Jobs list of System Administrator
Job number: JN -102024-178740 Posted: 2024-10-28
裁量大なポジション/年収800万~のハイキャリア求人/マネジメント経験を活かして組織をリード8 - 12 million yen Tokyo Information Technology System Administrator
- Company overview
- マグネットワイヤを提供するグローバルなリーディングプロバイダーです。
- Responsibilities
- ■業務内容:巻線というカテゴリー専業の電線製造販売メーカーとしてグローバルに展開する当社における、情報システムグループマネージャーをお任せします。
Job number: JN -102024-178523 Posted: 2024-10-28
【クラウドエンジニア】 ネットワークサービス運用・品質改善を実現する
新しい顧客体験を継続して生み出すための仕組みを一緒に考え、創って下さる方募集!7.5 - 11.5 million yen Tokyo Information Technology System Administrator
- Company overview
- Our client is one of the world\'s leading general electronics manufacturers.
- Responsibilities
- ご担当いただくのは、自社製品向けに提供する各種クラウドサービスの品質向上、運用監視などです。
■組織の役割:エンジニアとしてWorld Wideで24時間365日利用されている自社製品向けの各種クラウドサービスのサービス品質向上、安定稼働のための施策の導入、運用監視などを担当していただきます。既存サービスの改善だけでなく、新サービスの開発時には同社内の各部署と連携してSLOを定義したり、CI/CD環境や社内向け検証環境の構築など、組織全体を見て生産性や品質向上に必要な活動を行います。豊富な経験と知識を持ったメンバと共に、クラウドの長所を生かし新しいサービスを次々を生み出すことができる仕組みを整えていきましょう。
Job number: JN -102024-178548 Posted: 2024-10-28
サーバーサイドの開発・運用経験 3 年以上をお持ちの方必見です。7.5 - 11.5 million yen Tokyo Information Technology System Administrator
- Company overview
- Our client is one of the world\'s leading general electronics manufacturers.
- Responsibilities
- AWSを活用した同社製品と連携するクラウドサービスの設計・開発、および運用業務。OAuth2.0準拠の認証システム、GraphQLを使ったデータ配信やフロントエンド開発を伴うコンテンツ配信サービスを予定。
Job number: JN -102024-178542 Posted: 2024-10-28
IT経験がある方必見です。6 - 8.4 million yen Osaka Information Technology System Administrator
- Company overview
- Our Client is developing an airport ground handling business.
- Responsibilities
- 本社+空港6支店における業務のデジタル化企画推進/全社横断での要求ヒアリング~要件定義~ソリューション選定の実施およびプロジェクトマネジメント
提案資料や要件定義書等、プロジェクト推進に必要となるドキュメントの作成/年次IT予算の計画および社内での合意形成(with CEO/COO/CFO)
Job number: JN -102024-178182 Posted: 2024-10-28
システムエンジニアとしての業務経験5年以上お持ちの方必見です。7.3 - 8.95 million yen Aichi Information Technology System Administrator
- Company overview
- We are a leading automotive manufacturing group, and our goal is to help companies solve their challenges through IT solutions. In particular, we offer solutions in a wide range of technology areas, such as cloud services, security, and digital engineering. In addition, we have strengths in automotive software and network security. We leverage our global network to build and optimize the IT infrastructure that supports a company\'s business, thereby improving operational efficiency and reducing costs.
- Responsibilities
- 企業内の情報システム部門における業務システムの企画、構築、運用までの取りまとめ業務をお任せします。新規システムの企画・構築・運用設計…社内技術部門、パートナー会社と連携をしながら推進
Job number: JN -082024-172938 Posted: 2024-10-20
M365 CON
A global Microsoft partner company5 - 8 million yen Tokyo Information Technology System Administrator
- Company overview
- Our client is an software vendor and manufacturer that develops and supports governance, compliance, and management software for enterprise collaboration systems.
- Responsibilities
- IT Administratorは、会社のすべての情報システムの評価、展開、保守、および技術サポートを担当し、コンプライアンスに基づいて関連するプロセス仕様を策定し、文書を作成します。会社のセキュリティ、効率性、持続可能性に尽力し、従業員に安定した業務環境を提供します。 業務内容:
Office365およびAzure関連のメンテナンス(ライセンスの調達および割り当て、Exchange Onlineのメンテナンス、Microsoft Teamsのメンテナンス、Azureリソースの割り当てを含むが、これらに限定されない)
Job number: JN -072024-33765 Posted: 2024-10-03
IT Service Management (Assistant Manager)
ITSM specialist position at global insurance company8 - 10 million yen Fukuoka Information Technology System Administrator
- Company overview
- We are a global company operating in the insurance and asset management sectors. Originating from the Netherlands, we are a life insurance company primarily based in Europe and Japan. We provide insurance and asset management services to assist customers in preparing for unforeseen events in the future.
- Responsibilities
- The job is for an IT Service Management Specialist who will assist in IT service management processes and ServiceNow support for the company.
