Jobs list of Sales & Marketing & Business Development / Sales
Job number: JN -092024-176350 Posted: 2025-03-11
BtoBの法人営業経験をお持ちの方必見です。6 - 8 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- Our client is a trading company specializing in food products.
- Responsibilities
- 海外の量販店や飲食店からのオーダーに合わせた商品提案や、取引先に対して販路拡大のための商品提案を担当頂きます。お客様:量販店、商社(ヨーロッパ~中東、アジア、北米南米など)
Emi Iida
Corporate Services -
Job number: JN -022025-183895 Posted: 2025-03-11
3年以上の法人営業やビジネス開発経験をお持ちの方必見です。5 - 6 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- Our client is in the business of expanding educational and employment opportunities.
- Responsibilities
- 外国人材紹介事業のマネージャーとして、戦略策定と計画管理 ・外国人材紹介事業の目標設定や成長戦略の策定から実行、営業およびクライアント対応まで幅広くお任せします。
Emi Iida
Corporate Services -
Job number: JN -022025-184109 Posted: 2025-03-11
///6.2 - 9 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- We are a company that manufactures and sells functional materials. Initially, we began with the production of circuit copper foil products and industrial adhesive products. Today, we handle everything from material development to process technology and production equipment technology, essential for realizing cutting-edge electronics products. We continue to meet customer needs by offering unique, high-value products. We have also entered the environmental and new energy sectors, developing materials for solar cell junctions and LED-related materials. Our main products include anisotropic conductive films, industrial adhesives, and optical films. Our core technologies are material development, manufacturing process technology, molecular and functional design technology, and analysis and evaluation technology. By integrating these technologies, our products have gained high global market shares and are widely adopted by many electronics manufacturers.
- Responsibilities
- 新規ポートフォリオ創出を目標とした技術・ビジネス開発プロジェクトの推進:グローバルメンバーで構成されるプロジェクトチームにて活動計画立案、プロジェクトの進捗管理を担って頂きます。
Emi Iida
Corporate Services -
Job number: JN -032025-185326 Posted: 2025-03-11
保険事業、および、会計・経理に関する知識、経験をお持ちの方必見です7 - 10 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- 損害保険・生命保険会社の経営管理および附帯業務を行っています。
- Responsibilities
- 海外企業買収(部分出資含む)および初期的なPMI業務を担う海外戦略室の一員として、事業展開される海外保険事業M&Aに関する様々な業務をサポートしていただきます。上記で培ったノウハウを活用し、国内損保・生保等、海外保険事業以外のグループのトランザクションも必要に応じてサポートいただきます。海外戦略室内庶務
Emi Iida
Corporate Services -
Job number: JN -032025-185333 Posted: 2025-03-11
法人営業(食品・消費財)のご経験をお持ちの方必見です5 - 6.5 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- -
- Responsibilities
- 冷凍食品のリーディングカンパニーである同社の国際事業部の海外営業メンバーとして営業活動をお任せします。【主な業務】海外事業所の支援業務(管理・日本)
Emi Iida
Corporate Services -
Job number: JN -012025-182415 Posted: 2025-03-10
ビジネスレベルの英語力が活かせます。7 - 9 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- Our client is a major material manufacturer in Japan, offering a wide array of products such as fibers, resins, chemicals, and IT-related items. One of their key strengths is their innovative culture, driving the development of advanced technologies and materials. As a result, they consistently deliver novel products and solutions to cater to various industrial sectors.
- Responsibilities
- 半導体、情報通信関連の新規テーマ事業化推進を担当していただきます。
Emi Iida
Corporate Services -
Job number: JN -012025-182407 Posted: 2025-03-10
新規事業開発の経験・ビジネス企画をした経験を3年以上お持ちの方必見です。6 - 12 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- We are a system integrator for a major general trading group. We primarily develop and provide business-oriented software, system integration, and IT consulting services. We emphasize customization and support systems that meet customer needs and help ensure stable system operations. In addition, we support the digital transformation of companies by proposing solutions that utilize the latest technologies, such as the introduction of cloud services, security measures, and data analysis. With a proven track record in diverse industries in Japan and overseas, we are responsible for planning and executing IT strategies to accelerate our clients\' business growth.
- Responsibilities
- 新規ビジネスの企画立案/顧客共創提案活動:
Heitaro Chikamori
Corporate Services -
Job number: JN -032025-185271 Posted: 2025-03-10
海外クライアントとの調整/交渉経験をお持ちの方必見です5 - 12 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- Our client is a provider of medical-related services through the Internet.
