Jobs list of Information Technology
NEWJob number: JN -102024-177923 Posted: 2024-10-28
新規プロジェクト・サービス等の立ち上げを経験された方必見です。9 - 13 million yen Tokyo Information Technology IT Management
- Company overview
- Our client a leading Japanese internet services and e-commerce company, engaging in a wide range of business areas including online shopping malls. We deploy advanced technology and customer-centric services, utilized by users in Japan and abroad. We operate diverse businesses such as e-commerce, finance, and digital content, offering various services including online shopping platforms, cloud services, and internet banking. We also provide point programs and media content to enhance customer engagement. Additionally, we actively expand our business both domestically and internationally, strengthening our competitiveness in the global market.
- Responsibilities
- 上記業務のサービスオペレーションマネジメント
NEWJob number: JN -102024-177920 Posted: 2024-10-28
クリエイティブディレクターもしくはデザイナーとしての経験が活かせます。6 - 9 million yen Tokyo Information Technology Web Design / Producer
- Company overview
- Our client a leading Japanese internet services and e-commerce company, engaging in a wide range of business areas including online shopping malls. We deploy advanced technology and customer-centric services, utilized by users in Japan and abroad. We operate diverse businesses such as e-commerce, finance, and digital content, offering various services including online shopping platforms, cloud services, and internet banking. We also provide point programs and media content to enhance customer engagement. Additionally, we actively expand our business both domestically and internationally, strengthening our competitiveness in the global market.
- Responsibilities
- クリエイティブ案件のプロジェクト管理、デザイナーのアサイン、チーム内外のステークホルダー調整を行うとともに、案件の要件定義、サービス改善など、サービス事業者の編成部門として、ユーザーと最も近い位置で、サービス提供を通じたコミュニケーションを経験することが出来ます。
NEWJob number: JN -102024-177924 Posted: 2024-10-28
デザインに関する基本的な知識と3年以上の実務経験をお持ちの方必見です。5 - 8 million yen Tokyo Information Technology Web Design / Producer
- Company overview
- Our client a leading Japanese internet services and e-commerce company, engaging in a wide range of business areas including online shopping malls. We deploy advanced technology and customer-centric services, utilized by users in Japan and abroad. We operate diverse businesses such as e-commerce, finance, and digital content, offering various services including online shopping platforms, cloud services, and internet banking. We also provide point programs and media content to enhance customer engagement. Additionally, we actively expand our business both domestically and internationally, strengthening our competitiveness in the global market.
- Responsibilities
- 同社ミュージックアプリのユーザー体験を向上させるためのUI/UXデザイン
NEWJob number: JN -102024-177896 Posted: 2024-10-28
インターネット広告事業を支えるオペレーション専門部署/プライム上場/転勤無6 - 9 million yen Tokyo Information Technology IT Consultant
- Company overview
- Our client a leading Japanese internet services and e-commerce company, engaging in a wide range of business areas including online shopping malls. We deploy advanced technology and customer-centric services, utilized by users in Japan and abroad. We operate diverse businesses such as e-commerce, finance, and digital content, offering various services including online shopping platforms, cloud services, and internet banking. We also provide point programs and media content to enhance customer engagement. Additionally, we actively expand our business both domestically and internationally, strengthening our competitiveness in the global market.
- Responsibilities
- ■業務概要:同社で提供している各広告サービスを利用いただく広告主に対して、効果計測システム等、必要な仕組みの導入を技術面から支援しているチームにて、テクニカルコンサルタント業務をお任せします。このポジションは同社に入社後、関連会社に在籍出向します。給与体系、福利厚生、評価制度などは同社グループ株式会社と同一です。
NEWJob number: JN -102024-177907 Posted: 2024-10-28
IaaSの知見をお持ちの方必見です!5.5 - 10 million yen Tokyo Information Technology IT Sales / Business Development
- Company overview
- We are a leading provider of information technology services. We offer a wide range of IT solutions, including system integration, cloud services, network construction, and security measures. We provide customized solutions to meet our clients\' needs and support their digital transformation. In particular, we leverage our advanced technological capabilities and expertise in diverse industries, including finance, manufacturing, distribution, and the public sector, to improve operational efficiency and reduce costs. Based on our many years of experience and achievements, we provide highly reliable services and build long-term partnerships with our clients. From a global perspective, we are also committed to sustainable growth by incorporating the latest technological trends.
