BRS Consultant
Emi Iida
Accounting & Finance
Job number: JN -092024-175997
Posted: 2024-12-25
5.5 - 8.5 million yen
Sales & Marketing
PR / Corporate Communications / IR
Job details
- Company overview
We operate under the mission, "Move money forward. Move life even further." We provide financial web services, aiming to alleviate the financial concerns and anxieties of individuals and businesses through the power of technology, and become the "money platform" for everyone.
Our main services include automated household accounting and asset management for individuals, economic media, and a financial product comparison platform. For businesses, we offer cloud services and B2B deferred payment services. Since our establishment, we have been dedicated to resolving financial issues and enriching the lives of our users. - Responsibilities
- 外部評価機関の調査対応により、格付けの向上や指数への選定を目指す
- 非財務指標やサステナビリティ開示についての社内コンセンサスの醸成と開示実務の実施
- 全社方針の策定を担うサステナビリティ委員会の運営(四半期に一度)
- 制度動向・他社動向を踏まえた適切な水準でのサステナビリティ開示方針の検討
- 投資家面談を通じた情報収集と方針の検討
- 会社のミッション達成のための事業外活動の企画、推進
- Requirements
- IR、経営企画、経理財務などの実務経験
- 社内・グループ内の数字やデータを取りまとめた経験
歓迎資格・要件:- サステナビリティ開示業務の経験
- 英語の読み書きに抵抗が無い方(目安:TOEIC600点)
- Salary
- 5.5 - 8.5 million yen
- Location
- Tokyo