Job number: JN -072024-166858 Posted: 2024-09-11


6.5 - 9 million yen Kansai Industrial Mechanical Engineer

Job details

Company overview
We are a comprehensive heavy industry manufacturer, engaging in a wide range of business sectors. Our main fields include energy and environmental sectors, industrial machinery and infrastructure sectors, and defense and aerospace sectors. In the energy and environmental sectors, we provide technologies for thermal power generation and renewable energy. In the industrial machinery and infrastructure sectors, we manufacture and sell transportation equipment and large-scale machinery. Moreover, in the defense and aerospace sectors, we develop various equipment and technologies. Leveraging our long-standing technical expertise and reliability, we operate domestically and internationally, aiming to contribute to societal advancement and a sustainable future. With a diverse range of products and advanced technology, we offer solutions across various industries.
  • 研究所における溶接技術開発
  • グループ内溶接現場の溶接プロセス/生産管理改善、新技術導入支援
  • 機械、材料/金属専攻の大学もしくは大学院を卒業された方
  • 溶接、金属材料に対する知識
  • 社内外関係者とのコミュニケーションを密にとり、取り組むべき課題の抽出/提案を積極的に行える方
  • 技術開発、現場プロセス改善でリーダーシップを発揮できる方

  • 製造現場の溶接プロセスに関する知識、経験
  • 英語によるコミュニケーション、文書作成能力
6.5 - 9 million yen
Takuya Kobayashi
BRS Consultant
Takuya Kobayashi
Email me directly

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