BRS Consultant
Dejiddolgor Suuri
Tech Services
Job number: JN -082024-173950
Posted: 2024-09-24
Business Development Lead
Work with cutting-edge neurotech AI products
7 - 9.5 million yen
Information Technology
IT Sales / Business Development
Job details
- Company overview
Our client is “Making the future of mankind overwhelmingly interesting! as its mission, the company is building business-related predictive models and image recognition algorithms using machine learning algorithms, including deep learning.
We also aim to elucidate an unsolved problem for mankind: what is consciousness, and to develop the world's first general-purpose AI (strong artificial intelligence).
Our services are divided into four main categories: data analysis, prediction, and optimization solutions; image and IoT sensor identification solutions using deep learning; deep learning miniaturization solutions; and FA equipment and robot control solutions.
Through these services, we address issues such as black-boxing of prediction results and provide highly accurate total solutions. In addition, through our own technological developments, we are able to miniaturize deep learning and efficiently control FA equipment. - Responsibilities
- 新規顧客/案件開拓(営業計画立案、マーケティング計画立案、事業戦略立案)
- 営業実務(ニーズヒアリング、提案書作成(研究者/エンジニアと協力)、契約交渉、プロジェクトマネジメント)
- パートナー/ステークホルダーとの協業体制の確立などをご経験に応じ、お任せしたいと考えております。
- Requirements
- 神経科学、もしくは生体データ全般の基礎知識
- 新規顧客開拓経験 、もしくは 共同研究を企画し、取りまとめた経験
- 各種契約を取りまとめた経験(業務委託契約、共同開発契約、プロダクト・ライセンス契約等)
- The appeal
- このポジションでの業務を通じ、下記のようなスキルが身につきます。
- 営業計画の立案〜実行まで一貫して取り組むことで身に付く0→1思考
- 多種多様な方々の折衝を通して身に付く対人コミュニケーションスキル
- 研究者/エンジニアとの協業を通じて身に付く専門的知識と思考性
- このポジションでの業務を通じ、下記のようなスキルが身につきます。
- Salary
- 7 - 9.5 million yen
- Location
- Tokyo