Jobs list of Information Technology & Programmer / Software Engineer
Job number: JN -102024-178768 Posted: 2024-10-28
システム開発やDX推進の経験を持ち新たなサービスの実現にチャレンジできる方必見です。5 - 13 million yen Tokyo Information Technology Programmer / Software Engineer
- Company overview
- Our client is making great strides globally as a specialized trust bank group
- Responsibilities
- 資産運用・資産管理ビジネスにおけるシステム案件の企画推進
Job number: JN -102024-178541 Posted: 2024-10-28
量子コンピュータに関わる基礎知識が活かせます。6.2 - 12 million yen Kanagawa Information Technology Programmer / Software Engineer
- Company overview
- Our client a Japanese electronics manufacturer offering telecommunications systems, information processing systems, and electronic devices, along with related services. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and blockchain, we support the digital transformation of businesses and organizations. Our team of experts with advanced technical skills and extensive experience excels in developing and providing computer systems, network equipment, software, and services. As a global leader in information and communication technology, we deliver customized solutions tailored to meet our customers\' business needs, contributing to the creation of a sustainable society.
- Responsibilities
- 当プロジェクトでは、超伝導量子コンピュータの研究開発を実施しております。現在、1000量子ビット級の大型量子コンピュータの実機構築を進めております。入社した際には、超伝導量子コンピュータの全体アーキテクチャの検討から、希釈冷凍機内部の熱収支検討や、性能を満足する部材選定、構築業務を担って頂きたい考えています。
Job number: JN -102024-178547 Posted: 2024-10-28
データエンジニアリングまたは関連分野での1年以上の実務経験をお持ちの方必見です。7.5 - 11.5 million yen Tokyo Information Technology Programmer / Software Engineer
- Company overview
- Our client is one of the world\'s leading general electronics manufacturers.
- Responsibilities
- 各種ログや顧客データを収集し分析を行うデータレイク・分析環境の開発運用
Job number: JN -102024-178537 Posted: 2024-10-28
理工学分野での実験的な研究あるいは開発経験をお持ちの方必見です。6.2 - 12 million yen Kanagawa Information Technology Programmer / Software Engineer
- Company overview
- Our client a Japanese electronics manufacturer offering telecommunications systems, information processing systems, and electronic devices, along with related services. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and blockchain, we support the digital transformation of businesses and organizations. Our team of experts with advanced technical skills and extensive experience excels in developing and providing computer systems, network equipment, software, and services. As a global leader in information and communication technology, we deliver customized solutions tailored to meet our customers\' business needs, contributing to the creation of a sustainable society.
- Responsibilities
- 超伝導量子ビットチップの設計・実機評価
Job number: JN -102024-178684 Posted: 2024-10-28
パブリッククラウドを活用したセンターの設計および実装経験が活かせます。7.8 - 15.7 million yen Aichi Information Technology Programmer / Software Engineer
- Company overview
- We are an automotive manufacturer and one of the leaders in the global automotive industry. We design, manufacture, and sell automobiles and related products, offering high-quality and innovative products. We strive to achieve sustainable mobility by developing environmentally friendly vehicles and improving energy efficiency. Additionally, we are dedicated to researching and developing advanced technologies such as autonomous driving and connected cars, aiming to provide innovative vehicles that meet the needs of our users.
- Responsibilities
- システムの要件、仕様の定義
Job number: JN -102024-178606 Posted: 2024-10-28
React、TypeScriptでの開発経験が活かせます。6.48 - 10 million yen Tokyo Information Technology Programmer / Software Engineer
- Company overview
- We operate under the mission, "Move money forward. Move life even further." We provide financial web services, aiming to alleviate the financial concerns and anxieties of individuals and businesses through the power of technology, and become the "money platform" for everyone.
Our main services include automated household accounting and asset management for individuals, economic media, and a financial product comparison platform. For businesses, we offer cloud services and B2B deferred payment services. Since our establishment, we have been dedicated to resolving financial issues and enriching the lives of our users. - Responsibilities
- ビジネス向けクラウドサービスのプロダクトにおいて、フロントエンド開発に携わっていただきます。
現在、主に使用している技術はReact・TypeScriptです。Ruby on Rails内のフロントエンド修正等を行います。
Job number: JN -102024-178418 Posted: 2024-10-28
最新のセキュリティ動向に関する知識を有し、顧客システムに於けるセキュリティリスクの特定ができる方必見です。7.3 - 9.7 million yen Osaka Information Technology Programmer / Software Engineer
- Company overview
- We are a leading electronics company based in Japan, counted among the world\'s major manufacturers. Offering a wide range of products, we provide diverse solutions in fields such as energy, information, communication, automotive, healthcare, construction, finance, and services. We prioritize research and development, driving innovative technology and product development. Serving a broad spectrum of customers domestically and internationally, we contribute to the advancement of industries.
