Job number: JN -072024-168981 Posted: 2024-09-11


5 - 11 million yen Tokyo Supply Chain Management Logistics

Job details

Company overview
We develop and manufacture manufacturing equipment utilizing advanced technologies. In particular, we provide high-precision, innovative products for semiconductor and flat panel display manufacturing equipment. We are expanding globally to improve efficiency and quality control in manufacturing processes. We also focus on research and development, contributing to the development of next-generation manufacturing technologies. With an emphasis on sustainable growth and environmental protection, we promote initiatives such as energy efficiency and waste reduction. We are also strengthening our partnerships with local communities, aiming to contribute to industrial development and society through technological innovation.
  • 現地法人/国内外サプライヤのマネジメント
  • 同社共通の指針方針の策定と理解推進
  • 各国法規制や地政学リスクからの同社のレピュテーションリスク低減活動
  • RBAの同社グループグローバル展開のサプライチェーン関連担当
  • 海外取引先コミュニケーション
  • メーカーにて、調達、サプライチェーンに関わる経験をお持ちの方 (目安として5年以上)
  • ビジネスレベルの英語力(海外現地法人とのコミュニケーションで発生)


  • 半導体関連業界、半導体製造装置向け部品メーカーでの業務経験
5 - 11 million yen
Emmeline Tang
BRS Consultant
Emmeline Tang
Supply Chain Management
Email me directly

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