Job number: JN -082024-173811 Posted: 2024-09-11


8 - 12 million yen Tokyo Industrial Quality Assurance / Quality Control

Job details

Company overview
We are a company that verifies the safety and conducts evaluations and certifications of products. Our main business includes product safety testing and certification, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing and evaluation, factory inspection, and labeling services. Our mark, with over 110 years of history, is one of the most recognized safety certification marks among consumers in the United States. As new technologies emerge in products, consumer awareness of safety increases. We rigorously check these products and provide evaluations and certifications to ensure consumer safety. We continue to expand into new fields such as fuel cells and solar power generation, anticipating further growth. The mark we provide for certified products is widely adopted by many states and municipalities in the United States, playing a crucial role in product sales. Moreover, this mark is widely recognized by consumers as a symbol of quality and safety, indicating that the product has been recognized for its safety and reliability.
  • 機能安全および関連分野の規格への準拠を求める顧客のために類似規格を含む、安全プロセスおよび関連する安全管理プロセスの開発、レビュー、監査/評価を主導をお任せします。
  • 具体的には担当領域における機能安全や関連分野に関連するトピックの包括的なトレーニングをリードする。
  • 電気工学、自動車工学、コンピュータサイエンス工学、または関連する技術分野における学士号
  • 機能安全分野(ISO26262関連)での6~8年の実務経験をお持ちの方。
  • ビジネスレベルの日本語、英語

  • 機能安全関連の資格をお持ちの方
  • 特にソフトウェア分野での経験をお持ちの方
8 - 12 million yen
Yuya Migita
BRS Consultant
Yuya Migita
Email me directly

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