Main responsibilities:
The purpose of this position is to assist in providing guidance and daily operational support in IT Service Management Processes (ie. Incident management, problem management and change management) and ServiceNow support including IT Catalog management and API integration.
This role reports to the IT Service Management Lead and will be working with all areas of the business including providing training and creating KPIs and reports to show the effectiveness and areas of improvements for the company to create enhanced efficiency for the company.
The role is based in the BCP office of our company and should be able to run the IT Service Management area in a situation where Tokyo is not available.
This position will be performing reviews and evaluations of IT Service management documentation such as CMDB, Change, Request tickets to help push for their completion while also looking for proactive problems and assisting in the timely completion of the problem process.
Job number: JN -072024-39603 Posted: 2024-09-25
売上高300億円規模/年間賞与8ヶ月分/残業月10~20時間/福利厚生充実8 - 12 million yen Osaka Information Technology System Administrator
- Company overview
- Our client is a chemical manufacturer.
- Responsibilities
- 社内のIT関係の全般の管理、運用責任者
Job number: JN -072024-11242 Posted: 2024-09-25
システム関連の業務経験をお持ちの方必見です5.2 - 7.3 million yen Osaka Information Technology System Administrator
- Company overview
- We are engaged in the development, manufacturing, and sale of chemical products, offering innovative solutions across a wide range of industries. Our products include functional polymers, synthetic resins, and chemicals, utilized in fields such as automotive, electronics, healthcare, and construction. We prioritize sustainable products and environmental considerations, actively pursuing innovative technologies and research and development. Moreover, we provide customized solutions tailored to our customers\' needs, establishing ourselves as a partner in the industry.
- Responsibilities
- 倉庫/購買領域のシステム担当として以下の業務をお任せいたします。(1)倉庫/購買領域内担当として各種システム導入・保守の実施国内外の協力会社や関係ユーザーとのコミュニケーション
基幹システム(SAP HANA)においては標準維持を見据えた領域運営
Job number: JN -072024-11243 Posted: 2024-09-25
システム関連の業務経験をお持ちの方必見です5.2 - 7.3 million yen Osaka Information Technology System Administrator
- Company overview
- We are engaged in the development, manufacturing, and sale of chemical products, offering innovative solutions across a wide range of industries. Our products include functional polymers, synthetic resins, and chemicals, utilized in fields such as automotive, electronics, healthcare, and construction. We prioritize sustainable products and environmental considerations, actively pursuing innovative technologies and research and development. Moreover, we provide customized solutions tailored to our customers\' needs, establishing ourselves as a partner in the industry.
- Responsibilities
- 生産品質管理/設備保全領域のシステム担当として以下の業務をお任せいたします。(1)生産品質管理/設備保全領域内担当として各種システム導入・保守の実施国内外の協力会社や関係ユーザーとのコミュニケーション
基幹システム(SAP HANA)においては標準維持を見据えた領域運営
Job number: JN -072024-11239 Posted: 2024-09-25
システム関連の業務経験をお持ちの方必見です7 - 7.4 million yen Osaka Information Technology System Administrator
- Company overview
- We are engaged in the development, manufacturing, and sale of chemical products, offering innovative solutions across a wide range of industries. Our products include functional polymers, synthetic resins, and chemicals, utilized in fields such as automotive, electronics, healthcare, and construction. We prioritize sustainable products and environmental considerations, actively pursuing innovative technologies and research and development. Moreover, we provide customized solutions tailored to our customers\' needs, establishing ourselves as a partner in the industry.
- Responsibilities
- 販売領域のシステム担当として以下の業務をお任せいたします。(1)販売領域担当の一員として各種システム導入・保守の実施国内外の協力会社や関係ユーザーとのコミュニケーション
基幹システム(SAP HANA)においては標準維持を見据えた領域運営
Job number: JN -072024-11240 Posted: 2024-09-25
製造業におけるソフトウェア製品選定、ベンダー選定の経験をお持ちの方必見です5.2 - 7.3 million yen Osaka Information Technology System Administrator
- Company overview
- We are engaged in the development, manufacturing, and sale of chemical products, offering innovative solutions across a wide range of industries. Our products include functional polymers, synthetic resins, and chemicals, utilized in fields such as automotive, electronics, healthcare, and construction. We prioritize sustainable products and environmental considerations, actively pursuing innovative technologies and research and development. Moreover, we provide customized solutions tailored to our customers\' needs, establishing ourselves as a partner in the industry.
- Responsibilities
- 業績計画/管理領域のシステム担当として以下の業務をお任せいたします。(1)業績計画/管理領域内担当として各種システムの導入・保守の実施国内外の協力会社や関係ユーザーとのコミュニケーション
Job number: JN -072024-30546 Posted: 2024-09-25
製造系でのIT案件経験ある方歓迎5 - 12 million yen Aichi Information Technology System Administrator
- Company overview
- We are a comprehensive trading company that operates globally across a wide range of industries. We engage in transactions in various fields such as automotive, machinery, energy, chemicals, food, metals, and electronic components, providing products and services to customers worldwide. Additionally, we expand our business activities to include investments, financial services, logistics, recycling, and other diversified areas while also focusing on sustainable social contributions.
