For clients
Uncovering Hiring Challenges
in Japan
2. Mass Graduate Hiring and
Talent Mobility in Japan

While Japanese workers are increasingly recognizing job changes as beneficial for career growth, statistics show that talent mobility in Japan remains relatively low compared to other countries.
As of 2021, the average tenure at a single company in Japan was 12.3 years, significantly longer than the 4.1 years in the US and 7.8 years in the UK. Over a 40-year career span, this means Japanese individuals change jobs about 3.25 times, whereas in the United States, it’s approximately 9.75 job changes, and in the United Kingdom, about 5.12 job changes over the same period.
Companies often hire large cohorts of new graduates each year, fostering a culture of long-term employment that originated from the lifetime employment system established during the post-war economic boom. This system encouraged companies to invest in training inexperienced employees who would stay with the company long-term, thereby maintaining stability. This traditional approach further reduces the overall rate of job changes, contributing to low job mobility.
To effectively recruit in Japan, it’s crucial to understand the preferences and concerns of potential job changers, who tend to be more conservative. Tailoring recruitment approaches to address these factors is essential.
At BRS, we specialize in recruiting bilingual professionals in Japan and are well-versed in the unique challenges associated with hiring in this market. We offer both contingency recruitment services and RPO services, including consulting. For deeper insights into the Japanese hiring market, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.