Job number: JN -072024-132629 Posted: 2024-09-11


6 - 10.5 million yen Tokyo Industrial Quality Assurance / Quality Control

Job details

Company overview
We are one of the world's leading flash memory manufacturers. The flash memory we have invented is a non-volatile semiconductor memory that does not lose data even when the power is turned off, enabling large-capacity data storage. It is widely used in smartphones for storing photos and videos, electronic devices, and data centers, etc. In order to cope with increasing data due to the spread of IoT, AI, and 5G, large-capacity, high-performance storage and high-speed data processing systems are essential. As a leading flash memory and SSD company, we are developing products and services that provide new value. Our engineers with diverse expertise pursue next-generation recording technologies, and we also promote open innovation in cooperation with companies and organizations. We have one of the world's largest flash memory factories, and our AI-based smart factory achieves high productivity and efficiency to meet the increasing demand for memory.
  • メモリ製品信頼性評価・解析
  • 市場戻り品の不良解析、レポート作成、顧客報告(メモリテスターや実機による不良再現実験、テスターPCによるスクリプト解析、オシロスコープによるアナログ解析等)
  • メモリ信頼性・品質に関する技術折衝
  • サプライヤ監査対応等
  • 半導体、電子部品、各種材料などの以下のいずれかの経験/スキルをお持ちの方
  • 品質保証における顧客対応経験をお持ちの方※但し、第二新卒の方は評価の一連のプロセス (評価→データ纏め→考察→次工程にバトンタッチ等)を把握している方であれば歓迎(顧客対応経験不要)
6 - 10.5 million yen
Yuya Migita
BRS Consultant
Yuya Migita
Email me directly

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