Jobs list of Accounting & Finance & Advisory / Consulting
NEWJob number: JN -072024-130237 Posted: 2025-03-24
(未経験歓迎)◤経営戦略コンサルタント◢ 自分史上最高のキャリアへ。圧倒的な成長を掴む。
横断的に様々なプロジェクトに携われるチャンスがございます!8 - 12 million yen Tokyo Accounting & Finance Advisory / Consulting
- Company overview
- We are a comprehensive consulting firm originating in Japan, boasting top-tier achievements in the domestic consulting industry. We cater to a wide range of industries and clients, offering extensive services in IT, strategy, and business transformation. We particularly excel in sectors such as finance, manufacturing, and telecommunications, and are renowned for supporting digital transformation (DX) initiatives.
Our team comprises numerous consultants with extensive experience and advanced expertise, enabling us to provide customized solutions that meet the specific needs of our clients, earning us high acclaim. By leveraging the insights and networks cultivated through comprehensive problem-solving across diverse industries, we offer high-value services that incorporate the unique values and culture understood only by a Japanese company.
Our mission is to contribute to the growth of our clients by delivering high added-value services. - Responsibilities
環境改善のプロフェッショナルとして、 自社の働き方改革にも注力しています。WLBを重視し、フレックスタイム制、リモートワーク制度など、柔軟な働き方を整備。全社の月平均残業時間は、約20時間ほどとなっており、非常にホワイトな環境です。
Yuhi Samejima
Consulting -
Job number: JN -072024-124260 Posted: 2025-03-21
国内有数の専門アドバイザリーファーム11 - 15 million yen Tokyo Accounting & Finance Advisory / Consulting
- Company overview
- 日米の合弁金融ファームで、在庫、動産の外資系ソリューションプロバイダーです。20か国で事業展開しており、動産担保の評価、融資、換価業務等をおこなっています。
- Responsibilities
- 流通小売業の悩み(特に“過剰在庫”と“オーバーストア”)を理解し、バランスシート経営を目指すため"在庫"にフォーカスした事業リストラクチャリングをサポートするプロジェクトの収益管理及び責任者のサポートを担っていただきます
Yuhi Samejima
Consulting -
Job number: JN -072024-35816 Posted: 2025-03-17
国内有数の外資系コンサルティングファーム6 - 10 million yen Tokyo Accounting & Finance Advisory / Consulting
- Company overview
- 同社は国内外のベンチャー企業支援・大手企業イノベーションコンサルティング等、多岐にわたるサービスを提供する大手監査法人のグループ会社です。
- Responsibilities
Yo Yasuike
Consulting -
Job number: JN -072024-130330 Posted: 2025-03-13
国内有数の日系コンサルティングファーム10 - 15 million yen Tokyo Accounting & Finance Advisory / Consulting
- Company overview
- We are a consulting firm that provides consulting services across various industries. We assist clients in solving their business challenges in areas such as management strategy, business process improvement, and information system implementation. We offer customized solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients, supporting their growth and development. Our team, equipped with extensive experience and expertise, provides total support from strategy formulation to implementation, adding value to our clients\' businesses.
- Responsibilities
- 日本国内の市場成長が鈍化する一方で、中国・東南アジアといったアジア市場は急速な成長を遂げており、日本企業はアジアでのビジネス拡大を進めています。業界を越えたイノベーション、デジタル技術の進化など、ビジネスを取り巻く環境はアジアでも急速に変化しており、日本企業および海外現地企業の戦略コンサルティングのニーズは年々増加しています。業容拡大に伴い、即戦力として海外戦略コンサルティング案件を担える人材を積極的に募集します。
弊社自身が日本企業と一緒に、さらなるグローバルファームとして成長していく過程にあるため、弊社のGlobal S&O(Strategy & Operations)サービス推進・強化活動にも主体的に関わっていただきたいと考えます。
Yuhi Samejima
Consulting -
Job number: JN -072024-128277 Posted: 2025-03-09
国内有数の外資系コンサルティングファーム10 - 12 million yen Tokyo Accounting & Finance Advisory / Consulting
- Company overview
- We provide comprehensive consulting services for a wide range of business issues. In particular, we support a series of processes from strategic planning to implementation support to help our clients grow and strengthen their competitiveness. We have established ourselves as a leading company in the industry by providing innovative solutions utilizing digital technology and data analysis. Combining a global network with a localized approach, we offer optimal strategies tailored to our clients\' regional characteristics. We also provide advice that takes into account environmental and social impacts in corporate management strategies with the aim of achieving sustainable business operations and contributing to society.
