Jobs list of Sales & Marketing & PR / Corporate Communications / IR
NEWJob number: JN -012025-183566 Posted: 2025-03-28
業種未経験歓迎6.1 - 8.3 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing PR / Corporate Communications / IR
- Company overview
- We are engaged in the development, manufacturing, and sale of chemical products, offering innovative solutions across a wide range of industries. Our products include functional polymers, synthetic resins, and chemicals, utilized in fields such as automotive, electronics, healthcare, and construction. We prioritize sustainable products and environmental considerations, actively pursuing innovative technologies and research and development. Moreover, we provide customized solutions tailored to our customers\' needs, establishing ourselves as a partner in the industry.
- Responsibilities
- ◆職務内容本ポジションでは歯科・メディカル業界でのクラレノリタケデンタル社の知名度向上、および社員のエンゲージメント向上のための社内外ブランディング、特に前例のない企画を推進していただくことを期待しています。
Emi Iida
Accounting & Finance -
NEWJob number: JN -122024-181896 Posted: 2025-03-28
FMCG業界でのマーケティング経験者必見です!5.5 - 8 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing PR / Corporate Communications / IR
- Company overview
- Our client is an instant food manufacturer.
- Responsibilities
- 海外現地法人とのマーケティング業務(コンセプトメイク・消費者インサイト分析・戦略立案のサポート)
Emi Iida
Accounting & Finance -
NEWJob number: JN -012025-183077 Posted: 2025-03-27
社内外広報のご経験が活かせます。5.4 - 9 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing PR / Corporate Communications / IR
- Company overview
- We are a non-profit mutual aid insurance organization established under the Ship Owners\' Mutual Insurance Association Act to cover the liabilities and costs of shipowners. We conduct a mutual insurance business for the costs and liabilities arising from the operation of vessels, excluding wooden ships, for shipowners, charterers, and operators involved in vessel operations. Our aim is to protect the interests of our members and ensure the sound development of the association, thereby contributing to the stability and enhancement of the maritime and marine-related industries.
- Responsibilities
- 大手海運会社との強固な繋がりを持ち、安定した基盤をもつ損保団体で、広報担当を募集します。ワークライフバランスを重視しながら、社内外広報として業務の幅を広げられる機会です。
【ワークライフバランス】 完全週休二日制、年間休日126日。7時間の所定労働で残業20時間以下(8時間勤務の会社の残業無しに相当する労働時間)
Emi Iida
Accounting & Finance -
NEWJob number: JN -032025-186064 Posted: 2025-03-27
財務会計の知識をお持ちの方必見です8 - 12 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing PR / Corporate Communications / IR
- Company overview
- We offer a wide variety of services including leasing, financing, deferred payment and rental of assets and equipment. We are one of the leading companies in the leasing industry and have extensive business operations both domestically and internationally. In particular, we are actively expanding into new areas such as aircraft leasing and investment in renewable energy. We are also committed to environmental protection and social contribution activities in line with our corporate philosophy of "creating a sustainable society. We continue to provide flexible and innovative solutions to meet the diverse needs of our customers
- Responsibilities
- 同社のステークホルダーに対してタイムリーに情報発信し、企業価値向上と持続的発展に向上することをミッションとし、格付機関対応、債券投資家、調達先へのIRが主な業務となります。
Emi Iida
Accounting & Finance -
NEWJob number: JN -072024-26231 Posted: 2025-03-26
Head of Public Affairs and Government Relations, Japan
multinational food packaging and processing company14 - 25 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing PR / Corporate Communications / IR
- Company overview
- We specialize in providing food and beverage packaging solutions. We develop technologies and products for hygienic packaging of liquid foods, dairy products and juices. We utilize unique packaging designs and advanced manufacturing technologies to ensure the preservation of food quality and safety. We also strive to develop sustainable products by using environmentally friendly and recyclable materials. Our product lineup is diverse and meets a variety of needs from home use to commercial use. In addition, we focus on customer support, providing technical assistance and maintenance services, and are widely recognized as a reliable partner.