- Responsibilities
- 医療現場で必要とされる医療AIを開発/導入するために、国内外の優良AIベンダーとアライアンス提携し、当該AIの市場展開戦略を策定しその戦略を実行していくことをミッションとして下記業務をご担当いただきます。■業務詳細:国内外(主には海外)の優良AIベンダーとのアライアンス業務
Emi Iida
Corporate Services -
Job number: JN -032025-185260 Posted: 2025-03-10
企業の本社組織における、戦略立案・施策提案と推進に関わる業務経験をお持ちの方必見です6 - 8.9 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- We are engaged in the development, manufacturing, and sale of chemical products, offering innovative solutions across a wide range of industries. Our products include functional polymers, synthetic resins, and chemicals, utilized in fields such as automotive, electronics, healthcare, and construction. We prioritize sustainable products and environmental considerations, actively pursuing innovative technologies and research and development. Moreover, we provide customized solutions tailored to our customers\' needs, establishing ourselves as a partner in the industry.
- Responsibilities
- 【具体的業務】経営企画部門やグループ横断組織にて、また、事業部との連携のもと、全社戦略策定、テーマ創出、テーマ推進の加速に関わる各種施策の立案・実行
Emi Iida
Corporate Services -
Job number: JN -092024-176160 Posted: 2025-03-10
多角的な視点で柔軟に社会の将来像や事業ビジョンを検討できる思考力がある方必見です。8.6 - 9.7 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- We are a leading electronics company based in Japan, counted among the world\'s major manufacturers. Offering a wide range of products, we provide diverse solutions in fields such as energy, information, communication, automotive, healthcare, construction, finance, and services. We prioritize research and development, driving innovative technology and product development. Serving a broad spectrum of customers domestically and internationally, we contribute to the advancement of industries.
- Responsibilities
- デジタル技術やデータ利活用に関する国内外の政策や民間のデファクト・ルール形成動向と企業への影響の分析
Heitaro Chikamori
Corporate Services -
Job number: JN -022025-183974 Posted: 2025-03-09
コンサルティングファームでの経営視点での業務経験をお持ちの方必見です9.2 - 13.2 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- Our client mainly engages in the operation and management of restaurants.
- Responsibilities
- 海外事業を管轄する海外事業本部は、海外事業全体を推進する部門であり、今回採用させて頂く方には、『海外事業企画部事業推進課』に所属いただき、同社が現在海外にて展開するブランドの担当者として、現地経営者と共に、そのグローバルブランドに向けた成長を共に推進頂きます。◇グループ会社(海外の買収/出資した会社や、海外子会社)の経営管理予算策定、実績モニタリング
Emi Iida
Corporate Services -
Job number: JN -022025-184621 Posted: 2025-03-07
電子デバイス、電池、電動車関連部品の(技術)営業のご経験をお持ちの方必見です7.5 - 10 million yen Aichi Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- We are a comprehensive trading company that operates globally across a wide range of industries. We engage in transactions in various fields such as automotive, machinery, energy, chemicals, food, metals, and electronic components, providing products and services to customers worldwide. Additionally, we expand our business activities to include investments, financial services, logistics, recycling, and other diversified areas while also focusing on sustainable social contributions.
- Responsibilities
- <新規事業創造の企画、実行者/リーダー>26/3期に向けた日本ならびにアジアにおける導入プロジェクト担当を想定しています。
Emi Iida
Corporate Services -
Job number: JN -012025-182707 Posted: 2025-03-07
AI領域への強い興味関心をお持ちの方必見です6 - 12 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- Our client is a mega IT firm involved in search engine development and operations. It provide a diverse range of products and services, including AI and internet-related services, with a strong presence in the Asian market.
- Responsibilities
- 世界的なAIカンパニーの日本法人である同社にて、事業開発(BD)・新規事業立ち上げのポジションをお任せします。(1)新しいサービスをゼロから立ち上げるプロジェクト管理アイデアが形になり、世の中に広がっていく感動を味わえます。
Heitaro Chikamori
Corporate Services -
Job number: JN -032025-185199 Posted: 2025-03-07
ご経験を活かしてグローバルに取引を行える環境5 - 8 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- We are a Swiss-capital specialized trading company founded in Japan, boasting a history of over 140 years as a foreign-affiliated enterprise. We import and sell various products and raw materials. With group companies worldwide, we selectively import excellent products from around the world and provide them domestically, utilizing the network of other group companies for export business. Particularly in Japan, we specialize in three divisions: consumer goods, production materials, and technology.