- Responsibilities
- 国内の大規模ユーザ基盤システムにおけるセキュリティ上の問題点、改善点の洗い出し
Job number: JN -102024-178397 Posted: 2024-10-28
技術知識・経験も豊富なベテランメンバーも多く、切磋琢磨できる環境7.3 - 9.7 million yen Tokyo Information Technology Programmer / Software Engineer
- Company overview
- We are a leading electronics company based in Japan, counted among the world\'s major manufacturers. Offering a wide range of products, we provide diverse solutions in fields such as energy, information, communication, automotive, healthcare, construction, finance, and services. We prioritize research and development, driving innovative technology and product development. Serving a broad spectrum of customers domestically and internationally, we contribute to the advancement of industries.
- Responsibilities
- 【配属組織について(概要・ミッション)】■クラウドサービスプラットフォームビジネスユニットマネージド&プラットフォームサービス事業部DX事業のクラウドサービス化、基幹システムのデジタル化を牽引する、クラウドサービスプラットフォームビジネスユニットにおいて、マネージド&プラットフォームサービス事業部は、お客さまの視点に立ち、クラウドシフト、デジタルシフトに対応したサービスおよびサービス基盤を迅速に提供する役割を担い、市場全体に横串を通しつつ、蓄積した知見をもとに多様なソリューションを横展開し、マネージドサービスとして継続サポートを行っている組織です。
Job number: JN -102024-178479 Posted: 2024-10-28
ソフトウェアエンジニアとしての経験をお持ちの方必見です。5 - 8.5 million yen Tokyo Information Technology Programmer / Software Engineer
- Company overview
- Founded in 2020, our client specializes in software and robotics solutions, aiming to tackle Japan\'s societal challenges through innovative technology. With a focus on FinTech and digital tools, they empower businesses and individuals, offering products like a navigation system for the visually impaired. Headquartered in Tokyo, they employ a diverse team from 15 countries, fostering a collaborative environment where ideas thrive. Their flexible work culture includes remote options, making them an attractive employer for international talent.
- Responsibilities
- プロダクト開発サポートや自社ソリューションの実装開発
Job number: JN -102024-178471 Posted: 2024-10-28
ITシステム開発プロジェクトのマネジメント経験3年以上お持ちの方必見です。6 - 8.5 million yen Tokyo Information Technology Programmer / Software Engineer
- Company overview
- Our client is a Japanese music publisher.
- Responsibilities
- 社内ITシステムの開発プロジェクトの企画、立案、実行、管理を中心に以下の業務を幅広くお任せします。関係各部署からのニーズくみ取りをし、さらなる社内のIT化促進を目指します。社内ITシステムの開発プロジェクトの企画、立案、実行、管理
Job number: JN -102024-178451 Posted: 2024-10-28
週1回在宅勤務可能5.1 - 7.6 million yen Tokyo Information Technology Programmer / Software Engineer
- Company overview
- Our client is a semiconductor sales and trading company.
- Responsibilities
- ■業務内容:NVIDIA生成AIアーキテクチャやシステムインテグレーションSE
B to Bマーケットのお客様向けに、プリセールス、ポストセールスにおける技術支援(製品提案や技術支援、実機評価・検証等)をおこないます
Webinarを中心とした仕入先主催イベントが数多く開催されています。自分のペースで HW、SDK、開発ツールを習得できるため、キャリアアップの機会があります。
Job number: JN -102024-178453 Posted: 2024-10-28
CCNA等のネットワーク関連知識の所有者歓迎です6.2 - 10 million yen Kanagawa Information Technology Programmer / Software Engineer
- Company overview
- Our client a Japanese electronics manufacturer offering telecommunications systems, information processing systems, and electronic devices, along with related services. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and blockchain, we support the digital transformation of businesses and organizations. Our team of experts with advanced technical skills and extensive experience excels in developing and providing computer systems, network equipment, software, and services. As a global leader in information and communication technology, we deliver customized solutions tailored to meet our customers\' business needs, contributing to the creation of a sustainable society.
- Responsibilities
- ■職務内容:未来のグリーンでスマートな社会を実現するネットワークの実現に向けたプロダクト開発に是非参加ください。データセンター内外の通信を中心に使用される光伝送装置に光電融合技術を適用し、システムの重量・サイズを縮小化を図ると共に、消費電力を大きく減少させる『光スマートNIC(Network Interface Card)』 のソフトウェア開発に携って、グリーンでスマートな社会の創出に貢献します。ソフトウェア高速化技術のキーファクターであるxPUを採用するソフトウェアアーキテクチャ検討・実装し、従来実現できなかったハードウェアとの同期処理およびソフトウェアの動的構成変更技術を確立など、新しい技術にチャレンジでき、グローバルチームと協業しグローバル視点での成長を図りながらアイデアを形にしていき、サービスに応じた最適なネットワークの提供により社会貢献をしていきます。
Job number: JN -102024-178464 Posted: 2024-10-28
パブリッククラウドの利用経験者必見です!9 - 12 million yen Tokyo Information Technology Programmer / Software Engineer
- Company overview
- Founded in 2020, our client specializes in software and robotics solutions, aiming to tackle Japan\'s societal challenges through innovative technology. With a focus on FinTech and digital tools, they empower businesses and individuals, offering products like a navigation system for the visually impaired. Headquartered in Tokyo, they employ a diverse team from 15 countries, fostering a collaborative environment where ideas thrive. Their flexible work culture includes remote options, making them an attractive employer for international talent.