- Responsibilities
- Based on market and policy analysis, agree the market policy priorities (tactical and strategic) with the global and market teams and develop a strategy and implementation plan for government relations and public policy engagement in Japan. This plan will also define the internal and external operating model leveraging partners, agencies, associations and networks available.
Monitor, engage and advocate on a portfolio of priority policies focused on packaging and circular economy, food systems, climate, nature and biodiversity and seek new innovative and collaborative ways to advocate so that the company can be influential in these areas;
Build and manage relationships with national and state government officials and agencies, policy makers and their key influencers.
Work in close collaboration with the Sustainability function to secure stakeholder support and build alliances with industry partners and/or NGOs; represent us in trade associations and stakeholder platforms, leveraging existing opportunities or creating new ones, and mobilizing resources;
Act as an advisor, support and closely collaborate with our leadership team in Japan on Government Relations and Public Affairs matters. She/he will be part of the global Corporate Affairs team and reports to the Director for Public Affairs and Government Relations, Greater Middle East and Asia Pacific Markets, works in close partnership with the colleagues in Business, Legal, Sustainability and Communication at market level.
Grace Rejante
Electronics -
NEWJob number: JN -032025-185481 Posted: 2025-03-25
マーケティング施策の企画・立案の経験がある方必見です9 - 13 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing PR / Corporate Communications / IR
- Company overview
- We are a consulting firm that provides consulting services across various industries. We assist clients in solving their business challenges in areas such as management strategy, business process improvement, and information system implementation. We offer customized solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients, supporting their growth and development. Our team, equipped with extensive experience and expertise, provides total support from strategy formulation to implementation, adding value to our clients\' businesses.
- Responsibilities
- 組織マネジメント
Emi Iida
Accounting & Finance -
Job number: JN -102024-178873 Posted: 2025-03-18
マーケティング経験者必見です!6.6 - 7.8 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing PR / Corporate Communications / IR
- Company overview
- This client is a manufacturer of energy drink.
- Responsibilities
- ブランド戦略の立案…ゲーム、音楽、スポーツ、カルチャーなどに自然にブランドを根付かせ、これらのブランドアセットを活用し、新たなアイデアを創出し、またターゲット層にブランドを浸透させるためにこれらのアセットを活用する。
アスリートやアンバサダーの管理…アスリートやアンバサダーがブランドへの理解を深め、ファンや消費者のブランド認知度を高めるために、アスリートやアンバサダーのEarned mediaへの投稿でブランドエンゲージメントを促進する。
Dianna Antenucci
Sales & Marketing -
Job number: JN -012025-183114 Posted: 2025-03-17
Corporate Communication Specialist
グローバル企業でのコミュニケーション業務経験をお持ちの方必見です5 - 9 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing PR / Corporate Communications / IR
- Company overview
- We specialize in the development, manufacturing, and distribution of medical and scientific equipment. We are particularly renowned for our expertise in fields such as endoscopy and digital camera technology. We prioritize quality and innovation in our products, playing a crucial role in the medical and research sectors. Furthermore, we tailor solutions to meet the needs of our customers, providing support to medical and research institutions worldwide.
- Responsibilities
- 胃腸(GI)分野または内視鏡ソリューション事業部(ESD)におけるコミュニケーションビジネスパートナーとして、GI/ESDが必要とするすべてのステークホルダー向けコミュニケーションの主要な窓口を担います。これには、メディア、顧客、求職者といった外部ステークホルダーだけでなく、経営陣、全社員、プロジェクトチーム、専門分野のエキスパートなど、社内のすべての対象者も含まれます。
Emi Iida
Accounting & Finance -
Job number: JN -032025-185536 Posted: 2025-03-17
「経理の状況」以外の有報パートの開示経験がある方必見です。8 - 15 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing PR / Corporate Communications / IR
- Company overview
- Our client develops and operates an advertising revenue maximization platform for internet media.
