Meet our consultants

Erika Negishi Bulach

Consultant, Human Resource



After graduating from Sophia University, Erika worked at a consulting firm specializing in government affairs before joining BRS in April 2023.
As a consultant specializing in human resources, she handles a variety of positions across all levels.
She spends her free time enjoying activities such as gym workouts and driving.

Languages: Japanese, English
From Tokyo, Japan

Tailoring career matches to meet your true needs  


I make it a priority to grasp job seekers' work values, career aspirations, and motivations for pursuing new opportunities through attentive and personalized communication, ensuring our interactions are more meaningful and less transactional.

As a result, I frequently receive feedback such as, 'It feels like a genuine conversation,' and 'It's comfortable sharing my concerns and aspirations.' By knowing job seekers beyond their resumes, I can confidently suggest companies that match job responsibilities, corporate culture, and communication style.

With hiring managers, I work to grasp the broader business challenges and future goals beyond recruitment needs. This enables me to introduce candidates who are well-suited to the organization, even in areas beyond the specified requirements.


Having experienced the challenges of job searching myself, I understand how overwhelming it can be. Our team is here to assist you in discovering companies that align with your needs, support your applications, and expand your opportunities.  