- Responsibilities
- ~世界36カ国以上で取引を展開する外資系商社/取り扱い製品は世界のトップレベルの製品/研修制度の充実や産休育休取得実績もあり、長期就業ができる環境~
Emi Iida
Corporate Services -
Job number: JN -072024-35138 Posted: 2025-03-07
英語力を活かして、グローバルに活躍可能です5 - 8.5 million yen Kanagawa Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- We are one of Japan\'s leading automotive manufacturers, with particular strength in the manufacture of trucks, buses, and commercial vehicles. We have a long history and offer a wide range of vehicle types, from light vehicles to heavy trucks and even buses. We also have a strong reputation for our diesel engine technology, which is used in many vehicles both domestically and internationally. In addition, we are also committed to the development of environmentally friendly technologies and are actively introducing electrically powered and hybrid vehicles. Known for manufacturing products that emphasize reliability and durability, our products are used by many logistics providers and public transportation companies.
- Responsibilities
- 業務概要
: コネクテッドに関するアライアンスプロジェクトの推進
: 複数の協業パートナーと調整・整合した行った上で、合理的な解決策を見出し社内の関連部署と連携した上でコネクティッドプロジェクトを推進していく業務
Heitaro Chikamori
Corporate Services -
Job number: JN -072024-33980 Posted: 2025-03-07
Key Account Manager
Toy / game company6 - 7 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- We provide entertainment products and services for children and families. Headquartered in the United States, we are the Japanese subsidiary of a global company dedicated to creating play and entertainment experiences, striving to offer the most enjoyable and wonderful "play" experiences in the world. We are also heavily focused on CSR activities, which are highly distinctive. We are well-known for our strong commitment to social contribution, exemplified by setting aside days when employees worldwide pause their regular duties to engage in community activities.
- Responsibilities
- Main responsibilities:
Grow brand and revenue in Japan TCG industryWork with distributors to develop plans for Corehobby, supporting distributors’ pitch to expand product in TCG industry by developing the business proposalCoordinate with Marketing and Trade Marketing to develop channel growth initiativesDevelop sales strategies for existing channels to grow the brands and profitabilityManage portfolio strategies to ensure correct ranging in channelsCoach distributors’ and channel partners’ sales teams on product offeringsProvide regular updates to Management on market development status during regional meetingsCollaborate with teams across the region and headquarter providing initiatives and insights to drive optimal business outcome.
Grace Rejante
Electronics -
Job number: JN -072024-35791 Posted: 2025-03-07
サプライヤー(開発、営業、エンジ、サービス)としての実務経験をお持ちの方必見です。6.5 - 8.5 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- We specialize in providing cutting-edge products and solutions centered around the technology of measurement, control, and information. As a global electrical equipment manufacturer, our products span a wide range, including measurement and control technology, automation technology, and medical devices. Particularly, we have earned high acclaim in fields such as factory automation, process control, and industrial robotics. We are committed to utilizing innovative technology and actively engaging in research and development to meet the needs of our customers.
- Responsibilities
- お客様に収めた製品、ソリューションのライフサイクルビジネス(アフターセールスサービス)の成長戦略・企画業務を担当いただきます。
Heitaro Chikamori
Corporate Services -
Job number: JN -122024-180976 Posted: 2025-03-07
ビジネスレベルの英語力をお持ちの方必見です。10.7 - 15 million yen Kanagawa Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- We are a Japanese company specializing in the development and manufacture of semiconductor manufacturing equipment. We are recognized worldwide for our advanced technological capabilities in the design of electron beam lithography and inspection equipment. In particular, our products play an important role in the manufacturing process of precision semiconductor chips, and we focus on technological innovation and quality improvement. We have continued to invest in research and development over the years and remain competitive by incorporating cutting-edge technologies. Our products support the evolution of the semiconductor industry and contribute to the development of the digital society.
- Responsibilities
- 事業計画と戦略の立案/推進(製品の強み/弱みを分析し、既存/見込み顧客を対象とした、販売促進の戦略立案から実行)
Emi Iida
Corporate Services -
Job number: JN -112024-180552 Posted: 2025-03-06
在宅勤務可/フレックス/年休120日/土日祝休み/所定労働時間7時間5 - 8 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- Our client is a Japanese research institute that conducts research and studies related to energy.
- Responsibilities
- ~在宅勤務可/フレックス/年休120日/土日祝休み/所定労働時間7時間~
Nao Yoshida
Corporate Services -
Job number: JN -032025-185151 Posted: 2025-03-06
土日祝休み/リモートワーク可5.5 - 7.5 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales
- Company overview
- Our client is primarily engaged in the shipping business.
- Responsibilities
- 【貨物の海上輸送の仲介業を展開/電力会社やメーカーと取引/土日祝休み/リモートワーク可】
■配属先について:営業部は11人で構成されています。 その中で2~3人でチームを組み、営業活動を行います。
Emi Iida
Corporate Services