BRS Consultant
Emmeline Tang
Supply Chain Management
Job number: JN -022025-184137
Posted: 2025-02-07
5 - 9 million yen
Supply Chain Management
Import / Export
Job details
- Company overview
- We are a specialized motorcycle manufacturer. Based in Japan, we manufacture and sell a range of products including motorcycles, four-wheel vehicles, outboard motors, motorboats, and generators. With a diverse product lineup, we have earned high praise worldwide. Known for our innovative technology and high-quality products, we cater to a wide range of customers across various applications.
- Responsibilities
- 船外機(ボートエンジン)、水上バイク、周辺機器の輸出入業務(社内物流部門や社外海貨企業とのやり取り)
- 生産申込業務(システム利用)
- 予実績管理業務
- データ管理業務
- Requirements
- Excel業務経験
- TOEIC(R)テスト600点以上
- 輸出業務の実務経験者の方
- Salary
- 5 - 9 million yen
- Location
- Shizuoka