- Responsibilities
- Fintechサービスのプロジェクトチームをリードしていただきたいと思っています。
Job number: JN -102024-178158 Posted: 2024-10-28
応用情報処理資格または高度情報処理資格お持ちの方歓迎7.3 - 9.7 million yen Kanagawa Information Technology Programmer / Software Engineer
- Company overview
- We are a leading electronics company based in Japan, counted among the world\'s major manufacturers. Offering a wide range of products, we provide diverse solutions in fields such as energy, information, communication, automotive, healthcare, construction, finance, and services. We prioritize research and development, driving innovative technology and product development. Serving a broad spectrum of customers domestically and internationally, we contribute to the advancement of industries.
- Responsibilities
- 【配属組織について(概要・ミッション)】マイグレーションの提案からプロジェクト推進の各局面において、各事業領域のメンバと協働しながら、特にアプリケーションの面で同社全体へ貢献することが組織の目的となります。
Job number: JN -102024-178165 Posted: 2024-10-28
///7 - 9 million yen Hiroshima Information Technology Programmer / Software Engineer
- Company overview
- our client is a major automobile company.
- Responsibilities
- 今回ご入社いただく方は、同社ソフトウェアサービスの成功(同社を継続的にご利用いただくためのサービス提供)のために、サービス全体の設計・調整・交渉などの管理業務をお任せします。
Job number: JN -102024-178261 Posted: 2024-10-28
プログラミング能力活かせます。5 - 6.5 million yen Kanagawa Information Technology Programmer / Software Engineer
- Company overview
- Our client is an electronic measuring instrument manufacturer.
- Responsibilities
- CMS/Webシステムの開発、保守、管理業務
Job number: JN -102024-178102 Posted: 2024-10-28
プロジェクトマネジメント経験者必見です!9.9 - 13.4 million yen Tokyo Information Technology Programmer / Software Engineer
- Company overview
- We are a global provider of home video game consoles and related entertainment services. We are particularly focused on developing innovative hardware and high-quality software, and have deployed numerous award-winning products. We also offer online services and digital content to provide a superior entertainment experience for users around the world. Combining the latest technology with creativity, we create engaging experiences that stimulate users\' imaginations.
- Responsibilities
- 社内において、全世界の全社員・業務委託者がつかう人事システムの構築・保守運用をリードしていただきます。
システム開発V字モデルの中流、下流相当の業務を担って頂くことはなく、プロジェクトマネジメントや、プログラムマネジメントの役割、US ITチーム、日本人事部との円滑なコミュニケーションを期待しています。
Job number: JN -082024-173856 Posted: 2024-10-28
在宅勤務可/日本が誇る大手テックカンパニー6 - 9 million yen Tokyo Information Technology Programmer / Software Engineer
- Company overview
- We are one of Japan\'s largest tech companies, operating globally in diverse areas such as search portals, e-commerce, messaging, and advertising. We continuously provide services that inspire users and contribute to a richer and more convenient life through the power of the internet. We embrace new technologies, including AI, and pursue new challenges. Additionally, to create a society where everyone can find happiness, we are committed to sustainability efforts and enhancing security and privacy protection, ensuring our users can utilize our services with confidence.
- Responsibilities
- 業務内容:
統合認証基盤の開発・運用・slack, Atlassian等の全社系SaaS/およびポータル等の内製システムの運用・保守
Job number: JN -102024-178120 Posted: 2024-10-24
文脈を読み取る対話型AIの開発を担当8 - 20 million yen Tokyo Information Technology Programmer / Software Engineer
- Company overview
- We are a mobility business company established by a major Japanese automotive manufacturer and a leading Japanese IT company. By actively leveraging various new technologies centered around software, we are committed to redefining the relationship between people and mobility through the development of high-value-added electric vehicles (EVs) and services. Our diverse and unique team members, with their various backgrounds, drive forward towards a common goal, bringing different perspectives and opinions. Together with individuals who aspire to "change the world" through their diverse experiences, we continue to challenge ourselves to create new value in mobility.
- Responsibilities
- 業務内容:
車両情報(CAN, Ethernet)やカメラを含むセンサー情報などを組み合わせたマルチモーダルなAI/Agentの開発
インフラ:Amazon Web Service、Azure、On-Premises
開発手法:Waterfall、Agile(Scrum, Kanban)
コミュニケーションツール:Teams (or Slack)
プロジェクト管理ツール:JIRA、Confluence 等
Job number: JN -072024-168389 Posted: 2024-10-24
インフラエリアを含めた広い知見・スキルおよび実務経験がある方歓迎6 - 9.5 million yen Kanagawa Information Technology Programmer / Software Engineer
- Company overview
- We are a leading electronics company based in Japan, counted among the world\'s major manufacturers. Offering a wide range of products, we provide diverse solutions in fields such as energy, information, communication, automotive, healthcare, construction, finance, and services. We prioritize research and development, driving innovative technology and product development. Serving a broad spectrum of customers domestically and internationally, we contribute to the advancement of industries.
- Responsibilities
- 【職務概要】