- Responsibilities
- ・決算、適時開示、株主総会対応 ・投資家/関係者とのコミュニケーション・プライム市場の上場変更対応(可能であれば)など
Dianna Antenucci
Sales & Marketing -
Job number: JN -102024-178999 Posted: 2025-03-13
グローバル渉外 中国語スタッフ(主任~係長)
海外営業、海外広報、国際渉外活動等を通した社外との折衝業務経験をお持ちの方必見です。6 - 9 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing PR / Corporate Communications / IR
- Company overview
- Our client is an instant food manufacturer.
- Responsibilities
- 渉外・広報活動の企画、実行。そのための社内外とのネットワーキング、調整、交渉(幹部層との折衝・連携多)
Emi Iida
Accounting & Finance -
Job number: JN -032025-185118 Posted: 2025-03-12
広報/PR経験者の方必見です6 - 10 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing PR / Corporate Communications / IR
- Company overview
- Our client is developing business in space.
- Responsibilities
- 広報責任者として、社外広報/PR/ブランディングの領域を幅広くご担当いただきます。宇宙×スタートアップという未完成&膨大なポテンシャルマーケットで、スペースマーケットの顔創りに対して大きなチャレンジが可能です。ゆくゆくは、カルチャー推進(社内広報)もしくはIRなどご本人の志向や会社の成長に合わせて影響範囲を拡大していただけるポジションです。■業務詳細メディアリレーション
Junna Masada
Sales & Marketing -
Job number: JN -032025-185335 Posted: 2025-03-11
企業ウェブサイトの運用または管理のご経験をお持ちの方必見です9.5 - 11.5 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing PR / Corporate Communications / IR
- Company overview
- Our client is an industrial electrical machinery manufacturer.
- Responsibilities
- コーポレートWebサイトの運用と管理
Emi Iida
Accounting & Finance -
Job number: JN -112024-180087 Posted: 2025-03-07
事業会社、または広告代理店でのマーケティング業務経験が活かせます。12 - 18 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing PR / Corporate Communications / IR
- Company overview
- Our client a leading Japanese internet services and e-commerce company, engaging in a wide range of business areas including online shopping malls. We deploy advanced technology and customer-centric services, utilized by users in Japan and abroad. We operate diverse businesses such as e-commerce, finance, and digital content, offering various services including online shopping platforms, cloud services, and internet banking. We also provide point programs and media content to enhance customer engagement. Additionally, we actively expand our business both domestically and internationally, strengthening our competitiveness in the global market.
- Responsibilities
- 検討テーマ
Emi Iida
Accounting & Finance -
Job number: JN -032025-185158 Posted: 2025-03-06
営業・マーケティング・イベント企画などのご経験をお持ちの方必見です7.5 - 10 million yen Kanagawa Sales & Marketing PR / Corporate Communications / IR
- Company overview
- -
- Responsibilities
- セールス アンド マーケティングチームのマーケティング担当として、主にマーケティング、イベント企画立案・運営、新規サービス開発等を担っていただきます。その中でも 2025 年度以降は国内外で数多くのイベント開催・ブース出展を見込んでいますので、当面はイベント企画立案・運営が主たる業務となる予定です。また、ご本人の適性・希望に応じ、部門内の他業務もご担当いただく可能性があります。<セールス アンド マーケティングチームの業務>内外でのイベント企画・実施
Emi Iida
Accounting & Finance -
Job number: JN -072024-38732 Posted: 2025-03-04
【川崎/在宅勤務可】IR 担当リーダー ※グロース上場
レックス/健康経営企業/転勤無5.94 - 7.92 million yen Kanagawa Sales & Marketing PR / Corporate Communications / IR
- Company overview
- Since our establishment, we have been pioneers in quantum dot laser technology, providing innovative semiconductor laser solutions across a wide range of fields including telecommunications, industry, healthcare, and consumer applications. Our advanced laser technology enables us to offer groundbreaking semiconductor laser solutions in various sectors. Particularly noteworthy are our product characteristics such as high-temperature operation and temperature stability, as well as low-cost mass production capabilities, which set us apart from others. Our solutions are widely adopted in diverse application areas such as LAN/FTTH, optical interconnects, materials processing, measurement, life sciences, factory automation, sensors, and displays.
