BRS Consultant
Eiko Kishida
Legal Services
Job number: JN -072024-24697
Posted: 2024-09-11
Compliance, Senior Manager
10 - 12 million yen
Legal & Compliance
Job details
- Company overview
- We specialize in the development and manufacture of air conditioning systems. We primarily provide air conditioning, heating and cooling equipment, and climate control systems for residential and commercial applications. With our high level of technological expertise, we focus on product development with an emphasis on energy efficiency and reducing the environmental impact of our products. Incorporating the latest technologies, we provide innovative solutions for a comfortable indoor environment. We also focus on after-sales service, providing comprehensive support from installation to maintenance. Furthermore, we are actively involved in customizing our products to meet customer needs and introducing new technologies.
- Responsibilities
- 贈収賄、独占禁止法、輸出入規制、企業倫理などのグローバルコンプライアンス基準順守のための活動
- コンプライアンス基準の海外法人に対する導入、モニタリング
- 各国エグゼクティブレベルへのコンプライアンス啓蒙発信
- Requirements
- グローバルに展開する企業でのコンプライアンス業務経験
- 法学部出身
- 高い英語力(交渉、プレゼンなどができるレベル)
- コミュニケーション能力
- Salary
- 10 - 12 million yen
- Location
- Tokyo