- Responsibilities
- 社内横串組織として、フロント事業グループに対しての営業活動支援、提案/見積り、を実施いただきます。また、直販営業としても新規顧客開拓、既存顧客の深堀を実施いただきます。(活動比率は「横串:直販=8:2」となります)
NEWJob number: JN -102024-177890 Posted: 2024-10-28
UIデザイン経験お持ちの方歓迎6 - 10 million yen Tokyo Information Technology Web Design / Producer
- Company overview
- Our client a leading Japanese internet services and e-commerce company, engaging in a wide range of business areas including online shopping malls. We deploy advanced technology and customer-centric services, utilized by users in Japan and abroad. We operate diverse businesses such as e-commerce, finance, and digital content, offering various services including online shopping platforms, cloud services, and internet banking. We also provide point programs and media content to enhance customer engagement. Additionally, we actively expand our business both domestically and internationally, strengthening our competitiveness in the global market.
- Responsibilities
- ■業務内容:同社アプリにおいて主に以下の業務を行います。※UIデザイナー、UXリサーチャー、プロダクトマネージャー、エンジニアは別にいます。ビジネス要件の理解
NEWJob number: JN -102024-177897 Posted: 2024-10-28
平均勤続年数約20年・多様で柔軟な働き方・育休復帰率ほぼ100%6.2 - 10 million yen Kanagawa Information Technology IT Sales / Business Development
- Company overview
- Our client a Japanese electronics manufacturer offering telecommunications systems, information processing systems, and electronic devices, along with related services. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and blockchain, we support the digital transformation of businesses and organizations. Our team of experts with advanced technical skills and extensive experience excels in developing and providing computer systems, network equipment, software, and services. As a global leader in information and communication technology, we deliver customized solutions tailored to meet our customers\' business needs, contributing to the creation of a sustainable society.
- Responsibilities
- ■職務内容:製造業クライアントに向けたSAPビジネスの中でも特にグローバル案件拡大を担っていただきます大手製造業アカウント本部の直下部門として本部のSAPビジネス全体の売上およびプロジェクトを立ち上げ、軌道に載せていくプロセスにご尽力いただきます
NEWJob number: JN -102024-178521 Posted: 2024-10-28
分析における生成AI活用の知識・スキル身に付きます!7.5 - 11.5 million yen Tokyo Information Technology Business / Systems Analyst
- Company overview
- Our client is one of the world\'s leading general electronics manufacturers.
- Responsibilities
- 【リーダー / 担当者】全世界の様々な同社ー製品・アプリ・サービスからのビッグデータ分析を通じて、新しい顧客体験と開発者体験の在り方を一緒に創って下さる方募集!このポジションでは、分析を通じて、お客様の理解やインサイト獲得を進め、製品・サービスの改善やマーケティング活用を進めています。ソフトとハード、それぞれの技術を高いレベルで組み合わせて初めて実現できる最高の顧客体験をぜひ一緒に創っていきましょう!
NEWJob number: JN -102024-178523 Posted: 2024-10-28
【クラウドエンジニア】 ネットワークサービス運用・品質改善を実現する
新しい顧客体験を継続して生み出すための仕組みを一緒に考え、創って下さる方募集!7.5 - 11.5 million yen Tokyo Information Technology System Administrator
- Company overview
- Our client is one of the world\'s leading general electronics manufacturers.
- Responsibilities
- ご担当いただくのは、自社製品向けに提供する各種クラウドサービスの品質向上、運用監視などです。
■組織の役割:エンジニアとしてWorld Wideで24時間365日利用されている自社製品向けの各種クラウドサービスのサービス品質向上、安定稼働のための施策の導入、運用監視などを担当していただきます。既存サービスの改善だけでなく、新サービスの開発時には同社内の各部署と連携してSLOを定義したり、CI/CD環境や社内向け検証環境の構築など、組織全体を見て生産性や品質向上に必要な活動を行います。豊富な経験と知識を持ったメンバと共に、クラウドの長所を生かし新しいサービスを次々を生み出すことができる仕組みを整えていきましょう。
NEWJob number: JN -102024-178532 Posted: 2024-10-28
SAPの導入経験者必見です!7.5 - 11.5 million yen Tokyo Information Technology IT Consultant
- Company overview
- Our client is one of the world\'s leading general electronics manufacturers.