- Responsibilities
- ■業務内容:
当社の情報を投資家に提供するため、決算説明会や有価証券報告書、IR Webサイトなどを活用して、経理部門を始めとした他部門と協力しながら財務情報及び非財務情報を開示すること、またそのための資料作成。
Hanako Arai
Accounting & Finance -
Job number: JN -072024-168988 Posted: 2025-03-04
IR関連の実務経験をお持ちの方必見です。7.2 - 10 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing PR / Corporate Communications / IR
- Company overview
- We provide products, services, and mobility technology related to automobiles. We offer technology and solutions to automobile manufacturers and related industries, supporting performance improvement, safety, and environmental considerations. Moreover, we focus on developing advanced technology and innovative products, positioning ourselves as one of the leading companies in the automotive industry. As an independent global supplier, we serve automotive and motorcycle manufacturers worldwide, consistently engaging in cutting-edge technology development. We can handle both domestic and international clients, expanding our opportunities to contribute globally.
- Responsibilities
- IR業務全般をご担当いただきます。決算準備決算ストーリー作り、想定QA作成、裏付け数値の確認、決算説明会企画運営、Webサイト掲載など
Hanako Arai
Accounting & Finance -
Job number: JN -112024-180557 Posted: 2025-03-03
日本発オンラインサービス事業者としてグローバル展開にも注力しています6.5 - 12 million yen Osaka Sales & Marketing PR / Corporate Communications / IR
- Company overview
- Our client is operating a BtoB online store.
- Responsibilities
- ■採用背景:事業の成長と成長内容の変遷に伴い、国内外の機関投資家との間での当社の成長ストーリー(エクイティストーリー)に関するコミュニケーション、マスコミを中心とした広報対応における当社の取り組み・社会に対する提供価値のコミュニケーションを通じた対象顧客や採用市場等における当社プレゼンスの向上等、IR広報の重要性が増しています。また当社のプレゼンスが上がるにつれ、サステナビリティに関する取り組み・進捗を管理・整理し、対外的なアップデートを行っていくことも重要になっています。これらIR広報、サステナビリティ領域における全体に関与し、経営陣とも適宜連携しながら、それぞれの分野においてチームでの高度化をリーダーシップをもって推進して頂ける方を募集します。
Emi Iida
Accounting & Finance -
Job number: JN -012025-182462 Posted: 2025-03-03
データ分析経験者必見です!5 - 7 million yen Osaka Sales & Marketing PR / Corporate Communications / IR
- Company overview
- Our client operates theme parks.
- Responsibilities
- メディア戦略策定
Emi Iida
Accounting & Finance -
Job number: JN -012025-182520 Posted: 2025-03-03
ブランディング/マーケティング/広報経験をお持ちの方必見です。5.1 - 6.9 million yen Osaka Sales & Marketing PR / Corporate Communications / IR
- Company overview
- Our client is an information equipment manufacturer that manufactures and sells printers and multifunction devices.
- Responsibilities
- 同社のコーポレートブランディングについて携わっていただきます。コーポレートブランドの構築・管理(戦略立案、ガイドラインの運用など)
Emi Iida
Accounting & Finance -
Job number: JN -022025-184903 Posted: 2025-03-03
マーケティングに関する知識をお持ちの方必見です!5 - 7 million yen Osaka Sales & Marketing PR / Corporate Communications / IR
- Company overview
- Our client operates theme parks.
- Responsibilities
- メディア戦略策定
Emi Iida
Accounting & Finance