BRS Consultant
Yuya Migita
Job number: JN -072024-167940
Posted: 2024-09-11
6.5 - 9 million yen
Job details
- Company overview
- We are a comprehensive heavy industry manufacturer, engaging in a wide range of business sectors. Our main fields include energy and environmental sectors, industrial machinery and infrastructure sectors, and defense and aerospace sectors. In the energy and environmental sectors, we provide technologies for thermal power generation and renewable energy. In the industrial machinery and infrastructure sectors, we manufacture and sell transportation equipment and large-scale machinery. Moreover, in the defense and aerospace sectors, we develop various equipment and technologies. Leveraging our long-standing technical expertise and reliability, we operate domestically and internationally, aiming to contribute to societal advancement and a sustainable future. With a diverse range of products and advanced technology, we offer solutions across various industries.
- Responsibilities
- エンジンの開発、製造、調達、品質保証、建設、販売、サービス
- 発電システム(エンジニアリング、EMS) *EMS:Energy Management Service
- 発電セットのリース、レンタル
- ターボチャージャの開発、製造、調達、品質保証、販売、サービス
- Requirements
- 法人営業経験をお持ちの方
- TOEIC(R)テスト600点以上、又はLinguaskill Business B1 High程度
- Salary
- 6.5 - 9 million yen
- Location
- Kanagawa