BRS Consultant
Emmeline Tang
Supply Chain Management
Job number: JN -102024-177794
Posted: 2024-10-28
7 - 10 million yen
Supply Chain Management
Job details
- Company overview
- We are a pharmaceutical company specializing in the development and distribution of treatment drugs for rare diseases. Our goal is to bring smiles and happiness to patients and their families affected by rare diseases. We address challenges such as providing new treatment drugs, ensuring stable supply, improving diagnosis rates, and raising awareness of diseases. Additionally, we aim to expand sales through the handling of long-term listed products and the manufacturing and distribution of pharmaceuticals, ensuring the continued provision of new drugs. Our business includes the maintenance management of manufacturing and sales approvals, pharmaceutical manufacturing and sales operations, and sales management operations.
- Responsibilities
- 原薬から製品製造、出荷、物流センターへの納品までの発注・納品計画の立案、管理
- 海外製品のフォワーダーを利用した輸入、通関業務
- 安定供給、効率的な製品供給を実現するための的確、迅速な折衝、交渉、コントロール
- 製品包装資材の作成、管理
- Requirements
- 医薬品製造サプライチェーンマネジメント
- 海外および国内のサプライヤーと原料・資材・製品発注・納品等の交渉(要英語力)
- フォワーダーを利用した医薬品の輸入、通関業務
歓迎条件:- 生産・技術部門で生産管理、製造管理、CMO管理
- 包装仕様、印刷版管理の業務
- 海外サプライヤーと価格・条件交渉が可能な英語力(TOEIC750点以上)があると望ましい
- Salary
- 7 - 10 million yen
- Location
- Tokyo