- Responsibilities
- 中日コンサルティングコラボレーションプログラムは日系企業の中国地域での成長支援及び中国知見を活用した日本での支援を目指し、中国と日本法人双方から約30名の専任メンバーをアサインしています。
中国のDigital Innovationを先導する企業とのパートナシップを通した最新の知見の蓄積、展開も行っております。
Yuhi Samejima
Consulting -
Job number: JN -072024-133288 Posted: 2025-02-21
横断的に様々なプロジェクトに携われるチャンスがございます!8 - 12 million yen Tokyo Accounting & Finance Advisory / Consulting
- Company overview
- Our client is a leading global consulting firm specializing in strategic, operational, and technological solutions. Headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, it offers tailored strategies and insights to drive business growth and operational excellence.
Operating across key business hubs in Asia, Europe, and the Americas, our client employs a team of skilled professionals dedicated to innovative solutions in various industries, including finance, technology, and healthcare. In Japan, the firm is renowned for its deep market expertise and commitment to helping clients navigate complex challenges, providing comprehensive support and cutting-edge strategies for achieving business objectives. - Responsibilities
- 戦略・業務コンサルタントを目指した、ITコンサルタントとして業務を行います。イノベーションや規制緩和といった新しいビジネスモデルは、IT によって支えられるものです。
Yuhi Samejima
Consulting -
Job number: JN -072024-133290 Posted: 2025-02-08
最先端テクノロジーを活用したコンサルティング8 - 12 million yen Tokyo Accounting & Finance Advisory / Consulting
- Company overview
- Our client is a company founded by people from a major general consulting firm that provides IT consultation and develops its own services.
We provide comprehensive technology solutions that combine consulting with cutting-edge technology.
Specifically, we support cloud solution services, RPA services, and security solutions. We implement and operate cloud computing, streamline and automate operations, and enhance system security.
Behind the foundation of the company is a strong desire to improve the environment for IT consultants and IT engineers in Japan. Many of our members come from major consulting firms, and we have handled many projects since our establishment.
We also have a strong desire to create new markets, and plans are underway to develop new services. Our goal is to use our consulting capabilities to expand our business and provide new value to our clients. - Responsibilities
- 貴殿のご経験を活かして、下記業務を担っていただきたいと考えております。
Disruptive Technologyを活用した新規事業の立案/推進 等
Yuhi Samejima
Consulting -
Job number: JN -072024-133190 Posted: 2025-02-07
Business Strategy Consultant
国内有数の日系コンサルティングファーム6 - 10 million yen Tokyo Accounting & Finance Advisory / Consulting
- Company overview
- We are a holding company responsible for managing related companies, with its core being a comprehensive consulting firm originating in Japan, boasting top-class achievements in the domestic consulting industry. We support leading companies in various industries in solving their challenges, assisting in the formulation of corporate and business strategies, and providing guidance on business operations utilizing digital technology. Under this framework, we aim to address multifaceted challenges by offering not only consulting support but also assistance in the DX/IT implementation areas. Furthermore, we are promoting the strengthening of our group management functions with an eye on expanding into new business areas in the future.