- Responsibilities
- プロセスアーキテクト(またはその候補人材)として、SAP導入のグローバルプロジェクトチームに参画し、IT部門と連携し、物流・在庫管理領域をリードまたは担当していただきます。
プロジェクトは、現在2ndステージにあり、この先、数年かけて順次グローバルに展開していく予定です。プロジェクトの推進を通して、「グローバル業務の構築」 を一緒に進めていきます。
NEWJob number: JN -102024-178534 Posted: 2024-10-28
IT業界での法人向け営業経験5年以上お持ちの方必見です。6 - 17 million yen Tokyo Information Technology IT Sales / Business Development
- Company overview
- We are the largest foreign enterprise software company and a top-level software vendor. We are an enterprise software provider and consulting firm. In particular, we are widely known in the field of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, supporting efficient business operations and digital transformation for many industries. We provide solutions that leverage the latest cloud technologies and AI to help companies improve their competitiveness. Based on our many years of experience and expertise, we are able to meet the diverse needs of our clients and aim for sustainable growth.
- Responsibilities
- 日本の大手企業をメインに、アカウントセールスを行っていただきます。
NEWJob number: JN -102024-178537 Posted: 2024-10-28
理工学分野での実験的な研究あるいは開発経験をお持ちの方必見です。6.2 - 12 million yen Kanagawa Information Technology Programmer / Software Engineer
- Company overview
- Our client a Japanese electronics manufacturer offering telecommunications systems, information processing systems, and electronic devices, along with related services. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and blockchain, we support the digital transformation of businesses and organizations. Our team of experts with advanced technical skills and extensive experience excels in developing and providing computer systems, network equipment, software, and services. As a global leader in information and communication technology, we deliver customized solutions tailored to meet our customers\' business needs, contributing to the creation of a sustainable society.
- Responsibilities
- 超伝導量子ビットチップの設計・実機評価
NEWJob number: JN -102024-178541 Posted: 2024-10-28
量子コンピュータに関わる基礎知識が活かせます。6.2 - 12 million yen Kanagawa Information Technology Programmer / Software Engineer
- Company overview
- Our client a Japanese electronics manufacturer offering telecommunications systems, information processing systems, and electronic devices, along with related services. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and blockchain, we support the digital transformation of businesses and organizations. Our team of experts with advanced technical skills and extensive experience excels in developing and providing computer systems, network equipment, software, and services. As a global leader in information and communication technology, we deliver customized solutions tailored to meet our customers\' business needs, contributing to the creation of a sustainable society.
- Responsibilities
- 当プロジェクトでは、超伝導量子コンピュータの研究開発を実施しております。現在、1000量子ビット級の大型量子コンピュータの実機構築を進めております。入社した際には、超伝導量子コンピュータの全体アーキテクチャの検討から、希釈冷凍機内部の熱収支検討や、性能を満足する部材選定、構築業務を担って頂きたい考えています。
NEWJob number: JN -102024-178542 Posted: 2024-10-28
IT経験がある方必見です。6 - 8.4 million yen Osaka Information Technology System Administrator
- Company overview
- Our Client is developing an airport ground handling business.
- Responsibilities
- 本社+空港6支店における業務のデジタル化企画推進/全社横断での要求ヒアリング~要件定義~ソリューション選定の実施およびプロジェクトマネジメント
提案資料や要件定義書等、プロジェクト推進に必要となるドキュメントの作成/年次IT予算の計画および社内での合意形成(with CEO/COO/CFO)
NEWJob number: JN -102024-178547 Posted: 2024-10-28
データエンジニアリングまたは関連分野での1年以上の実務経験をお持ちの方必見です。7.5 - 11.5 million yen Tokyo Information Technology Programmer / Software Engineer
- Company overview
- Our client is one of the world\'s leading general electronics manufacturers.