- Responsibilities
- ■業務内容:
Job number: JN -092024-176895 Posted: 2024-09-24
IT領域業務のご経験者必見です!5 - 7.5 million yen Aichi Information Technology System Administrator
- Company overview
- Our client is a manufacturer of ceramic products.
- Responsibilities
- ITセキュリティ強化の対策管理:
Job number: JN -092024-176619 Posted: 2024-09-17
Azure/AWS/GCPいずれかのクラウドインフラ運用業務に関わった経験(2~3年)をお持ちの方必見です。5.1 - 12.2 million yen Tokyo Information Technology System Administrator
- Company overview
- Our client is part of a multinational consulting group that assumes all vital corporate functions for the entire organization. It has established an integrated and efficient system to drive the development, execution, and operation of the group\'s overall business strategies.
- Responsibilities
- (50%)クラウドインフラサービスの運用ベンダ管理業務(進捗管理、作業指示、資料レビュー、作業立ち合い)
Job number: JN -092024-176596 Posted: 2024-09-17
必要に応じて出張ベースで本社に出社出来る事が可能であれば、お住まいは全国可能です!8.91 - 12.77 million yen Tokyo Information Technology System Administrator
- Company overview
- Our client is the comprehensive chemical manufacturer in Japan, primarily engaged in the production and sale of chemical products, plastics, pharmaceuticals, and electronic materials. The company focuses particularly on high-performance materials, environmental technologies, and healthcare, and it operates extensively in global markets.
- Responsibilities
- ~日本最大級の総合化学メーカー/人事業務改革推進をお任せ/経験活かしてキャリアアップしたい方歓迎~
Job number: JN -092024-176597 Posted: 2024-09-17
プライム上場/各種研修制度充実5.4 - 10.5 million yen Tokyo Information Technology System Administrator
- Company overview
- We are a manufacturer and distributor of electronic components and materials. Our products include magnetic components and electronic devices and are used in a variety of industries and fields. Our products are made with advanced technologies and high-quality manufacturing processes, and are characterized by their reliability and performance, contributing to the advancement of society through the development of information and communication technologies and the improvement of energy efficiency. We are also committed to developing environmentally friendly products and promoting energy conservation to help realize a sustainable society. Our products play an essential role in all aspects of daily life and industry. We contribute to the development of society by continuing to provide innovative technology and outstanding quality.
- Responsibilities
- ■業務内容:【変更の範囲:会社の定める業務】同社のグローバルな営業拠点において、CRMシステムを運用・開発するためのプロジェクトを進行しており、アシスタントプロジェクトマネージャーとして以下の業務を行って頂きます。プロジェクト会議のファシリテーション
Job number: JN -072024-168263 Posted: 2024-09-15
社内横断プロジェクトの事務局経験(PMO) をお持ちの方必見です。6.8 - 12 million yen Tokyo Information Technology System Administrator
- Company overview
- We are an energy-related business company primarily involved in the handling of petroleum and gas, covering the entire process from supply to sales. We efficiently supply petroleum products and gas according to energy demand, ensuring services that meet the needs of our customers. Additionally, we are committed to environmental protection and promoting sustainable energy use, emphasizing our social responsibility.
- Responsibilities
- DX推進必要スキル・マインドの育成企画立案・実施データ活用スキルの育成プログラムの統括
Job number: JN -092024-176445 Posted: 2024-09-13
IT調達におけるコスト最適化や包括契約を推進したご経験をお持ちの方必見です。7 - 12 million yen Tokyo Information Technology System Administrator
- Company overview
- We, as a professional group supporting the group\'s business with IT, provide comprehensive IT solutions from IT strategy formulation to planning, conceptualization, design, development, maintenance, and operation. Our mission is to continuously strive for reform to maintain and enhance the group\'s operational excellence, delivering optimal solutions. We offer innovative technology and services across various fields, contributing to the development of enterprises.
- Responsibilities
- 同社グループIT調達によるコスト最適化を推進する実務担当リード(IT調達契約の見える化と包括契約オポチュニティの探索)
Job number: JN -072024-38818 Posted: 2024-09-12
【東京】金融市場領域 Senior Project Manager
債券ビジネス全般に関する知識をお持ちの方必見です!8 - 22 million yen Tokyo Information Technology System Administrator
- Company overview
- We provide comprehensive financial services through our affiliated companies. We offer a variety of financial services, including general banking, securities, trust, and asset management.
- Responsibilities
- 債券トレーダーやリスク管理者、および開発チーム、あえては関連部署の部長、部門長、担当役員など幅広なステークホルダーと協業し、当社の債券ビジネスを支えている現行システムアーキテクチャを刷新するプログラムをリード・推進していく。