- Responsibilities
- クライアントの戦略/業務/ITに関するソリューション提供と実行支援をしていただきます。
Yuhi Samejima
Consulting -
Job number: JN -072024-129796 Posted: 2025-02-07
国内有数の外資系コンサルティングファーム8 - 12 million yen Tokyo Accounting & Finance Advisory / Consulting
- Company overview
- We offer a wide range of consulting services, from strategy development to implementation. Our goal is to solve our clients\' business challenges and support sustainable growth. In particular, we leverage industry knowledge and data analysis to drive strategy development and business process improvement. As a leader in technology implementation and digital transformation, we help our clients strengthen their competitiveness. We combine a global perspective with a localized approach to provide the best solutions for our clients\' needs.
- Responsibilities
- (トランザクションの成立前)
⚫ IT デューディリジェンス :
➢ 対象会社がテクノロジー企業の場合、販売用ソフトウェアの現状調査、M&A リスクの把握
➢ バックオフィスIT の現状調査、M&A リスクの把握
⚫ IT 統合/分離/価値向上計画策定 :
➢ クライアントが事業会社の場合、現状の詳細分析及び統合/分離方針・計画策定
➢ クライアントが投資会社の場合、現状の詳細分析及び価値向上方針・計画策定
⚫ IT PMO :
➢ 策定した計画の実行支援(進捗管理、課題管理、工程管理、会議運営、マネジメント報告、チェンジマネジメント、ベンダー選定、コミュニケーション計画、テストや移行計画・推進など)
Yuhi Samejima
Consulting -
Job number: JN -072024-31610 Posted: 2025-02-06
会計系システム開発・設計をご経験の方は是非ご応募ください!4 - 12 million yen Tokyo Accounting & Finance Advisory / Consulting
- Company overview
- We are a consulting firm that provides consulting services across various industries. We assist clients in solving their business challenges in areas such as management strategy, business process improvement, and information system implementation. We offer customized solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients, supporting their growth and development. Our team, equipped with extensive experience and expertise, provides total support from strategy formulation to implementation, adding value to our clients\' businesses.
- Responsibilities
- 業務内容:
Yo Yasuike
Consulting -
Job number: JN -072024-22333 Posted: 2024-11-13
グローバルに活躍できる最上流のビジネスコンサルファーム6 - 12 million yen Tokyo Accounting & Finance Advisory / Consulting
- Company overview
- We specialize in providing consulting services focused on business strategy. As a core entity within a group of major telecommunications companies in the industry, we have accumulated extensive experience through a wide range of domestic and international projects, supporting Japanese companies in their global expansions. We offer comprehensive support from strategic planning to implementing reforms on the ground, swiftly adapting to our clients\' management challenges and changes in market environments. With a strong track record in constructing business foundations, particularly in the manufacturing sector, we bring reliable expertise and continue to deliver innovative solutions.
- Responsibilities
- インダストリーコンサルタントとして、中央省庁、独立行政法人、地方自治体等の公共機関及び公益系の法人を対象に、政策・制度設計支援や、業務及びシステムの現状分析、課題抽出・分析、解決策の提言、政策実施に向けた支援を行う。主に、以下の領域に関するコンサルティングを行う。政策・制度設計等に係る調査、コンサルティング
Yo Yasuike
Consulting -
Job number: JN -092024-177293 Posted: 2024-10-28
公認会計士の資格をお持ちの方必見です。10 - 15 million yen Tokyo Accounting & Finance Advisory / Consulting
- Company overview
- We offer a wide range of accounting, tax and financial consulting services. We have deep expertise in areas such as corporate finance, wealth management, and international taxation, and serve a diverse client base. In the past, our main clients have been major financial institutions and investment funds in Japan, the U.S., and Europe. In recent years, however, our client base has become increasingly diverse, including multinational corporations, small and midsize companies, and wealthy individuals.
