Job number: JN -072024-36305 Posted: 2024-09-11


8 - 10 million yen Tokyo Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance / Quality Control

Job details

Company overview
We are a pharmaceutical company specializing in the development and distribution of treatment drugs for rare diseases. Our goal is to bring smiles and happiness to patients and their families affected by rare diseases. We address challenges such as providing new treatment drugs, ensuring stable supply, improving diagnosis rates, and raising awareness of diseases. Additionally, we aim to expand sales through the handling of long-term listed products and the manufacturing and distribution of pharmaceuticals, ensuring the continued provision of new drugs. Our business includes the maintenance management of manufacturing and sales approvals, pharmaceutical manufacturing and sales operations, and sales management operations.

(2)適合性調査 当局対応
(3)再審査 当局対応(照会事項、再審査報告書対応等)


  • PMS計画立案(実施計画・調査票等作成、EDC活用)、実施管理
  • 委託先(DM、統計・解析等)の管理


  • GPSP対応(SOPのメンテナンス、教育、記録の保存等)
  • 自己点検その他の業務


  • 再審査申請資料作成や適合性調査を主体的に対応した経験
  • 使用成績調査等の計画立案、実施管理等の知識・経験
  • GPSPの理解
  • 理工系大学卒以上

  • 欧米等の海外提携会社との業務経験
  • ITスキルの高い方
  • 統計解析手法について理解がある
  • GVP業務経験
  • 薬剤師資格
  • 組織のリーダーとしての経験がある
  • ビジネス英会話レベル(海外提携会社との折衝を円滑にこなせる)
8 - 10 million yen
Patrick Chang
BRS Consultant
Patrick Chang
Email me directly

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