Job number: JN -072024-167577 Posted: 2024-09-11


5 - 7 million yen Tokyo Supply Chain Management Logistics

Job details

Company overview
We are widely recognized in the food service industry, operating numerous locations both domestically and internationally, and offering a diverse menu that is beloved by customers in each region. From selecting ingredients to preparation, we maintain consistent quality control to ensure high standards of food safety. Additionally, we manage multiple brands to meet the diverse needs of our customers. Furthermore, we are committed to environmental sustainability and responsible business practices, continually striving to fulfill our social responsibilities. Through proactive expansion into new markets and strengthening our existing outlets, we are solidifying our position within the industry. These efforts have garnered trust and satisfaction from our consumers.

  • お取引先との月次請求業務および買掛金の管理業務(請求支払い業務)
  • 当社全体で管理している食材の在庫管理業務
  • 計数管理業務(バイヤーの新規買付、経費の予算管理。予実実績算出。社内で使用しているシステムを使い易くするための当社IT部門との改修窓口)
  • お取引先、DC(物流)、グループ各社への物流管理業務
  • 社員、契約社員、パートの人員マネジメント

  • ■配属先:グループMD本部 業務企画課
  • 流通産業での物流業務(SCM業務)経験者もしくは計数管理業務のご経験(どちらかの経験があれば問題ございません)
  • 組織としての人材管理経験者(マネジメント職経験者)
  • オフィス管理業務経験者
  • 基本的なPC能力(Excel関数:四則演算、IF,Vlook等)

  • ■歓迎要件:
    • 簿記3級をお持ちの方
    • TOEIC(R)テスト700点以上
    5 - 7 million yen
    Emmeline Tang
    BRS Consultant
    Emmeline Tang
    Supply Chain Management
    Email me directly

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