- Responsibilities
- アウトバウンド方向の大企業及び中堅企業向け国際税務サービスをより強化するべく、ネットワークを活かし、あるいは必要に応じて海外金融機関等とも連携して、国際税務を軸に日本の大企業向けに国際経営管理全般を支援するようなサービスを展開していくことを検討中です。
Emi Iida
Accounting & Finance -
Job number: JN -072024-129313 Posted: 2024-10-15
国内有数の外資系コンサルティングファーム8 - 12 million yen Tokyo Accounting & Finance Advisory / Consulting
- Company overview
- We are a global consulting firm founded in USA. Currently, we have offices in over 50 countries worldwide. In Tokyo, established as our second-largest hub, and in 2003, we set up offices in Nagoya, serving the central and Kansai regions. As a leading management consulting firm globally, we provide customized approaches, deep insights into various industries and markets, and close collaboration with clients, including governments, private enterprises, and non-profit organizations. Our aim is to help clients build sustainable competitive advantages, enhance organizational capabilities, and consistently achieve outstanding performance.
- Responsibilities
- ■概要:経営戦略コンサルタントとして、各業界のリーディング企業の経営者が持つ課題に対して解を提示していきます。
Yuhi Samejima
Consulting -
Job number: JN -072024-138242 Posted: 2024-09-17
事業再生/Turnaround and Restructuring Strategy(シニア)
国内有数の外資系コンサルティングファーム8 - 12 million yen Tokyo Accounting & Finance Advisory / Consulting
- Company overview
- We offer a wide range of consulting services, from strategy development to implementation. Our goal is to solve our clients\' business challenges and support sustainable growth. In particular, we leverage industry knowledge and data analysis to drive strategy development and business process improvement. As a leader in technology implementation and digital transformation, we help our clients strengthen their competitiveness. We combine a global perspective with a localized approach to provide the best solutions for our clients\' needs.
- Responsibilities
- リストラクチャリングおよびオペレーショントランザクションサービスの共同サービスとして、ビジネスのすべてのライフサイクルにおける重要課題の解決をしています。我々の実績と業界知識を提供し、事業再生のメソドロジーを導入することにより、業績改善や成長加速を促進させます。
Yuhi Samejima
Consulting -
Job number: JN -072024-134286 Posted: 2024-09-12
Strategy Consultant
国内有数の外資系コンサルティングファーム6 - 15 million yen Tokyo Accounting & Finance Advisory / Consulting
- Company overview
- We are a global and diverse consulting and technology services firm. Our main services range from business strategy development to digital technology implementation and system development and operation. We aim to address our clients\' business challenges and provide innovative solutions, and are known as a leading company in the industry. With deep expertise and experience, especially in the areas of digital transformation, cloud computing, and security measures, the company provides strategic partnerships to clients worldwide.
- Responsibilities
The difference with other farm
because it has run troops "Digital (Analytics)," "business · IT consulting", "IT outsourcing" and "business process outsourcing" to other departments, I realize the strategy that was drawn not only to painting You can while, leading to PJT strategies and next of customers from strategy again on an ongoing basis.
Way of working:
There is also a busy time and delivery time before during PJT, but how to get a long-term holiday, many PJT at the end, and 84%, paid digestibility of the company is high level. Turnover rate as low as 10% or less, there is also a mechanism, such as a reduction of working hours or work from home work, most women have to return to maternity leave, childcare leave after.
Career path
there is a career path, such as expert and manager in the strategy within. Changes engineers and departments other consulting division, to the management department is also available in the institution of career marketplace company.
Training and knowledge
I can take advantage of the knowledge of our original collection, which is a database of knowledge around the world and more than 20,000 learning course called "Knowledge Exchange", experience and know-how. It has accumulated PJT advanced cases at home and abroad, a variety of up-to-date information of each industry. In projects overseas, and can be subject to advice by taking the contact to the person in charge from the site.
Yuhi Samejima
Consulting -
Job number: JN -072024-128275 Posted: 2024-09-11
国内有数の外資系コンサルティングファーム6 - 10 million yen Tokyo Accounting & Finance Advisory / Consulting
- Company overview
- We offer a wide range of consulting services, from strategy development to implementation. Our goal is to solve our clients\' business challenges and support sustainable growth. In particular, we leverage industry knowledge and data analysis to drive strategy development and business process improvement. As a leader in technology implementation and digital transformation, we help our clients strengthen their competitiveness. We combine a global perspective with a localized approach to provide the best solutions for our clients\' needs.
