BRS Consultant
Yuya Migita
Job number: JN -112024-179786
Posted: 2024-11-19
5 - 8.5 million yen
Mechanical Engineer
Job details
- Company overview
- Our client is a member of a major group that provides a wide range of human resource services domestically and internationally. In 2023, multiple affiliated companies within our group merged, and we were reorganized as a new entity. Our main business activities focus on outsourcing for technical and IT-related positions, as well as design and development support. We are involved in projects across various fields, including automotive, aerospace, consumer electronics, and robotics. Through a wealth of projects and comprehensive career support systems, we provide an environment where engineers can find growth opportunities that align with their career aspirations.
- Responsibilities
- 大型電気機械向けヒートシンク設計をお任せします。
- 筐体設計や熱解析(シミュレーション)
- 試作手配、評価、レポーティング
- 工場との折衝
- 見積支援
- 顧客対応(営業同行、顧客ニーズ聞き取り~設計検討/解析~試作/評価~プレゼンテーション)
- 受注後は工場と連携し、量産立上げまで関与
- Requirements
- 機械系の設計/評価/解析、CADオペレーションいずれかの経験
- CATIA V5、NX、Solid works、Auto CAD
- CATIA V5の使用経験
- NXの使用経験
- プロジェクトマネジメント経験
- 樹脂部品(内装・外装)の設計経験
- Salary
- 5 - 8.5 million yen
- Location
- Kanagawa