Job number: JN -032025-185676 Posted: 2025-03-21


5.4 - 10.5 million yen Tokyo Sales & Marketing Business Development / Sales

Job details

Company overview
We are a manufacturer and distributor of electronic components and materials. Our products include magnetic components and electronic devices and are used in a variety of industries and fields. Our products are made with advanced technologies and high-quality manufacturing processes, and are characterized by their reliability and performance, contributing to the advancement of society through the development of information and communication technologies and the improvement of energy efficiency. We are also committed to developing environmentally friendly products and promoting energy conservation to help realize a sustainable society. Our products play an essential role in all aspects of daily life and industry. We contribute to the development of society by continuing to provide innovative technology and outstanding quality.
  • 社内広報活動の企画立案と実行
  • 応募促進活動の企画立案と実行
2) 新規事業立上のための「社内起業家チーム」への伴走〇新規事業立上に必要な「方法論」に関するチームへのサポート
  • 顧客インタビュー、スクリプト、ストーリーボード等
〇チームが「方法論」を修得するためのワークショップのファシリテート〇日次・週次のシンセシスを促進し、自立的に運営できるようにサポート〇事業開発活動、最初の予算計画策定、最初の市場調査へのサポート3) 上記に関わる社内外へのCommunicationのデザイン
  • 英語力:ビジネスやテクニカルな話題で議論をするための会話ができること(TOEIC 700点以上)
  • 戦略コンサルティングファームでの勤務経験
  • 市場調査のための顧客インタビュー経験
5.4 - 10.5 million yen
Emi Iida
BRS Consultant
Emi Iida
Corporate Services
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