- Responsibilities
- 金融機関向けに、財務・会計、リスク管理、コンプライアンスを軸とした企業変革支援を行っております。その領域は、財務会計や管理会計等の分析・改善提案から、業務効率化等のコンサルティング業務、IFRS関連の業務インパクト分析、新規制導入に伴う業務インパクト調査等、及びそれらプロジェクトに関連するPMO支援等と多岐に亘ります。また、グローバルAML管理態勢高度化支援、財務・会計系システム関連のIT戦略・ITガバナンスやデータガバナンス等も積極的に推進しています。
金融機関のリスクと収益に関するデータベース構築およびデータ収集業務に関する設計支援ならびにこれらのデータを用いたデータアナリティクス支援をベースに、金融機関の利益の源泉であるリスク対比のビジネス戦略、収益力高度化、リスク(規制リスクのみならずEconomic Capitalも含む)計測、またこれらのガバナンス体制の設計・運用・検証・見直しにかかるコンサルティングを実施しています。
Yuhi Samejima
Consulting -
Job number: JN -072024-137166 Posted: 2024-09-11
最先端テクノロジーを活用したコンサルティング6 - 10 million yen Tokyo Accounting & Finance Advisory / Consulting
- Company overview
- We offer a wide range of consulting services, from strategy development to implementation. Our goal is to solve our clients\' business challenges and support sustainable growth. In particular, we leverage industry knowledge and data analysis to drive strategy development and business process improvement. As a leader in technology implementation and digital transformation, we help our clients strengthen their competitiveness. We combine a global perspective with a localized approach to provide the best solutions for our clients\' needs.
- Responsibilities
- 財務・会計コンサルタントとして下記のプロジェクトに従事頂きます。
Yuhi Samejima
Consulting -
Job number: JN -072024-134449 Posted: 2024-09-11
最先端テクノロジーを活用したコンサルティング6 - 10 million yen Tokyo Accounting & Finance Advisory / Consulting
- Company overview
- Our client is a consulting company.
- Responsibilities
- 顧客のビジネス変革・業務変革の支援
Yuhi Samejima
Consulting -
Job number: JN -072024-122678 Posted: 2024-09-11
最先端テクノロジーを活用したコンサルティング11 - 15 million yen Tokyo Accounting & Finance Advisory / Consulting
- Company overview
- We provide financial advisory services to companies and organizations. In particular, we help companies optimize their management and financial strategies to achieve business growth and maximize value, leveraging our expertise in M&A, capital market transactions, and financial restructuring to provide solutions that meet our clients\' needs. We also develop strategies to support our clients\' sustainable growth by staying abreast of domestic and international regulations and market trends. Our data analysis and technology-enabled approach helps clients make more effective decisions and contributes to their business success.
- Responsibilities
- ◎国内及びクロスボーダーでの企業買収・統合・分離等の、案件組成段階からDay1以降までを含む、M&Aのライフサイクル全体に渡ってのアドバイザリー業務
Yuhi Samejima
Consulting -
Job number: JN -072024-129794 Posted: 2024-09-11
国内有数の外資系コンサルティングファーム8 - 12 million yen Tokyo Accounting & Finance Advisory / Consulting
- Company overview
- We offer a wide range of consulting services, from strategy development to implementation. Our goal is to solve our clients\' business challenges and support sustainable growth. In particular, we leverage industry knowledge and data analysis to drive strategy development and business process improvement. As a leader in technology implementation and digital transformation, we help our clients strengthen their competitiveness. We combine a global perspective with a localized approach to provide the best solutions for our clients\' needs.
- Responsibilities
- ⚫ 国内外におけるM&A 実行サポート
⚫ M&A 戦略の策定支援
⚫ M&A 戦略を実現するための候補先の選定支援
⚫ M&A プロセス管理および付随するアドバイス
⚫ 買収・売却価格、株式交換・移転比率の算定 サポート
⚫ ディール・ストラクチャリングに関する総合的アドバイス
⚫ 各種条件交渉に関するアドバイス
Yuhi Samejima