globally. Striving to be a company with a strong global presence, we expand our business internationally. As a manufacturer brand, we are involved in businesses such as large-capacity optical communications, smart grids, and next-generation automobiles, aiming to lead into the next era of innovation.
- Responsibilities
- 海外関係会社の予決算分析(予実差異分析や現地との決算会議への参画等)
自動車部品部門の 各種契約の審査・回議・締結窓口(電子契約、スポンサー契約、関係会社間取引契約、賃貸借契約、技術援助契約、出向契約等)
Hanako Arai
Corporate Services -
NEWJob number: JN -032025-185567 Posted: 2025-03-28
業界・職種未経験歓迎です!5.5 - 7 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- 同社は発泡プラスチック専門の会社として、業界トップのシェアを持っています。
- Responsibilities
- マーケティングによる事業選定、計画策定とその実行のプロジェクトリーダーを目指していただきます。
Emi Iida
Corporate Services -
NEWJob number: JN -032025-186044 Posted: 2025-03-27
事業部での管理会計業務従事または、経理部門での事業部支援をご経験された方必見です7 - 9 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- The company is a Japanese optical equipment manufacturer. It engages in the development, manufacturing, and sales of precision measurement equipment. Operating in various fields such as construction, agriculture, and healthcare, it provides surveying equipment and location-based technology. Particularly in the construction industry, it offers automatic control technology for construction machinery and surveying/geospatial information systems to support efficient construction operations. In the agricultural sector, it provides equipment for automatic control of agricultural machinery and devices for precision agriculture, contributing to increased productivity and environmentally conscious farming practices. Furthermore, it develops and provides medical equipment and technology, contributing to the realization of advanced healthcare.
- Responsibilities
- 事業投資判断基準の作成と事業部における損益管理の強化を目指します製品群別の損益を策定。原価計算、開発経費、営業用経費、スタッフ経費の配布基準等も策定し、アイケア事業全体の事業管理のサポート。
上記資料の提携フォームの改善、Power BIなどのツールなどの活用促進。
Takahisa Hitotsumatsu
Medical Device -
NEWJob number: JN -032025-186040 Posted: 2025-03-27
企画部門での業務経験をお持ちの方必見です!5 - 9 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- The company is a Japanese optical equipment manufacturer. It engages in the development, manufacturing, and sales of precision measurement equipment. Operating in various fields such as construction, agriculture, and healthcare, it provides surveying equipment and location-based technology. Particularly in the construction industry, it offers automatic control technology for construction machinery and surveying/geospatial information systems to support efficient construction operations. In the agricultural sector, it provides equipment for automatic control of agricultural machinery and devices for precision agriculture, contributing to increased productivity and environmentally conscious farming practices. Furthermore, it develops and provides medical equipment and technology, contributing to the realization of advanced healthcare.
- Responsibilities
- サービスビジネスの収益化に向けた新規サービスメニューの企画立案、各販社との調整業務
Takahisa Hitotsumatsu
Medical Device -
NEWJob number: JN -032025-186061 Posted: 2025-03-27
デジタルコンテンツを使用したサービス企画、開発のご経験をお持ちの方必見です7 - 10 million yen Osaka Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- Our client a Japan-based game development and publishing company, offering widely beloved game titles enjoyed by gamers worldwide. Our games are characterized by innovative storytelling, high-quality graphics, and immersive gameplay, providing fun and excitement across various platforms. Over the years, we have created numerous hit titles and established leadership in the gaming industry. Additionally, we engage in a wide range of business activities, including licensing and operating entertainment facilities.
- Responsibilities
- ブランド・コンテンツ浸透/販路拡大のため、ゲームコンテンツに関連した新規ビジネス企画、既存ビジネスの拡大・推進に携わっていただきます。グローバルにおける新規ビジネスの企画、推進(現在進行中の新規ビジネスの推進を含め、それらに付随するサービス企画、収益化等)
Emi Iida
Corporate Services -
NEWJob number: JN -032025-185079 Posted: 2025-03-26
飲食業にて複数店舗の管理をご経験された方必見です8.4 - 11.2 million yen Saitama Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- -
- Responsibilities
- 海外事業部の責任者として、組織構築、売上・利益拡大、出店、店舗拡大、新規マーケットの探索に取り組んでいただきます。社長直轄のポジションで、飲食企業の海外事業を経営視点でトータル構築する仕事です。現地マーケットのマクロ・ミクロ動向や、社会・法制度の把握及び戦略立案
マーケティング・メニュー企画・販促活動・集客プロモーション戦略立案の統括 など
Emi Iida
Corporate Services -
NEWJob number: JN -082024-173624 Posted: 2025-03-26
世界の水処理環境問題の解決をリードするオンリーワン企業5 - 8 million yen Kanagawa Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- We are an industrial machinery manufacturer that provides products and services centered around sludge dewatering machines in over 70 countries and regions worldwide. Our main business activities include sludge treatment, water quality testing, environmental analysis, and maintenance of water supply and drainage systems. We are particularly known for the development, manufacturing, and sales of sludge dewatering machines, with over 5,000 units installed domestically and internationally. These machines are used to reduce the moisture content of sludge generated during wastewater treatment, thereby decreasing the volume of industrial waste. They are highly regarded for their excellent dewatering performance and ease of maintenance.
Aiming to "provide advanced comfort and convenience to society," we continue to offer high-quality technology and reliable services. - Responsibilities
- インフラ水処理機器の営業業務です。※海外出張1週間~2か月間/1~2か月ごと※頻度は担当先によって異なります
Duy Pham
Electronics -
NEWJob number: JN -022025-184141 Posted: 2025-03-25
インターネット業界での海外渉外経験をお持ちの方必見です6 - 10 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- Our client a leading Japanese internet services and e-commerce company, engaging in a wide range of business areas including online shopping malls. We deploy advanced technology and customer-centric services, utilized by users in Japan and abroad. We operate diverse businesses such as e-commerce, finance, and digital content, offering various services including online shopping platforms, cloud services, and internet banking. We also provide point programs and media content to enhance customer engagement. Additionally, we actively expand our business both domestically and internationally, strengthening our competitiveness in the global market.
- Responsibilities
- 入社後は次のような業務を担当していただきます。国際渉外業務の計画立案実施
Heitaro Chikamori
Corporate Services -
NEWJob number: JN -032025-185889 Posted: 2025-03-25
事業管理 / 経営管理 / 経理のご経験をお持ちの方必見です6 - 12.5 million yen Aichi Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- Our client a global manufacturer of automotive parts working to supply the needs of the world\'s automobile manufacturers
- Responsibilities
- CASE進展によりクルマの知能化が進む中で、我々が担う車載コンピュータのニーズが高まる一方、半導体進化による製品の高度化やグローバル競争の激化により、事業運営の不確実性が増しています。「正解のない世界」のなかで、エンドユーザー含めたお客様・ステークホルダー・同社の三方良しとなる事業を創り、牽引していく仲間を募集しています。■業務詳細:車載コンピュータ分野の事業企画・原価管理をお任せします。連結経営マネジメント
製品別 事業企画/管理
Emi Iida
Corporate Services