BRS Consultant
Airi Mochizuki
Job number: JN -082024-174271
Posted: 2024-09-11
7 - 10 million yen
Sales & Marketing
Business Development / Sales
Job details
- Company overview
- We are a company that offers a diverse range of products and services, including chemicals, plastics, electronic components, machinery and equipment, and food products. With a long history and based on strong relationships with our customers and partners, we are expanding our business both domestically and internationally. We also focus on technological development and environmental initiatives, actively contributing to the realization of a sustainable society. In a wide range of industrial fields, we are continuously growing to meet the diverse needs of our customers by leveraging our expertise and flexible response capabilities.
- Responsibilities
- 入社~1ケ月後
- 営業に必要な社内システムも含めた一連のワークフローを習得頂き、合わせて弊事業の内容全般をOJT含めて実施
- 1ケ月目~2ケ月後
- 実際に顧客担当を持って頂きながら、合わせて主要商品の材料技術を理解頂く為に1週間程の工場研修実施
- 2ケ月目以降
- 海外現地法人の担当者と共に海外顧客訪問も含め、実戦へと移って頂く
- 中長期的には、弊事業の主要拠点の海外現地法人へ駐在頂き、技術的且つビジネス的にリードできるグローバル人材としてご活躍頂きたいと考えております。
- その先には未来で更なる事業拡大を描いていける経営人材としてもご活躍頂きたいと考えております。
- 入社~1ケ月後
- Requirements
- 海外でビジネスを行えるだけの英語力
- 簿記3級
- The appeal
- Salary
- 7 - 10 million yen
- Location
- Tokyo