- Responsibilities
- 各種ログや顧客データを収集し分析を行うデータレイク・分析環境の開発運用
NEWJob number: JN -102024-178548 Posted: 2024-10-28
サーバーサイドの開発・運用経験 3 年以上をお持ちの方必見です。7.5 - 11.5 million yen Tokyo Information Technology System Administrator
- Company overview
- Our client is one of the world\'s leading general electronics manufacturers.
- Responsibilities
- AWSを活用した同社製品と連携するクラウドサービスの設計・開発、および運用業務。OAuth2.0準拠の認証システム、GraphQLを使ったデータ配信やフロントエンド開発を伴うコンテンツ配信サービスを予定。
NEWJob number: JN -102024-178538 Posted: 2024-10-28
IT戦略企画 / 推進(マネージャー候補)
ITインフラ運用業務の経験をお持ちの方必見です。7.33 - 11 million yen Tokyo Information Technology System Administrator
- Company overview
- Our client is a leading Japanese integrated chemical manufacturer with operations in a wide range of fields. We contribute to society through technological innovation, offering a wide range of products and services in chemistry, textiles, pharmaceuticals, housing, and electronic materials. In particular, we play an important role in the global market with our advanced technological capabilities in the life science and electronics fields. With the aim of realizing a sustainable society, we are also actively engaged in environmentally friendly product development and business activities.
- Responsibilities
- IT部門にて、海外現法のIT化促進を担当いただきます。グループの海外共通ITサービスを軸に、海外現地法人における利便性の向上とコンプライアンスの遵守を行います。
NEWJob number: JN -102024-178684 Posted: 2024-10-28
パブリッククラウドを活用したセンターの設計および実装経験が活かせます。7.8 - 15.7 million yen Aichi Information Technology Programmer / Software Engineer
- Company overview
- We are an automotive manufacturer and one of the leaders in the global automotive industry. We design, manufacture, and sell automobiles and related products, offering high-quality and innovative products. We strive to achieve sustainable mobility by developing environmentally friendly vehicles and improving energy efficiency. Additionally, we are dedicated to researching and developing advanced technologies such as autonomous driving and connected cars, aiming to provide innovative vehicles that meet the needs of our users.
- Responsibilities
- システムの要件、仕様の定義
NEWJob number: JN -102024-178599 Posted: 2024-10-28
業務アプリケーションやインフラ・システム基盤(システム信頼性、性能等)の試験経験をお持ちの方必見です。7.3 - 9.7 million yen Kanagawa Information Technology QA / Testing
- Company overview
- We are a leading electronics company based in Japan, counted among the world\'s major manufacturers. Offering a wide range of products, we provide diverse solutions in fields such as energy, information, communication, automotive, healthcare, construction, finance, and services. We prioritize research and development, driving innovative technology and product development. Serving a broad spectrum of customers domestically and internationally, we contribute to the advancement of industries.
- Responsibilities
- 重大事故未然防止や品質コンプライアンス違反防止に向けて、下記の職務を取り纏め担当者とともに主導していただきたいと考えております。品質保証プロセスの策定、改善支援
NEWJob number: JN -102024-178606 Posted: 2024-10-28
React、TypeScriptでの開発経験が活かせます。6.48 - 10 million yen Tokyo Information Technology Programmer / Software Engineer
- Company overview
- We operate under the mission, "Move money forward. Move life even further." We provide financial web services, aiming to alleviate the financial concerns and anxieties of individuals and businesses through the power of technology, and become the "money platform" for everyone.
Our main services include automated household accounting and asset management for individuals, economic media, and a financial product comparison platform. For businesses, we offer cloud services and B2B deferred payment services. Since our establishment, we have been dedicated to resolving financial issues and enriching the lives of our users. - Responsibilities
- ビジネス向けクラウドサービスのプロダクトにおいて、フロントエンド開発に携わっていただきます。
現在、主に使用している技術はReact・TypeScriptです。Ruby on Rails内のフロントエンド修正等を行います。