Job number: JN -072024-168237 Posted: 2024-09-11


6.5 - 9 million yen Kanagawa Automotive Research & Development

Job details

Company overview
We are a comprehensive heavy industry manufacturer, engaging in a wide range of business sectors. Our main fields include energy and environmental sectors, industrial machinery and infrastructure sectors, and defense and aerospace sectors. In the energy and environmental sectors, we provide technologies for thermal power generation and renewable energy. In the industrial machinery and infrastructure sectors, we manufacture and sell transportation equipment and large-scale machinery. Moreover, in the defense and aerospace sectors, we develop various equipment and technologies. Leveraging our long-standing technical expertise and reliability, we operate domestically and internationally, aiming to contribute to societal advancement and a sustainable future. With a diverse range of products and advanced technology, we offer solutions across various industries.
  • 多様化するエネルギーへの対応、カーボンニュートラル(CN)社会の実現に向け、水素・メタノール・アンモニア・天然ガス等の燃料に対応した産業用エンジン(0.5~2MWクラスの舶用・発電用エンジン)の開発・設計業務に携わっていただきます。
  • CN燃料・用途に応じたエンジンの性能検討・構想設計
  • 機関本体詳細設計
  • 検証試験計画・結果評価
  • 開発プロジェクト取り纏め
  • 産業用機械、自動車メーカ、あるいはコンサルタント企業等での設計、開発のご経験 
6.5 - 9 million yen
Yuya Migita
BRS Consultant
Yuya Migita
Email me directly

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